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will republicans learn from Palin and Ryan?

to me Romney was similar to McCain in some regard. both had trouble getting the republican base excited. both had a history of being more moderate, but when running for president each courted the far right. also the lack of excitment is why they picked the V.P they did

Palin instantly grew excitment from the base and the far right. but this came at a huge cost to moderates who were on the fence. Ryan was picked for the same was his pick of ryan that drove the woman vote even more to obama.but the base and the tea party loved Ryan.

so will the republicans in 2016 make the same mistake of picking someone to excite and please the far right that will drive everyone else away? or will they pick someone that can bring moderates and the far right together?

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope, Republicans refuse to evolve because they don't believe in it and will soon go extinct. If they really were serious about having their political party "win" they wouldn't have made a last minute rule change which scrapped Ron Paul from getting nominated.

    Pure and simple the problem with this country is that we don't have Republican problems or Democrat problems, we have American problems and it is about time our politicians started treating that way rather than trying to get their party to win while trying to drag the other party through the mud. There needs to be more bipartisanship if we want to get anywhere in this country. Bills should be viewed for what they are, either good ideas or bad ideas, not Republican bills or Democratic bills. It is time to decide things based on the common good.

    The Republicans fail to operate this way and have alienated pretty much everyone but the extremists. If a Republican presents a bill, they are all for it, but if a Democrat presents a bill they will filibusterer it and vote against it and then blame the Democrats for not getting anything done. Once a Republican becomes president the bill is then voted in and all the credit and glory goes to them for passing a bill that they voted against under a Democratic president. It is very counter productive and does not benefit the common good.

  • 8 years ago

    The republicans are a talented group. They have been making a lot of stupid mistakes lately. Mitt Romney was not a good competitor. He had a very liberal record. He would constantly flip flop. His V.P was way smarter than him. Even though Mitt Romney went to Harvard and etc, Ryan knew about math. Ryan would lie about the Janesville G.M plant.

    Palin is just a plain idiot. She was a redneck. John Mccain thought he would get women voters.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't think the VP pick has that much weight on an election (although Palin might be an exception) as a rule, as long as the Presidential candidate is carrying the weight of the party.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    human beings interior the U. S. seem continuously slumbering, you adult males shop questioning that Democratic or Republican partys have ideology and human beings communicate approximately ameliorations and actual ineffective issues like that, human beings from the U. S. are so ruled by massive media and you provide various credibility to what they say, you at the instant are not determining that they are employing you as a criminal framework to invade sovereign international places to scouse borrow their oil and water. Republicans and Democratics are the comparable.. the two want conflict and sell US invasion to sovereign international places yet make up by asserting: Democrats helps GAYS and Abort and Republicans do not. and Republicans LOVE u . s . a . and u . s . a . must be the POLICE of international and Democrats do not. fairly ineffective arguments like those. i'm not telling you to kill, to destabilize or something, merely awaken!

  • 8 years ago


    We wanted a woman in office and a man who knows the economy, so we will probably surprise you next time as well.

    Tell me about Joe Biden for a while.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Lack of excitement didn't drive people away from the right side. It was the media, ignorance, and because the libs weren't promised welfare.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You mean will they learn that he VP is supposed to balance the ticket, not pull it further from the middle?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You bet they will... Republicans, are actually know, from learning from their past, then doubling down, on it... Just as facts, & fact checkers, still mean nothing... Possibly, even more so,,, now....

  • 8 years ago

    -If They DON'T, They're not going to get Anyone of Their OWN in the White House- any time Soon !! :o

    Source(s): ( A "Word" to the Deaf, Dumb, & Blind...)
  • ppe
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    no you can not fixed stupid

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