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What is the top 5 worst "Go Away Heat" in wrestling history?

I just talked to some friends about Taker/Edge feud in 2008 and they agreed so many people look down on the feud today because Vickie's presence that received an enormous amount of go away heat and stole the thunder from both men.

Well, I'm no expert in wrestling history. But what would be the top 5 most horrendous go away heat the business as a whole, not just WWE, has ever seen?

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Sgt Slaughter when he returned in 1990 as an Iraq Sympathizer. The man had previously been a mega face who was behind only Hulkamaniia in popularity for faces, and was a megastar and viewed in kayfabe and to fans as an American hero. When he made his return during the Gulf War as an Iraqi sympathizer, he garnered huge heat, even leading to WWE recieiving bomb threats and of course as with many top heels, death threats countless times. His family and he even had to live with armed guards surrounding his house so he could live his rare moments outside of wrestling with the knowledge he wouldn't die. One of the reasons Wrestlemania VII was moved in my opinion was beacause of this heat, as if Sarge wrestled in an outdoor venue, he would possibly be killed, and that is no exagageration. Fans hated this former beloved star turned traitor who teamed with the enemy, and wanted him not just gone from the square circle, but from life.

    2. Freddie Blassie: The edgy wrestling heel character in the 50s/ 60s this man calling fans "pencil neck geek", and slinging masterful insults would be light by todays standards, but back then this man who insulted crowds nastily and bit wrestlers to draw blood with sharp teeth in ring has acid burns to show for it, multiple scars from knife stabbings, and had fans trying to literally get in the ring to do harm to this "troll". Crazy heat from an era where you didn't mess with a man, especially when wrestling was blurred from real or fiction.

    3. Muhammad Hassan- Remember him? yeah easily the most genuinely hated wrestler across the board in the ruthless aggression era. One could counter with John Cena, but at least Cena's reactions were split between the staunch lovers and hatred from older fans. I don't know hardly anyone who loved Hassan, as arenas errupted just at his music. Definition of go away heat. Austin got insane reactions when the glass broke for ear shattering cheers, Hassan's music hit and you heard ear shattering jeers.

    4. Bret Hart as an anti American- people hated the honorable couragous humble technical god Bret Hart when he went against America, resulting in being spat at nightly, armed guards at the arena, death threats, and even a crazy fan shooting a shotgun at his limo in an attempt to kill him for being anti american

    5 Cena at the ECW One Night Stand 2005: I belive you are old enough and familiar enough to remember the heat Cena garnered here so I will not elaborate.

    Note: These are not my opinion on the greatest heels of all time, but the biggest pure "go away heat". people like Mcmahon, HHH, Piper and Dibiase to name a few got a different kind of heat.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    To add onto what Clark said:

    John Laurinaitis -- Much like Vickie Guerrero, this dude is just BAD. One of the worst, most awkward talkers I've ever seen. It was unbelievable how many times Laurinaitis OPENED Raw. Such a buzz kill for the entire show. Cm Punk owned him every.single.time. they were on the mic together. He doesn't have a charismatic bone in his body which is why we haven't seen him on TV in quite some time now.

    Alberto Del Rio -- Man, he EASILY has the worst-timed MITB cash-in in history. Cm Punk and Cena were in the middle of an awesome feud, one of the best in recent time, and Del Rio cashes in at Summerslam putting a stop to it. So ill advised. Not only was Del Rio clearly not ready for the main event, but the fans wanted to see Cena and Punk, not Del Rio. That had to be the buzz kill of all buzz kills. Having him cash in ruined one of the best feuds the WWE has had in the past 5 years. No doubt.

  • I can really only go with what I've seen personally, so for me it goes like this:

    Michael Cole: This one jumped to mind immediately for me. Cole was so desperate to get over as "the bad guy" that he completely diverted the attention of almost every match onto himself, and all that served to do was brutally expose his lack of charisma (or at least, the lack of charisma required to do what he was trying to do) and acting ability. He was just cringe-worth, and the crowds responded as such. His "feud" against Jerry Lawler was some of the all time worst WWE TV I've ever seen. And it never got better.

    The "Anonymous" GM: This one is tough because it wasn't actually a real person, it was just a stupid idea. A stupid idea that EVERYONE KNEW WAS STUPID. It was the same ridiculous interruptions at the same predictable intervals every single time. And the worst part was, the WWE just didn't seem to get how much people hated it. It went on and on and on. And on. And on. And then on some more. Everyone knew what a joke it was, and they did it anyways. Dumb.

    Rocky Maivia: This was a big one. The WWF presented Dwayne Johnson as the ultimate clean-cut good guy, and he was completely and totally rejected. He was going against the grain of the times, the WWF was moving towards the Attitude Era a week at a time, and people just hated him. And I mean hated him. "Rocky sucks" and "die Rocky die" were about the kindest things people chanted him. It was the ultimate go-away heat. But man, did he ever turn it around or what?

    Vickie Guerrero: It's gone on so long now that it's become a parody, but when Vickie first replaced Teddy Long and aligned herself with Edge, oh my god she was bad. And everyone knew it and everyone hated it. It wasn't "good heat". It was "holy crap why am I watching this?" heat. Zero acting ability (which she STILL, years later, hasn't improved on) and you're right, it took a bit away from Undertaker/Edge.

