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why did this hurt my feelings so badly?
so let me start from the beginning, this guy moved in my neighborhood about 3 years (2010 or so) agoand every since then ive had a crush on him, hes goregous, the most beautiful human being i ever did lay eyes on (im being a tad dramatic but he really is goregous) anyway ive had a crush on him for a very long time and about two years ago my friend down the street told me his name and i used to yell hi to him down the street, i did this maybe six or seven times. anyway on my birthday of 2011 i belive my cousin told him it was my birthday and he said happy birthday to me (i almost died by the way, im really shy around guys) so anywhos i hadent really talked to him ever again after that and then in 2012 i tried to start a conversation with him and he didnt reply. so last month some time i messaged him again in the hopes maybe he would reply and he didnt. so today i saw him and it just interested me to know why he hated me so much. so i went on facebook and asked him if i said something wrong to him or something and he said no why so i told him that he ignores me and kind of brushes me off when i try and be friendly, and his reply was im wayy too young so i told him im not that much younger than him and i just want to be friends and he read the message and never replied. hes only 3 years older than me which to me isnt that big of a difference but i dont know. but anyway after that i ended up crying because it hurt my feelings and upset me and i dont know why because i know he didnt mean it that way. (btw im 16 hes 19)
can someone explain to me what i should do. and why it hurt my feelings so badly. has anyone else had a problem like this. any suggestions for me. thanks. also please no rude comments
2 Answers
- Anonymous8 years agoFavorite Answer
you should know that he probably didnt intent to hurt your feelings. he just feels like he's to old for you no matter how many years. if you guys were ever in a relationship he would most likely feel wrong about it cos he'll probably feel like he may be taking advantage. & dont worry you'll get over him he's just a crush after all. (: & you should cut him some slack hes just looking out for the both of you, its illegal to date a minor if your over the age of 18. (: find someone your age & it'll be like he never excited :)
- Anonymous8 years ago
Ive had the same thing happen to me its the reason why it hurts so bad is that you build so much connections and all of that plus 3 years isnt too young for anybody maybe he just wanted to let you down easliy