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i am a hamster person and i love to play claw at the store

  • did someone hack my iphone?

    ok so im wondering can someone hack your iphone? me and my mother both have iphones on one apple account along with a few ipods. So recently someone has hacked into my apple account and spent over 300 dollars on my apple account which is connected to my moms bank account but i also noticed that my moms imessage hasnt been working andher phone has been moving really slow and freezing alot and her email hasnt been working either and the purchases are all on games she plays on her phone. my mom hardly ever uses her phone though and the purchases arent being purchased on her game account so we know its not her doing it on accident. we wouldnt even have noticed if the money didnt depleat so fast on her bank card yesturday. so i was wondering could someone have hacked into my moms phone? and how did they do that, also how can i get it off. oh yeah and my moms never jail broken her phone or anything and we both have the iphone 4.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • What should I do about this?

    Ok so here is my problem. There's this guy I really love and he tells me he loves me too but he has a girlfriend he even told me he loves me more than her (they have only been together for like three weeks). We hang out all the time but I always end up being upset afterwards because his girlfriend keeps textin his phone and he doesn't want me texting anyone. So I told him we couldn't hang out anymore then he kept trying to talk things out with me and it was upsetting me so I told him we can talk when he doesn't have a girlfriend. But now I can't sleep I don't feel like eating I just want to lay in my bed and cry but

    I don't want to admit that to him what do I do.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Can I dye my guinea pig?

    Can I dye my guinea pigs fur with pet dye or gel food dye? Also will her fur ever be white again? Please I don't want any comments saying I'm a horrible person I just want to know and I don't want to do anything to my animals that will hurt them which is why I'm asking.

    4 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Is it ok for her to use for a while?

    Is it ok for my hamster to use a wheel that's a little to small or her until I can get her bigger one in a week or two. I don't have a wheel for her and I feel horrible that she can't run around and my cousin sat on her ball and broke it. Is it ok for a little while. Or should I just leave the wheel out of her cage until I get her a big one. By the way she is a syrian she's a month and a couple days old if that will help with anything.

    4 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • How can I fix this phone case?

    I bought a two piece snap on clear case for my iPhone 4 and it either won't snap on all the way or it will get stuck on my phone. I really need it fixed because I was supposed to be making a bling phone case with it but with the fact that I have to pry it off I don't want to make the case and then mess it up prying it on and off my phone. How can I make the snaps easier to put on an off my phone without breaking my phone or the case?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Can I use PayPal without a credit card?

    So my question is can I use PayPal without putting a credit card on the account. I run a phone case business, I sell bling and decoden phone cases I have a store envy and a PayPal account but I don't have a credit card I can set it up on. Can people still pay me on my Paypal account if I don't have a credit card on it. I get alot of people wanting to purchase phone cases but I'm not sure if I can without the PayPal account someone help please and thanks

    If you would like to check out my phone cases

    Instagram @ibling_


    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Why is my adult dog suddenly peeing in the house?

    Ok I know I shouldn't be mad at my dog but at the moment I am beyond angry. I have had my dog for 4 years and she has never once peed in the house. She tells me when she has to go outside usually by wining or waiting by the kitchen door. She walked my room tonight and peed right in the middle of my floor and was looking at me right as she did it. She has never down this before. I don't know why she would do that but I found poo and pee on my carpet this morning too. She never uses the bathroom in the house. I figured it could be something around her but nothing's changed no new pets no new neighbors none of our neighbors have gotten pets I still take her for walks everyday she is outside most of the day. I just don't understand why she would do this. Can someone help?? I don't want to be angry with my dog but I don't want her making a mess of my floor. I didn't yell at her or anything she just peed and ran to my parents room. I just don't know what to do.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Fashion emergency help!!!?

    Ok so my sisters walking the stage in two hours I have to pick up a cake get a shower get dressed and all that before I go and drive 45 minutes so I have an hour and my pants are a size to big and won't stay up and I have no belts how can I solve this delema someone please help I need a quick fix.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • are cloths getting smaller or am i getting bigger?

    ok so here is my delema. i have always been a big girl ive never been small. ive been the same size for the last two years ive always worn a size 22 and ive gotten taller but i did gain a tiny bit of weight but i still fit all my cloths fine. so ive been wearing my same basic wardrobe but i had plans to dinner last night with my family to go to a fancy restuarunt for my sisters birthday. i went shopping with my mom and NONE of the cloths fit me so i tired on 24 and 26 sized jeans and even they didnt feet but i know darn well i dont wear a 26 because all of my cloths are 22!! and 2X and 3X shirts. most of the cloths i own ive had for over a year though so i wanted something new. so i came home upset crying because im fat and gaining weight but the pants i wore to dinner are a 21/22!! and the jeans im wearing now are also 21/22 so i really dont understand. am i just getting really fat or are cloths just getting really small. all the jeans in my wardrobe are 22 and maybe one size 24 for that time of the month. i know i couldnt possibly wear a 22 one minute then a 28 next??? im lost and upset that i cant go shopping, i went to three different stores and couldnt find anything. also does anyone know any online plus sized stores that arent over the top expensive i can shop at, im going to need new pant eventually haha.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • History Crossword puzzle help?

    i have two answer on a crossword puzzle i cannot figure out can anyone help??

    im on chapter 18: The Colonies Become New Nations in World History if it helps

    1. Group fighting for independence in Sri Lanka ( 6 letters)

    2. National political party of India (8 letters)

    1. _ _ _i_ _

    2. _ _ n _ _ _ _ s


    5 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • I need this book where can I get it?

