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what happen to the good days where we thank our president for the service he has done? instead we just bash?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    And what happened to open the door for the old people, helping them cross the street, while carrying their groceries, all year long. Not just on Christmas. Stopping to help someone when they need it even when you are in a hurry, paying a dang dollar for someones dollar burger when you know they don't have a dang pot to piss in and they are trying to feed 5 kids with it. Shoveling your neighbors steps and driveway even though they don't like you. bringing some extra fish over to that same neighbor, fresh fish still floppin around or maybe even clean it for them. with fresh smoked sausage hot out of the smoker. sharpen the neighbors lawn mower blades and give the mower a tune up, then cut their grass all year for them. Bring the neighbor homemade caramel corn, fresh wild-berry jam, fresh canned tomatoes, wash and buff their car. offer the paint the fence, both sides. if you see a tree fall, cut it up and haul it away. sweep their driveway after a wind. volunteer some of your time. Need a list? There are tons of clubs that help people, many of the members are older people. They need newer members. It seems many people don't appreciate and just expect. The kids need to learn about some of these values. Work for free? for what? why? many people working together works well. It seems everyone is fighting everything. lead by example. idk maybe the positive attitude, caring gestures, and consideration will catch on.

  • 8 years ago

    Seems even Republicans, were singing pretty high praise, of Clinton... During the campaign... But its necessary to keep in mind,, Republicans impeached the guy, when he was in office... For the possibility, of him getting a little honey, on his stinger... Some say, it was no more than inserting a cigar... Strange, kill people by the thousands, that's okay... Add a little sex, to the scenario, your screwed in more ways, than one... Any more, even Republican Generals, aren't Immune...

    I don't know, you tell me... Seems one party is only thinking in terms, of the very few percent, & the masses... Need to get along as best they can... Its obvious, they're only thinking of they're own wallet, & the power, they have, & can get.... Its also obvious, there's always been those, that simply aren't patriots... But it really sucks... If one, or several, gets elected, to a powerful political set...

  • JC
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It seems to me there has always been a pretty good amount of President bashing in the press, but Presidents of the past also seemed to enjoy higher regard and treatment among the public. Part of that is the decline in common decency, so prevalent here at Yahoo Answers and elsewhere on line, but it is also-in my experience-more prevalent in the general public...and not just in terms of treatment of the President, but just in general.

    With Presidents and politicians, however, the lack of decency has been fueled by the media, always looking for a good scandal, and other politicians, who are by and large a backbiting bunch of partisan hacks who will say whatever they feel will help them gain and maintain power whether it is true or not. This is both in response to and feeds the increasing dearth of decency among the masses.

    Perhaps the protests of the 1960s encouraged people to speak out more and surrender their manners to their emotions, but if I were to pick a moment in time to mark the beginning of the failure of respect for the office of the President of the United States in this modern age I would have to give the nod to Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. You can blame Nixon himself for his actions, the press through Woodward and Bernstein, or the way the Democrats jumped on the scandal and contributed to Nixon's downfall, but I think that's when it really started...after Nixon was out, the Republicans wanted revenge and things went downhill from there.

    It's a very disgusting situation we're in now. The current pack of politicians-headlined at this moment by the Republicans-is the most distasteful bunch of hacks I've ever seen in office.

  • 8 years ago

    He is burying the United States in debt very literally. His plan to raise taxes $800 billion over 10 years achieves nothing because he refuses to cut spending. We will still have over $1 trillion in deficits per year for the next 4 years yet he is making this a make or break discussion and people just look at the shiny object he has presented as making the tax code fair. How absurd. Its almost laughable if it wasn't so hideous to the future of this nation. We need pro growth policies, not higher taxes. We need to trim the budget, not find more ways to spend.

  • 8 years ago

    If the president would actually SERVE his nation, we could have something to thank him for. The current president hasn't done anything to SERVE his country. He's only in it for the posh vacations and the power. He has no intention of helping anyone. As seen by the last four years of NON SERVICE.

    Or perhaps you don't know the definition of the word "service".

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That probably never happened. There have always been an 'us' vs 'them' in politics. However, instant news, cable news, blogs, the internet etc has made things uglier.

  • 8 years ago

    We still do that...when it happens.

    Any President who can be "bashed" by the facts, deserves it. Or more to the point, we as a country deserve better than that.

  • 8 years ago

    back then, we had presidents who would lead, and not force ridiculous failed radical socialist policy on us, like obama has with the cornhusker kickback and five trillion in new mindless liberal spending.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Republicans will never bow to the antichrist after all we are the party of God unlike the democRATS who are godless.

  • 8 years ago

    Was that before we got that black bastard in the white house that had never lead anything in "his" life, golfs constantly, and when "he" can squeeze it into his golfing and party schedule, takes extravagant vacations with his beard on our dime? Might that be it?

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