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Anonomous A asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

Why is my adult dog suddenly peeing in the house?

Ok I know I shouldn't be mad at my dog but at the moment I am beyond angry. I have had my dog for 4 years and she has never once peed in the house. She tells me when she has to go outside usually by wining or waiting by the kitchen door. She walked my room tonight and peed right in the middle of my floor and was looking at me right as she did it. She has never down this before. I don't know why she would do that but I found poo and pee on my carpet this morning too. She never uses the bathroom in the house. I figured it could be something around her but nothing's changed no new pets no new neighbors none of our neighbors have gotten pets I still take her for walks everyday she is outside most of the day. I just don't understand why she would do this. Can someone help?? I don't want to be angry with my dog but I don't want her making a mess of my floor. I didn't yell at her or anything she just peed and ran to my parents room. I just don't know what to do.

5 Answers

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    First take her to the vet for an exam and urinalysis. Chances are that this is a medical problem - most likely a UTI. If you can collect a sample then do so and take with you. When she squats place a shallow, small container under her and catch. Place in a jar and keep refrigerated until your appointment. If you can't then don't worry. Do not let her go just outside the clinic - call and let them know you are outside and a tech will probably be out to help you...they do this often and it will be a fresh sample also. If an infection the vet will send home antibiotics.

    UTI's can be irritating to the system and she was letting you know when she went in front of you. Do her a great favor and rule this out first.

  • cassey
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If the dog could be very old he could also be having a quandary maintaining himself. First thing you will have to do is take him to the vet to be certain it's nothing organic. If not, walking him for a minimum of a 1/2 hour a day will do wonders. Dogs rebelling if they aren't getting adequate endeavor & people make the mistake of believing if they've a significant backyard this is enough. Puppies need to be walked everyday. Whether it is nonetheless a crisis, and i wager it will not be in case you do both of those matters, you will have to crate your dog at night. A dog is not going to urinate or defecate where they sleep.

  • 8 years ago

    Vet visit, pronto. A dog that suddenly and drastically changes its behavior after four years of consistency needs to be seen by a vet as a medical issue is very likely the cause.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I agree that she may have a UTI or some other health condition going on. When there is a drastic behavior change it may be an indication something is going on. Hopefully it is something easily taken care of & she will get back to normal soon:) Good luck

    Source(s): owner, trainer, breeder
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Chances are she has a UTI. Collect some of her urine and have your vet run an urinalysis. I don't know why she should be poohing indoors as well however.

    Some of this question rings a bell - have your asked this before?

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