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How can you not believe there is need for more gun control?

Obviously there are too many loops in gun control laws..Background checks are obviously ineffective in their current state of practice..but for me I have yet to hear on good justification why a civilian has a need to own any military type assault weapon or extended clips. It's obviously not for hunting and way more than necessary for protection.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe in gun control. I control my breathing, sight alignment, and trigger squeeze.

  • 8 years ago

    You obviously do not know anything about firearms, the Second amendment or a citizen's rights. the Second amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with hunting. That is something that you gun grabbers latched onto, trying to make themselves look like they care. They don't. I have intensively researched the Second Amendment, and can assure you that I never found the words hunting, squirrel, deer or rabbit in any source material. The Second Amendment is solely for defense. As for assault weapons and high capacity magazines. you would be hard-pressed to get your hands on a true assault weapon. If it doesn't offer full auto fire, then it is a civilian semi auto only gun resembling a military weapon. As for high capacity magazines, do you seriously believe only being able to have seven-round magazines would hinder anyone who chose to kill? what color is the sky where you live? Guns are not the problem, it is the criminals using those guns. We have over 20,000 gun laws right now that the criminals ignore. Do you think new laws are going to be obeyed by criminals?

    Source(s): Former deputy sheriff/corporal
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Firing these particular firearms are a sport unto them selves. When the troops came back from WW! everyone wanted Mauser or Springfield bolt action type rifle...and these two are still the basis of most target and hunting rifles today. ALL current bolt action firearms are 'military' rifles using powerful military type ammunition. Today's servicemen and women are most acquainted with the AR and AK type platforms and again they're now basis of much of this country's sport shooting and with a legal five shot magazine the AK platform is legal for deer as it's round is about the same as the 100 year old 30-30 cartridge. The .223 round most used in the AR platform is a very accurate target round and well suited to 'small game' hunting with again the legal five round cartridge.

    The extended magazines are almost never loaded to capacity as it takes a special tool to do so and the weight is a handicap. Lastly, owning firearms is a 'right', it isn't a privilege extended by the state. If you really want to reduce 'violence' deal with the big city drug gangs and the mental cases that at this point the authorities can't deal with because they haven't the legal authority to do anything about until a 'crime has been committed'.

  • 8 years ago

    I'll give you several good reasons!

    1. It's a right given to me by God and by the laws of nature as affirmed in the Declaration of Independence.

    2. Civilians don't have access to military assault weapons. If you're referring to the civilian versions of military weapons, we have the "right" (see 1). We also have the right and duty to protect ourselves against a tyrannical government. Few would argue that this is exactly what's happening in America. For further reference, again, see the Declaration of Independence. Additionally, we have the right to use these weapons in defense against bad guys who have these weapons. Knives were used in murder 8x more than "assualt rifles". If you're truly concerned about this issue, you won't be hypocritical, and you'll move to ban knives first. Do you really want to save lives? Or is this just parroting someone else's agenda?

    3. Not clips, but magazines. Many bad guys don't go down with just a few shots. Shots miss (NYPD recently shot 8 civilians before they could take the bad guy down. Lady in Atlanta shot bad guy at close range and didn't kill him with 5 shots.) Drugs on a person make it more difficult to get a disabling or killing shot. Also, we don't always hit what/where we're aiming for, sometimes it takes multiple shots. Additionally, often there are more than one bad guy.

    4. Hunting has nothing to do with 2nd Amendment all.

    5. Until you shoot and train, you have no idea what it takes for protection. (See NYPD shooting civilians above. Want the video of it? Glad to email it to you.) Bad guys will always disobey the law. We can't depend on our police to protect us in a timely manner. What could have stopped the shooter in CT, would have been a citizen armed and trained, just as what happened in the mall in Clackamus the week afterward. 26 people didn't have to die, but with this poor response to "gun control", they will continue to die needlessly.

    Best Wishes!

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Who do you thinks need to be controlled as far as firearms are concerned?

    Me? A 16 year, Honorably, Decorated USAF Vet....father of 4, grandfather of 14...never accused, arrested of convicted of any crime...1 parking ticket and 1 speeding ticket (35 years ago)....middle class, civil engineer that has never been un-employed longer than the 2 months I took off after leaving the USAF, who keeps all 4 of my weapons with trigger locks, in a locked gun safe..... of the 500+ Murderers in Chicago last year?

    Not a Single one of the 23 items that Mr. Obama touched on assault the real people that NEED more gun control.....Law breakers.

    Why not put forth an Executive Order that a Police SWAT Team must go through certain neighborhoods and areas and streets in Chicago doing vehicle and door to door searches for Illegal Weapons?

    Why not put forth an Executive Order that says 'If you do not properly safeguard a weapon (like the Brother of the recent LA School Shooter who used his brother's shotgun) then you are EQUALLY Liable to all Criminal Charges of the individual the perpetrated the gun crime?

    Why not put forth an Executive Order that holds Psychotherapists, Psychologists, etc accountable if a patient commits these heinous crimes and they had not reported them to authorities that could put their names on a NO GUN List. At least until their issues are satisfactorily resolved. Loss of license, maybe even jail time for negligence.

    These things would really be good Gun Control.

    But, no, he'd rather make it difficult or impossible for people like me from exercising my rights, while killers rights get expanded and enlarged every time a Liberal is in power.

  • 8 years ago

    Why the fixation on "assault rifles"? Do you even know what an assault weapon really is? Look at the statistics, "assault rifles" count for a very small percentage of murders. The american government is the worst legalized assassin organization. If someone wants to really commit mass murder he/she will find a way, you will never stop the insane and the criminals. This society is vile and uncivilized, but the guns are not to blame they are just inanimate objects the sick mind that pulls the trigger is.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    First thing, you're assuming that if you make a law that people will follow it. Well they already aren't following the current ones, so... People will find a way to get a weapon one way or another, illegally or not. (btw, in Connecticut, where that shooting just happened, "assault rifles" like the one used are already illegalized) Another thing, let's say we completely eliminate guns. England did, why can't we? Well guess what. England now has these people do bombings, instead of shootings. Gun control isn't the problem. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

  • 8 years ago

    Look the answer isn't whether to take away or not to take away guns so both sides of the debate aren't entirely right. What i support is gun ownership being a privilege like driving where you must undergo proper training and pass tests just to be able to get one and then when you have ownership you must be co-operative with law enforcement at all times and show no aggressive behaviour, any of this "i open carry because i can and **** if people are scared" bullshit and you lose your gun and never get to have one again. This will set forth a duty to gun owners that they can't act like jackasses and they appreciate something a lot more if they earn it so therefor are less likely to commit crimes with it. That is how the canadian system works and yes we can get guns and we have less gun crime.

  • MarkG
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Bows and arrows were no match against the single shot muskets of the settlers, just ask any indian.

    If you need to defend yourself against more than one shooter, you will need the abilitybto shoot more than one bullet .

    An assault weapon is designed to counter other armed individuals.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Because it's going to cost taxpayer $500 million dollars somehow and not do anything. What about wacked out kids running around on 4 red bulls and ritalin.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because drug control has not worked,....or are there still druggie criminals,,,stop the feel good emotional bs and start thinking.

    And if you feel you may want to educate yourself the Constitution says nothing about hunting or personal protection....seems you should read it

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