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Will Obama’s jobs purge be closer to 94 or 95 million Americans registered as first-time UE claimants in Term1?

Employment figures discussed in the media and here on Y!A mostly use Bureau of Labor Statistics’ survey-based estimates. Since the Department of Labor also keeps real, comprehensive counts through the Employment & Training Administration, those are the figures I’ll refer to and ask about here.

By the final Saturday of 2012, a cumulative count of newly registered first-time claimants with all 50 states’ employment offices across the country reached 93,275,000, according to ETA records. The final eight weeks of 2012 recorded a total verified count of 3,523,305 non-seasonally-adjusted new claimants, which exceeded the comparable period during 2011 at 3,461,793 jobs lost at year’s end. Perhaps, more telling, the combined count for November and December 2012 came in at 3,885,105, which exceeded the two-month year-end total of 3,838,689 jobs lost in 2010 during a time all were questioning when recovery might begin. No one seemed deluded enough to suggest the economy’s ugly contracting workforce in 2010 was in recovery, but the final two months of 2010 recorded fewer new first-time claimants for unemployment after job losses than our latest November-December count.

The past two weeks added more than 1.1 million new registrants for unemployment, with non-seasonally-adjusted counts of 553,348, hiked upward for the Saturday, January 5th count in Thursday’s release, while the January 12, 2013 count was presented as part of the ETA’s advance data at 555,708 before the inevitable adjustment raises that count, as well, in coming weeks.

With one more Saturday report yet to be included for President Obama’s first term total of American workers separated from employment, my question is for those curious about the nation’s employment situation, mathematicians, statisticians, and perhaps gamblers who gravitate toward over-under numbers for their speculation of an outcome. We topped 94 million once gainfully employed workers purged from jobs under Obama’s crippled economy in the first hour of Monday’s employment activity, and at the current rate we’ll reach about 94.5 million, midway between 94 and 95 million Americans separated from jobs before a second term begins.

What’s your take on the over-under gamble on this one? Will Obama’s job shrinkage end closer to 94 million Americans whose jobs were slashed or 95 million heading into his coronation, some still deign to regard as just another ordinary inauguration.

If it helps with your estimates and calculations, keep in mind the seven million jobs added to the economy under Obama’s predecessor, which turned over a workforce of 133,886,830, has come back slightly from the 8.3 million jobs slashed under this Administration, according to employers’ payroll record counts showing 125,572,661 at the end of the second calendar quarter in 2011, to 5.8 million fewer jobs than appeared on employers’ payroll counts under Bush during the latest, year-end calendar quarter of 2012 at 128,066,082.

With over 22 million more jobs slashed from the economy under Obama than under President Bush in his second term for the same 205 weeks in Office at the end of December, the difference showed almost 108,000 fewer jobs lost on average under Bush across each of the Presidents’ 205 weeks in Office. On a monthly basis, the 497,000 fewer jobs lost during months with 31 days each while Bush was in Office during the identical 47-plus months period can easily be rounded to a half million.

Since the left and, perhaps, a smattering of low information independent voters felt unconcerned about fellow citizens desperate for jobs and restoration to independent adult living many had grown accustomed to, it’s natural to wonder why voters were okay with the cruel economy that’s left tens of millions of Americans behind.

What’s your best estimate on final Obama jobs loss numbers? Will the ETA actual counts from states unemployment offices nationwide be closer to 94 or 95 million?

A bonus question is why would anyone feel such failure and ugly contraction of the workforce was okay during Obama’s first term and necessary to inflict on one’s neighbors and fellow citizens for another four years?

While the question asks whether this Administration will reach 95 million Americans separated from employment ahead of the inauguration, Obama’s moribund economy is on pace to reach 100 million displaced workers by early spring. The half million more jobs lost during each of Obama's months in Office than were lost under Bush, at this point, is a far cry from recovery.


Thanks for the strong answers to the original post, Josh & Justg. An excellent missing answer was emailed by Billy Bob who alerted me to Y!A not allowing further answers to post within hours of the question appearing a day-and-a-half ago.