    Most of these cases are products of people who just can't act, who everyone in the building knows they're just playing a role.

  • Suriel
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    1: Jeff Hardy at ROH 'Death Before Dishonor 2003' - The most brutal "Go Away Heat" I've seen in a match, the fans were chanting "F**k you Hardy" before he even entered the ring... and it got worse from there!!

    2: X-Pac, but only in WWE (I've seen a bunch of his post-WWE indie matches and he got very positive reactions)

    3: Hulk Hogan in WCW between 1994 and 1996. WCW would throw his merchandise into the audience only for the fans to throw it back, sometimes after tearing it up.

    4: Honky Tonk Man during his 454-day Intercontinental Title run. No wonder that he got demoted to jobber-to-the-stars after that and never held a major title or got a push in a big company again.

    5: Jeff Jarrett during his NWA World Title reigns between 2004 and 2006. He hasn't held a title in TNA since then.

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  • 8 years ago


    Vickie Guerrero

    Michael Cole

    Any celebrity guest host

    John Cena

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Xpac heat? Let me see Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle feud that included Karen and some nobody rapper guy was bad. Billy Gunn winning King of the Ring. Jeff Jarrett pretending to be Honky Tonk Man in TNA. Perez Hilton on Raw as special guest. The Miz on tv.

  • 8 years ago

    "Go away" heat in pro wrestling means just that. The fans don't want you there at all, they want you to just go away. They don't want to see you get beat, they want to see you LEAVE.

    1. Ron Garvin wins the NWA World Title in the mid 80's. This really put "go away" heat on the map. Garvin was a very popular challenger for Ric Flair's NWA World Title. Fans loved watching Garvin beat Flair up. But the bizarre thing was, and we didn't discover this until after Garvin won the title, the fans didn't want Garvin to actually win the World Title. I never really understood that. Yeah, Flair was Flair, more entertaining than everybody else in the business and most definitely the heel, and the fans loved watching Garvin kick the sh*t out of Flair, but after he beat Flair for the title, TV ratings plummeted overnight to the point that Jim Crockett (the promoter) took Garvin off TV completely. The storyline went that Garvin needed time off to train and prepare for the rematch vs Flair at Starrcade some 45 days or so in the future. Meanwhile Crockett put Flair center stage and revolved TV around Flair's upcoming rematch and the ratings came back up. Garvin, the WORLD CHAMP, was not on TV at all. He was such a deal-breaker as the World Champ that the fans would rather not watch the show at all than see a show with Garvin in it. Amazing.

    2. Bob Backlund during the last year of his WWWF World Title reign. In the 5th straight year of his title reign the fans were just sick of the "goody two shoes" Howdy Doody. Excellent wrestler but boring as watching paint dry otherwise. The extremely charismatic and colorful Superstar Billy Graham arrived in the WWWF and the fans immediately took to him, even though he was the bad guy. Billy got cheered while the ultimate babyface Backlund got booed (unlike with Cena, Backlund's boos far outweighed his cheers). The fans wanted Superstar Billy. They didn't want Bob Backlund.

    3. X-Pac joins the nWo. This one was actually very funny. Sean Waltman, the ultimate underdog, the "1-2-3 Kid" in the WWE, popular. Suddenly bails on the WWE to join his buddies Hall and Nash in WCW. And the fans just booed him off the planet. Hall and Nash, and Hogan, were over like gangbusters, but Waltman got booed out of every building he was in. He was the first person to join the nWo that the fans thought "sucked" and wasn't "cool" in any way shape or form. Waltman seemed VERY surprised he got that reaction. It WAS funny.

    4. The Nasty Boys arrive in TNA. This one was kinda sad. Hogan and Bischoff were "WCW-ing" TNA, recreating a lot of the angles they did in the nWo, bringing in some of the boys from that time, etc. The Nasty Boys were pretty popular in WCW and the WWE, as well. But when they arrived in TNA, we could see they were very out-of-shape, especially Knobs, and the fans just didn't want them there. It might have had something to do with the fans not really wanting WCW Junior as a whole, but they sure didn't want The Nasty Boys. Knobs and Sag did all of the stuff they did in WCW (which was popular there) but it fell flat in TNA. The fans just didn't want them. They only lasted a few short weeks before they got fired. Kinda sad.

    5. The "Outsiders" in TNA. Around the same time as The Nasty Boys arrived, so too did Scott Hall and Sean Waltman. Kevin Nash wanted to do an nWo reunion with them. Hogan was management and didn't want to join a group who mocked and fought management. Waltman was still in shape and could still wrestle, but Hall was a mess, and Nash doesn't have the talent to carry a sack of potatoes much less Scott Hall. They kept talking about "getting the band back together" (reforming the nWo) but nobody wanted it. That didn't last long, either, and Hall and Waltman were gone.

  • 1.X Pac

    2.Sgt.Slaughter (during his Iraqi sympathizing)

    3.The Rock in his debut as The Rock in the Nation.

    4.Michael Cole (reading the GM e-mails)

    5.The M I Z (most of his career)

  • Zuel
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Hmmm. I cant really recall but I go this

    1. Chris Benoit vs HBK vs HHH (this was a Triple H and Shawn Michaels fued, chris benoit should not have been in it.)

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