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Will Obama’s jobs purge top 100 million Americans as first-time UE claimants by April 15 or after Tax Day 2013?

Employment figures discussed in the media and on Y!A mostly use Bureau of Labor Statistics’ survey-based estimates. Since the Department of Labor also keeps real, comprehensive counts through the Employment & Training Administration, those are the figures I’ll refer to and ask about here.

My last question asked an over/under scenario for numbers of Americans separated from jobs since the fourth week of January 2009, and this one asks just a slightly different version. With roughly 94.5 million once gainfully employed having registered with employment offices across the country for unemployment assistance before Obama’s second term inauguration, a reasonable follow-up question is when the 100th million American worker will be displaced from his or her job under the Obama Administration. Keep in mind, the pace of job loss at the end of 2012 increased from the comparable eight week period in 2011, and the months of November and December combined first-time claimant counts at 3,885,105 exceeded ugly 2010 numbers, which showed 3,838,689 new registrants for unemployment claims. Generous reports of economic recovery were more progressive fodder for election season deception than reality, and support through a determined liberal media exhibited machinations of uncaring, disaffected leftists who had no intention of identifying the actual state of the economy for a public that knew it wasn’t good.

Keep in mind, the last Saturday figure reported by the Employment and Training Administration for 2012, on December 29th, showed 93,275,000 fist-time claimants across the President’s 47 months in Office, and that cumulative number of new claimants exceeded George Bush’s second term numbers by more than 22 million. Over the same 205 week period, that figured to almost 108,000 more Americans losing jobs for each of Obama’s weeks in Office and 497,000 more claims for unemployment for each month with 31 days in them under Obama’s Presidency than were recorded by displaced workers under his predecessor. That seems to round nicely to a half million more jobs lost, on average, across each of Obama’s 47 months in Office by year’s end. And the rate of jobs lost has accelerated over prior years, according to recent ETA data.

Most acknowledge over/under betting’s popularity, including statisticians who pride themselves in estimates based upon recognizable mathematics progressions in numbers. Ahead of the heaviest two-week betting period in sports leading up to the Super Bowl, this version of an over/under scenario that effects the nation’s economy so deeply, and most significantly, upwards of 100 million Americans forced into a struggle for survival few could have imagined, lends itself to a natural question for gamblers and mathematicians, alike.

Will the Obama Administration’s jobs purge and hurting workforce top 100 million displaced workers from employment before or after the nation’s traditional April 15th tax day?

A few additional observations, in case the data might help:

The past two weeks added more than 1.1 million new registrants for unemployment, with non-seasonally-adjusted counts of 553,348, hiked upward for the Saturday, January 5th count in last Thursday’s release, while the January 12, 2013 count presented as part of the ETA’s advance data was 555,708 before the inevitable adjustment raises that count, as well, in coming weeks.

Keep in mind, the seven million jobs added to the economy under Obama’s predecessor, which turned over a workforce of 133,886,830, has finally returned slightly from the 8.3 million verified jobs slashed under this Administration, according to employers’ payroll record counts showing 125,572,661 through the end of the second calendar quarter in 2011. Year-end ETA counts for 2012 now show 5.8 million fewer jobs than appeared on employers’ payroll counts under Bush at 128,066,082. Newly come-of-age college, secondary, and trade school graduates, along with immigrant and undocumented (illegal) migrant workers have added 27-30 million hopeful job seekers looking for an independent adult life during Obama’s first term, so the reality of a shrunken workforce is especially harsh for displaced workers and the nation’s young.

Since the left and, apparently, a smattering of low information independent voters felt unconcerned about fellow citizens desperate for jobs, as evidenced by 51 percent support for more of the same in the November Presidential election, it’s natural to wonder why voters were okay with the cruel economy that’s left tens of millions of Americans behind.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's helpful to see unemployment counts summarized this way. From the chart on your linked site, it looks certain the awful unemployment numbers will top 100 million sometime in April. At this point, it's little more than a guess as to when, but the accelerated job loss counts since the election leads me to go with topping the century mark in millions before the 15th.

    Thanks for the quotes from some wise men who would be disturbed at the path the U.S. is on at this point, Golfer. The left seems determined to destroy what was a great country and influential global leader for nearly a century now and mostly on a healthy path for more than two. No longer. Reelecting Obama showed precisely what was mentioned about the "majority discovering that it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury." Some of the foolishness seems so obvious; it's hard to imagine the damage caused by progressives not being intentional and at the core of Obama’s strategic fundamental change.