Is this an open forum or not, Y!A? You've censored and pulled dozens of my questions and answers just because my opinion differs from the liberal progressives' and Obama sycophants' opinions supported by the Left Coast Team.

This post is based upon DOL counts of workers separated from jobs since Obama took Office, according to registrants for unemployment nationwide. Consider the last two regimes during the 20th Century that sought to control information in ways Y!A is doing for the President and party currently in power. They’re hated and reviled regimes no one wants to be associated with, but the tricks were similar, if not perfected to Y!A's level, as what's being applied to a forum originally intended for open exchange of op

Update 2:

of opinions, expertise, and thought in general.

Update 3:

More foolishness AGAIN Y!A? Why do you refuse to allow askers of conservative questions you dislike to have the ability to select a Best Answer? I've tried repeatedly to select BA here to no avail, just as I had with several previous questions where it wasn't allowed. A few contacts have asked about that frustrating form of after-the-fact censorship. It's obvious, like this Administration has shown again and again, messages which don't jibe with the left's calculated, deceptive and intentionally disorientig feedback loop aren't acceptable to reach a public sorely in need of the truth!

For the record, Josh's answer was deserving of that honor and extra points for a post that clearly recognizes what this question is about.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanks for making Obama's first term ETA counts so clear and eye-opening. The links to summary DOL government data are impressive and probably why low information voters aren't attacking in greater numbers.

    Perhaps the statistic everyone should have been looking at ahead of the November election was the half-million additional jobs lost under Obama for each of 47 months as President compared to newly unemployed Americans under Bush. The struggle former workers have had to endure these past four years finding work has stretched to more than twice as long in duration as anything on record since the BLS statistic was added, and the futility has reshaped the new millennium in ways no one can be satisfied with. That suggests less-than-capable leadership or a disconnect from the White House on the level of the despised French aristocracy who brushed aside reality with a dismissive "let them eat cake" approach. Liberal progressives' willful ignorance and refusal to accept critically important data is precisely why they've earned the low information voter title. Is there any better way to describe a group that refuses to acknowledge indisputable results from failed leadership that seems so painfully obvious to rightly concerned Americans?

    The summary chart at rockymountainperspective is impressive and could have impacted the vote, if only such weighty government data was required reading for voters, like the left's strategic classroom indoctrination materials are. We're into a second generation of sheep and patients who survive only from spoon feeding, because they refuse to recognize or acknowledge anything from a source apart from one that's nursed and fed their fragile, strangely inflated egos. Democrats have the nation where they want it, where wisdom and judgment are frowned upon if reality strays from the collective's narrative.

    Removing jobs and opportunities, which government agencies are assigned to bury, like Solis' Department of Labor has done, is one way to control the masses and fundamentally reshape a nation that wasn't so wounded to require the blood-letting and amputations this Administration felt was necessary and supported with claims of a mandate from 51 percent of voters accepting more of the same. Most of us believe reality will eventually strike these people like a two-by-four upside the head.

    I nearly forgot to make a prediction while addressing the nation's low information voter pandemic. If non-seasonally-adjusted figures (actual counts) were used for late December and January job loss counts, the total would be very close to 95 million. Since the January 12th ETA advance figures callously removed about 220,000 filers for unemployment on seasonally adjusted figures for the latest week, and 400,000 for the past two, the SA numbers will remain within a few thousand of 94.5 million. Real counts would come closer and, perhaps, even exceed, the 95 million total this Administration is facing for Americans separated from jobs since Obama took the Oath of Office in January 2009.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The numbers are not the problem the problem is where they are going.

    I think Obama thinks if he can get everyone relying upon the government then everyone will be equal. My answer to that is he is 100% correct just look what happened to Cuba.

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There's some irony in the fact those numbers would be even worse if not for the millions of Guns flying off the shelves.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You have just set a new record for distortion of numbers . This coming from a party that has had the President's Jobs Bill in the House since September 2011 .

    Congratulations igit ...

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i dont know if hes really stupid or he just wants to destroy the usa

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