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Why do Americans have so many shootings?

I love my country, but we have crazy people too. And yet we don't have nearly the record of mass shootings as the country south of the border. Why do you suppose that is?


We have four seasons, just like you, and I would imagine it gets just as cold in Wisconsin as it does here. Are you one of those people who come here in July with your skis?

Update 2:

OMG! Everyone thinks Canada is a frozen wasteland. You definitely need to stop the homeschooling. You do know that Alaska is further north than we are, right? We're on the friggin' border people. There are parts of Canada that never even see snow.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because their healthcare system and gun laws are FAR superior to all those dumb countries with gun registries and centralized healthcare (you know, like Canada, Australia, UK, Sweden, etc.). Canada may have more guns per capita (I don't know) but the difference is, our guns are located in the countryside and used for hunting; American guns are everywhere and belonging to anyone.

    And you guys know it goes up to like 30C every summer in southern Canada, right? LOL, some frozen waste land that is!

  • Vortex
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We seem to give shooters some kind of twisted cult status. Movies are made about sickos who do such things. They gain so much media attention that if they were nobodies before, they are somebodies now . The misuse of firearms is also portrayed in movies and television as something exciting or manly. The sickening reality of spattered blood and shattered bodies is never portrayed in a realistic manner. The cowardice of shooting unarmed people is also never portrayed as it is. The soulless individuals who do these things should be forgotten forever but the terror of their deeds should remain as a reminder that we have to improve as a society.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Have you been to the Middle East? I hear they strap bombs to children and send them out in front of soldiers.

    There are down falls to every country. There are tragic events daily every where. America is not the only place.

    ** parrish- Jesus Himself said "God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him." What you have written is NOT Biblical. God did not bring this on America or anyone as judgement. This was a pure act of evil.

  • Dude.....Canada is desolate. It is nothing like the States. I am talking about he MAJORITY of it. There is a tiny, tiny bit of your country that is densely populated, but again, NOTHING like the States.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Partly because America has a larger population, therefore more people to shoot and more people to be killed. It also has a lot to do with the healthcare system, or lack thereof. A lot of insurance doesn't even cover mental health, not to mention the uninsured. We need to make mental health services available for free to anyone who walks in, and we need to put out a massive education effort to get people to go there if they need to.

  • y
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    And you actually have more guns per person then we do. It;s a break down of the morals in this country with many who believe. They have a right to do as they wish regardless of who they hurt. At the root is the breakdown of the family unit along with the breakdown of our educational systems.

  • 8 years ago

    The availability of guns has a large role to play.

    If I decided to go nuts in a shopping center in the UK my choice of weapon is a knife only.

    Which you need to be close to the victim to use, so you would only kill 2 or 3 people at most before someone tackles you...

    Whereas with guns, you can be far away, which means you can kill dozens as no one can get close enough to attack you.

    And the fact that people with mental health issues have no where to go unless they are rich.

    Here in the UK we have free health care, so our crazy people are helped back to sanity or are locked up free of charge until they are sane...or forever if they never stop being a danger

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God is allowing this to happen because the U.S. has turned away from God. unless we turned back as a nation,worse things than this will happen. prayer and Bible reading was taken out of public school back in 1963 was a HUGE mistake. the America people vote for leaders who believe in killing babies,for leaders who believe in gay it any wonder that things like this happens. any leader,state,local,or national,that believes abortion or gay marriage should be run out of office and replace with a TRUE believer in JESUS CHRIST.

  • 8 years ago

    People who need mental heath services can't afford it.

    You guys have better beer too.

    And poutine. It must be the poutine. Keeps you sane.

  • Bella
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Larger overall population, nicer weather, etc. I don't imagine a kid would venture out in -20C weather to shoot someone.

    It is a frozen wasteland, that's why we said you could have it. To talk more about ignorance, please refer to your original question. Bottom line, you don't have statistics to prove that there are more shootings here or not. We're just more newsworthy.

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