    Your posts on unemployment figures are something the public should be more aware of, Rocky. A half million more jobs lost during each of Obama's months in Office compared to Bush numbers should have been part of the narrative leading up to the election. Yes, this is still an ugly economy that no concentrated media effort or words from Obama's team can hide from educated Americans with their eyes open. Being forced to endure four more years is simply mind-boggling.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There you go confusing the uninformed and the far left with truth, facts and logic.

    You know that just makes them mad. After all that truth to digest just upset their bowls because their minds, oops their unused brain has to process something they are not use to ---the truth.

    I personally think Obama wants 100% unemp0loyment so his comrade friends can take over America.

    Two centuries ago, a somewhat obscure Scotsman named Tytler made this profound observation: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy." - Elmer T. Peterson

    Norman Mattoon Thomas (Nov. 20 1884-Dec 19, 1968) was a leading American Socialist, pacifist, and 6 time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. In a 1944 speech he said:

    The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of "Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

    He went on to say: " I no longer need to run as a president candidate for the socialist party.

    The Democrats have adopted our platform."

    Source(s): Senior Democrat Dingell: Obamacare Prepping “to Control the People” by 2014 James Cone, the chief architect of Black Liberation Theology in his book A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), develops black theology as a system. In this new formulation, Christian theology is a theology of liberation -- "a rational study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence of the gospel, which is Jesus Christ," writes Cone. Black consciousness and the black experience of oppression orient black liberation theology -- i.e., one of victimization from white oppression.
  • Personal experience about unemployment, and wealthy people - my own husband was laid off last June 2012, in Florida, filed for unemployment and learned that all the unemployment offices had been close by Gov Rick Scott, and that the employees left on the job were hiding behind the computer and the endlessly busy telephone, He was denied benefits by delay, then by an agent who simply did not put his claims through, with no one to go to for help. That is how the numbers in Florida were lowered.

    I finally called and wrote to the Governors Office, Rick Scott himself, and to the Attorney General's office for help. Only then did we get a call back, only then did we have the claim reviewed and only then did my husband begin to receive his legally and rightfully due unemployment funds, but months after he had been laid off.

    I know a wealthy couple , she is from Curacao, from a wealthy Jewish family, married a Spaniard, and they both retired and live in Spain half the year, the other half of the year they have a condo here on wealthy Brickle Ave in Miami, Florida. Spain has begun to go after the wealthy and their bank accounts, so this couple already has moved their money to some account in some Island here, I honestly forget which one, and they plan to retire here in the USA and asked me how they could get into the Medicare program.

    I told them that they could have worked here and paid taxes to the usa like I did for 47 years, then retired here in the usa, and that would qualify them for Medicare.

    I am not even sure they understood what I was saying, that they have no right to be on our usa Medicare benefits.

    The answer is that '' Figures Don't Lie, but Liars Figure.''

    Source(s): ps/ my husband could Not find a job in Miami in over 4 months so he took a job working in Curacao in the Caribbean. way ta' go ! USA our jobs are now in Costa Rica, Phillippines, India, Pakistan, China, thanks Leaders of the USA
  • 8 years ago

    Thanks for the explanation. It's encouraging to see the solid answers and acknowledgment of the left's odd virtual recovery that smacks of the Emperor's New Clothes. Hans Christian Andersen predicted behavior similar to that shown the left's demagogue and his Democratic Party's deceptive tricks long ago in a fairy tale few could have imagined being so applicable in modern, educated society.

    It appears we'll hit the 100th million unemployed worker in April, and I confess I don't care all that much about your over/under question for which side of Tax Day. The issue is about tens of millions of currently displaced workers and a deeply hurting economy. How did so many choose to vote for the failure in the Oval Office? The 51 percent wafer thin margin of victory seems to show how uninformed and poorly educated increasing numbers of Americans appear to be. This promises to be a very long and unnecessarily painful four years.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    After everyone gets their refund spent & then have no "reserves" left.

    Then it'll go way higher than that.

    Ugly times ahead, no budget, no stopping of spending, arming of al quada ...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Blah blah blah no

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