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would this be a accurate suggestion from the big bang believers?..?

a particle went bang..then formation created and everything evolved...wouldnt that be the same as a hurricane blowing through a junkyard and creating a 747?


dream..when matter changes degrades not forms a intelligent formation

Update 2:

i think i may have read more than u guys but i left with more questions than answers but you guys can only insult and not have a normal conversation

Update 3:

no chance..human i am...when put the arguments together that u learn in SCHOOL..u use them arguments..and putting the science on both sides...creations win sky high!..i was just getting others to see the difference in science...which one makes more sense

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, it's not the same at all.

    FYI... the first person to propose the concept of the "big bang" was a Catholic priest/physics professor Msgr. Georges Lamaitre -- not an atheist.

    ALso, it refers to an EXPANSION, not an explosion.

    Quantum particles "pop" into and out of existence in our space/time continually. If you want to understand it, ask in the science section, or Google. Ignorance is not attractive.

    Genesis 1 - 11 are allegories, and not even originally Hebrew. All but the fringe fundamentalist cults understand that. The Bible is not a science textbook. It's a spiritual guide.

    "Let there be light" = "big bang" -- metaphorically speaking, what's the difference?

    Source(s): Educated Christian
  • 8 years ago

    wouldnt that be the same as a hurricane blowing through a junkyard and creating a 747?

    - Only for 6 year olds in Jesus camp. The big bang came from the collapse of an entire universe.

    when matter changes degrades not forms a intelligent formation

    - It degrades only in your mind, energy is energy, which also all matter.

    but you guys can only insult and not have a normal conversation

    - You make absurd pre-conclusions supported by nothing more than a need to support your simplistic paradigm and wonder why you are insulted. I would love to have a "normal conversation" with someone of faith, but the prerequisite of a person of faith is that they have pre-conclusions supporting their paradigm regardless of its validity.

    putting the science on both sides...creations win sky high!

    - There cannot be science on the side of creation since there is no science in creation. Magic does not win unless you can prove magic, which has yet to be done.

    .i was just getting others to see the difference in science...which one makes more sense

    - You begin with a fundie fantasy- a particle went bang - and think it science, it is nothing but the simplistic musings of some one who either cannot or refuses to think.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The argument about the Big Bang or Evolution being similar to a hurricane blowing through a junkyard resulting in a 747 was actually made by the atheist and Darwinist Fred Hoyle. He created the argument for the precise purpose of knocking it down. Creationists don't think deeply enough to think of an argument like this because if they did, they wouldn't be Creationists. Anyway, if you want the response to this argument, there is a good summary of it in chapter 4 of Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion".

    And just some advice, so you don't come off sounding so stupid to those of us who have heard the same nonsense over and over again from creationists. 1) Try finding some new arguments, you know ones that weren't refuted decades ago. 2) Try coming up with your own arguments rather than ripping off rationalists

  • Fitz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yeah, if you wanted to be wrong and make yourself look foolish that would be accurate thing to say.

    It will never case to amaze me the people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about act like an authority on a subject.


    Okay since you think you've read "more than us" I will at least give you the correct information. The big bang was not a particle, and it didn't bang. It was a singularity that underwent a sudden and drastic expansion to form the universe. The massive amount of energy produced caused high energy particle collisions that led to the formation of the basic elements such as hydrogen, helium, and lithium. This manner of matter creation is something we can demonstrate in particle colliders. Hydrogen, and helium are the ingredients for star which formed due to accretion from gravity. The stars then created the rest of the heavier elements. These elements led to planet formation, only them did abiogenesis and evolution come into play.

    The origin of the singularity and the spark of abiogenesis are still mysteries to science which is why we study them. 200 years ago we didn't even have light bulbs, so cracking the two biggest mysteries in science might take a while. Your shallow , incorrect, arrogant, and condescending analogy only illustrates that you have very little understanding of physics and quantum theory. So when your done giving your amateur synopsis I suggest you pick up a book, learn the subjects, and then rty yo refute them when you actually know what you're talking about. In actuality, falsifying our current notions is a big part of science. Sadly, you falsified nothing and made yourself look bad while insulting people with intelligence that actually bother to learn something about the universe around rather than mocking it in favor of arcane bronze age beliefs.

    Have a nice day.

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  • 8 years ago

    According to the Big Bang theory, all planets and moons were produced from the same explosion and should generally have the same or similar motions……….

    1) They should all spin in the same direction, but Venus, Uranus and Pluto actually spin backward from the other planets!

    2) The almost 200 moons should orbit the planets in the same direction, but more than 30 moons orbit backward! Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have moons orbiting in both directions!

    3) The moons should be orbiting about the equatorial plane of their planets, but many, including the Earth’s moon, have highly inclined orbits.

    4) The sun should have 700 times more angular momentum than the planets but actually the planets have 50 times more angular momentum than the sun.

    The Big Bang theory is known to have major flaws……..

    1) How could anything escape the gravitational force produced by concentrating all the mass of the entire universe into a single point?

    2) Distant galaxies are observed to be accelerating away from us, but the Big Bang theory predicts that they should be decelerating.

    3) Big Bang theory cannot explain the amount of helium in the universe.

    4) Big Bang theory violates the law of conservation of energy.

    5) Big Bang theory says that NOTHING exploded. Huh?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not a hurricane, billions of small storms. And the 747 would need to be biological

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    You have no idea what you're talking about. If you've actually read anything on either topic you most certainly did not retain enough to give even a rudimentary overview. You would fail a biology and cosmology course.

  • 8 years ago

    Perhaps i'm simplifying it too much, people with a clearer head please few free to do a better job.

    I think a better analogy would be a glass bottle filled with soapy water falling and crashing on the ground , producing bubbles and foam.

  • 8 years ago

    Matter is neither created, nor is it destroyed, it just changes states. There are very specific causes and conditions for the formation of life, and for the formation of the planets, etc. Just because we don't understand all of it, does not make God the default answer.

  • 8 years ago

    Please take some time to acquaint yourself with The Big Bang Theory, you might start by actually reading it...

    Wow, you stick your foot in your mouth and now you are chewing toward your hip..

    Please continue get all your ignorance and stupid out there at once..

    You may have indeed read more than I have but alas your statements make it clear the subject you were reading about was not The Big Bang Theory..

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