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So who agree's with LaPierre on the blame part of this?

I read in the paper something about LaPierre (head of the NRA, I probably spelled his name wrong so my apologies) shifting the blame from guns to violent video games and slasher movies. Maybe I was a little hyped on painkillers (had some surgery recently) but I'm pretty sure that's what it said.

If this is untrue feel free to correct me. If not, do you agree that it's violent video games and slasher movies that makes psycopathic criminal shooters?

Note that I do agree with LaPierre on having a police presence in school, I just don't agree with him on where these shootings are coming from.

Asking this in hunting because at the end of the day it isn't the politicians who know about guns, it's us.

11 Answers

  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Many schools in the US have police officers assigned to them aren't they the same as armed guards.....

    In a not perfect world only the good guys would turn in their guns and we would be helpless and at the

    mercy of the bad guys.Too bad we will never know if a police officer was assigned to that school how many lives could he have saved. Drugs and drunk driving have been against the law for years and that does not help.

    We could use the money we give to countries that hate us,our children are more important!!

  • Jeff
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    what passes as entertainment is pretty de sensitizing now days. The trend has been in place- and the content is more revolting every year.

    I can see how the things La Pierre spoke of would be a concern - after all we have been talking about this kind of stuff for 40 years.

    The speech spoke about the 1,000's of retired military and LEO people who could be of help to the community...and the training the NRA provides to Law Enforcement agencies... I'd expect the School Sheild Program to even propose training for Staff and teachers if a School Board went that route.

    I have heard that program spun in the media as "putting a cop in every school" but I'd expect the totality of the proposal to be more than that.

    Shifting blame from guns? The gun has no ability to do anything without a human to control it. A mentally ill person who has fed his mind on trash --- no telling where he got his ideas from, eh?

    I have watched movies over the years that were a primer on how do do some of the things we see in violent society ...and La Pierre took those who produce such media to task. Those Hollywood types are often the most vocal about disarming the law abiding.

  • 8 years ago

    The problem is that you are dealing with the skinny end of the distrubtion on sanity. Could it have been slasher movies and violent video games that tipped this one guy to that? Who knows? Clearly he was mentally disturbed - that sort of implies that a sane reaction to a situation probably can't be expected.

    Are they going to turn you into that person? Seems pretty unlikely - violence in general has gone down in the era of video game violence, and better special effects. Go back and watch Taxi Driver, or hell, Bedknobs and Broomsticks with your kids and sort out the explanations about war, and the German soldiers shooting at the cute kids, or the cartoon violence. That movie was made in the '50s.

    He was an outlier. That's what they ALL are. Outliers, that idiot in Colorado, the dude in Oregon. In fact all the way back to Mark David Chapman for my era - the guy who killed John Lennon to become famous.

    So, trying to create a society that's built around making rules to deal with outliers is in itself - crazy, but that's what the anti anyone want's to do because they are giving up nothing for themselves only making other people give something up.

    Go ahead and argue that cell phone users need to give up their cell phones in Federal buildings because some nut job could modify the high energy lithium battery to explode - the new Droid Razr Max has a 3,000 milli amp battery - you could absolutely kill someone with that.

    To try and do that would be insane though ... you know an outlier.


  • august
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    He makes a valid point, but he's also not JUST blaming video games and movies.

    Yes, to some extent, video games and movies influence people. Ever watched a scary movie and gotten scared afterwards due to some strange noise that was actually nothing out of the ordinary? Ever find yourself cussing up a storm because you just hung out with a bunch of people who curse like sailors?

    What goes in MUST come out. What you feed yourself, whether food or drink or media, will come out at some point. And like food or drink, media often comes back out in ways that aren't suitable for public consumption.

    Of course, like anyone who has half a brain, I'd wager that LaPierre knows that personal responsibility is important. It's the INDIVIDUAL who makes the choice. Their environment influences them, but when it comes down to it, it's the person.

  • dumdum
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You quoted him right...and he is totally right...not everyone is effected by violent games...or movies...but those that have problems, are actually programming their brains to act out the violence they love so much in video games.

    Brainwashing is a fact...the power of suggestion is a fact....the power of advertising is a fact. People can become what they think...what they least some of them do.

    For proof about the power of innocent advertising look at what it did for the worst selling cigarette in the country....Pall Mall....the changed their name to Marlboro and launched a massive advertising blitz....made you look to be a he-man cowboy if you smoked Marlboro.....and turned it into the best selling cigarette on the market

  • 8 years ago

    I do think that people have became more immune to violence due to the graphic content of video games and movies.

    But IMO, I think it's mainly due to the fact that there are no longer consequences to bad behavior anymore. Society is allowed to act accordingly, without having to take the blame!

  • 8 years ago

    It’s a fact people react to what they see differently. So while some kids can watch violent movies and videos they don’t have a desire to act out those horrible events. But some kids and adults who suffer from different types of mental illness can get so into it they become obsessed about acting out the violence.. I could prove this to you with some 6 year old boys. Show them a violent movie they like and after its over they are trying martial art moves on each other and mimicking killing each other. Lots of kids do that but they aren’t actuality trying to kill. But when you see one in the group who freaks out and really tries to hurt the others and is difficult to stop because hes in frenzy that’s the one that could be dangerous later on. The silent types who get violent, smiles when he hurts others and is obsessed with killing. His room may be a display of carnage and murder in posters. When people meet someone like this they need to speak up to the authorities. Try to get them some help and do not provide them with guns, knives or kaboom things. I have met a few grown men I had to do that with. Some refused help and I told them to get lost then because I didn’t want them around my family or friends. A few got help and will never be able to legally own a gun ever. But you see we the public must get involved. Its not up to us to diagnose their problem or ‘fix’ it nope we just head them in the right direction so they can get help.

    I have seen adult men play a video game loose, smash the game unit, the TV and go on a rampage hitting people. This is mental illness and what he was referring to.

    And dozens of experiments have proven super bloody sick content video games and movies program kids to like it and it makes them numb to the horror of it. Esp when they are at a very young age they dont need to play some of the games at age 3 or 5 when its made for 18 and over. It screws up their minds as their brain develops.

  • 8 years ago

    * Yes depending on the person, or individual who is viewing, or participating in these violent video games, or violent movies etc.* They can be influenced to actually act out, or strike out against others violently by inflicting severe bodily injury, by wounding, crippling, maiming, or killing themselves or others.* It basically can act as a trigger, or solution for them to act out violently against themselves or others.*...Its also important and relevant as to whether they identify themselves with the bad guy, or good guy in the material they are viewing.*

    Source(s): * Run like a Deer.*...............Fly like an Eagle.*~~
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    No, I do not. That is almost as ridiculous as blaming guns for it. If you honestly can't differentiate between video games and real life, and most people can, you should not play those games. There should be cops in schools.

    Source(s): not..
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I think what he was trying to say is, its not just guns that are to blame for this shooting, you know, its a complex thing.

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