    I cannot find Unhinged By Charlotte Hughes anywhere does anyone know where I can order it or pick up a copy. I have the other three books in the series and I've read them all and I really want to read the next one but it seems every place I look they are sold out.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • why did this hurt my feelings so badly?

    so let me start from the beginning, this guy moved in my neighborhood about 3 years (2010 or so) agoand every since then ive had a crush on him, hes goregous, the most beautiful human being i ever did lay eyes on (im being a tad dramatic but he really is goregous) anyway ive had a crush on him for a very long time and about two years ago my friend down the street told me his name and i used to yell hi to him down the street, i did this maybe six or seven times. anyway on my birthday of 2011 i belive my cousin told him it was my birthday and he said happy birthday to me (i almost died by the way, im really shy around guys) so anywhos i hadent really talked to him ever again after that and then in 2012 i tried to start a conversation with him and he didnt reply. so last month some time i messaged him again in the hopes maybe he would reply and he didnt. so today i saw him and it just interested me to know why he hated me so much. so i went on facebook and asked him if i said something wrong to him or something and he said no why so i told him that he ignores me and kind of brushes me off when i try and be friendly, and his reply was im wayy too young so i told him im not that much younger than him and i just want to be friends and he read the message and never replied. hes only 3 years older than me which to me isnt that big of a difference but i dont know. but anyway after that i ended up crying because it hurt my feelings and upset me and i dont know why because i know he didnt mean it that way. (btw im 16 hes 19)

    can someone explain to me what i should do. and why it hurt my feelings so badly. has anyone else had a problem like this. any suggestions for me. thanks. also please no rude comments

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • help need ASAP please?

    ok ive been stuck on these biology questions for like an hour and i need help.

    1. differentiate the roles of the fungus and the alga (also called cyanobacterium) in lichens

    2. Speculate about the importance of harmful fungi in ecosystems

    3.contrast saprophytic , parasitic, and mutualistic fungi

    4. what is lichen? include the term symbiotic in your answer

    i have been searching through my text book and cant find anything hopefully someone can help since its due tomorrow :P please help thank you

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Where do I start with this?

    Ok so, I'm 15 and I'm in homeschool and I need something to do with my time and my mom had the idea that I could make blinged and decoden phone cases sinse I like making them and I can make a little bit of extra money doing it but my question is where do I start?? Does anyone know where I can get a good deal on the stuff to make them?

    1 AnswerSmall Business8 years ago
  • Please help me with this?

    OK so yesterday I took all my saving to buy my dad an iPhone for my parents twentieth anniversary and I bought it off craigslist and its not reported stolen or anything but the phone is still on its still activated with Verizon and I contacted the seller and he won't turn the phone of therefore I cannot turn it on on my account so is there anything I can do to get it turned off or something I was going to sell it to someone who fixes phone but now I can't because nobody will buy it from me for more than 70 dollars and I spent 150 and I really need the money back or the phone on.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How can I talk my parents into it?

    Ok so I really want a tattoo jus a small one but my mom says I'm too young since I'm gonna be 16 in September I would like to get one how could I talk her into letting me and my dad is really strict too please no rude comments

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • How is this even possible?

    So about three weeks ago I had to block one of my friends from my phone because they where sending me rude texts and just talking down to me and I was tierd of it. I blocked the number and yesturday they text me phone this long message and I thought at first maybe they changed there number by like one number but I looked on my Verizon account online and it says that the number has been blocked and the block won't be up until April 17,2013 I made sure it was te right number and it was so I'm extremely confused on how they are texting me. Does anyone know how they are doing it

    Oh yeah and I have an iPhone and I have Verizon service and they also have an iPhone if that helps

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Is my hamster ever going to be the same again?

    Ok so my hamster climbed out of her aquarium last night and was out all night and day today she came under my door at about twelve am and I put her in a more secure cage now she's running around like crazy and chewing everything and running around and trying to find a way out and scaling her screen lid like monkey bars and she's scaring me I'm afraid she will never be herself again she used to be calm and quiet and now she won't sit still and I'm worried. Please someone let me know the thanks

    3 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Does my mom have OCD?

    Ok this is a really wierd questions but my mom is obsessed with charging things she constantly has my laptop and hers plugged in in fear it will die she over charges her phone and she goes nowhere without a charge or could it be OCD or is she just going over board with charging stuff it just is really wierd please answer and please don't be rude.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Help with history homework?

    OK I've been at this homework for a while and I'm getting a headache I've saved history for last and there's a couple questions I can't answer please help :P

    transaction that ceded Hong Kong to the British (3 words)

    Caudillo who ended era of reform

    Chinese rebels who fought against foreign privilege

    Revolutionary fighting for land and liberty (2 words)

    Roosevelts extensions to the Monroe doctrine

    Emperor who began modernization of Japan

    Policy protecting american trade in China (2 words)

    Mexican freedom fighter against Spain (2 words)

    Its for a crossword puzzle I stink at crossword puzzles which is why I cant figure it out please help I don't care if your answering all the question a few or just one o just need some help with it thank you all

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago