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Help with history homework?

OK I've been at this homework for a while and I'm getting a headache I've saved history for last and there's a couple questions I can't answer please help :P

transaction that ceded Hong Kong to the British (3 words)

Caudillo who ended era of reform

Chinese rebels who fought against foreign privilege

Revolutionary fighting for land and liberty (2 words)

Roosevelts extensions to the Monroe doctrine

Emperor who began modernization of Japan

Policy protecting american trade in China (2 words)

Mexican freedom fighter against Spain (2 words)

Its for a crossword puzzle I stink at crossword puzzles which is why I cant figure it out please help I don't care if your answering all the question a few or just one o just need some help with it thank you all

2 Answers

  • J. J..
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I second Jacinta. If you need crossword help, you must provide those details. If you can't complete the answers and have the number of letters in the answer, think how much more difficult it is for us, without this detail. Take my answers as possibles as obviously there could be alternatives!

    Roosevelts extensions to the Monroe doctrine : almost certainly the ROOSEVELT COROLLARY

    Policy protecting american trade in China "probably" OPEN DOOR (policy)

    Mexican freedom fighter against Spain "probably" MIGUEL HIDALGO

    Chinese rebels who fought against foreign privilege : BOXERS

    transaction that ceded Hong Kong to the British : TREATY OF NANKING

  • 8 years ago

    As always with crossword questions, can you specify the number of letters? Do you have any letters already? For instance:

    • Emperor who began modernization of Japan - could be MEIJI - but could several others too.

    • Revolutionary fighting for land and liberty (2 words) ... is this a movement? A person's description? His/her name?


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