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If you had the chance to vote with your tax money?

If your tax form had a list of every program the Federal government spent money on and you could check a box yes or no to fund the program with your taxes, what do you think the result would be?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our founding fathers greatly feared what they called the tyranny of the majority, every bit as much as the more often lauded tyranny of totalitarian rule.

    They set up checks and balances, not just for those in government, but for the people as well, in the form of the electoral college and giving the power to levy taxes to the government.

    Were people allowed to vote on which taxes they wanted to pay, there would be a near unanimous "none" vote. Were they allowed to choose what programs were allowed, only those that fit the needs of a vocal majority would win. It is important, again, to remember that the US is not, and was never intended to be a direct democracy. The founders did not want mob rule and thus we are a democratic republic. (Often also referred to, in the case of the American Democratic Republic, Jeffersonian Democracy as Thomas Jefferson is largely considered to be the most influential individual among many who forged our system) There is much unfounded populist rhetoric about how "this is supposed to be a democracy" and "majority rules" but these are erroneous statements that are not now, nor ever were true of the government created by our founders. The truth of the matter is more complex and requires great depth of study to genuinely understand.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No more NPR and planned parenthood type programs.

    I believe in safety nets but t not the abuse of them

    I believe in the nationa defense

    I believe in continuation of Medicare now that we have it

    I believe in Social Security now that we already have it

    I would not send a dime to the Arab states, China or anywhere that is unfriendly to us.

    I would love to get the chance to alter those by my vote though. Remove disability from Social Security. Being fat is not a disability that would qualify. I want a line item veto. I'm sure that I could find defense cuts also.

  • 8 years ago

    If they listed every program the gov't. spends money on, there'd be no more trees for printing tax forms.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The same as the election. A vote is only as good as the people counting it.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Big cuts in Federal spending

  • Edward
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    DOE the States an towns can run there own schools just fine with out Washington's help.

  • 8 years ago

    Mass confusion, extortion, graft, and corruption.

    So you'd want lobbyists calling you at home to vote for their 'special' program to get funding?

    Or worse yet, strong armed robber barons forcing you to vote for their programs.

    No thanks.

  • We wouldn't fund most of the programs and they would be eliminated. Exactly what we need.

  • ryan
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    No Governement. Nothing would be funded sufficiently.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I would only pay property tax so that I had a road to drive on and public services were paid for.

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