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Why do people like pres Obama?

When I ask people why they like president Obama they will literally say "because he's black". Im not the biggest fan of Obama because the unemployment rate has gone up and more people are on welfare. I fell like if I express the fact that I don't like welfare people will attack me for it. I also believe people who work hard for their money should be taxed just as much as everyone else. Even though Ron Paul cut out of running I believe he would be a good candidate for president. I also dont trust the government. What are your thoughts?

10 Answers

  • Elana
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He does good stuff:

    And he keeps most of his promises:

    I have never heard people start out by saying they like him because he is black. Sure, there are some impressed that we have come to the day and age that we have a black president, but that doesn't mean they voted for him because he is black - only that we've gotten to the point where that is a viable thing to do.

    "I also don't trust government" - OK, but does that mean you want to hire somebody who is hell bent on destroying it? That seems to be the Conservative vision.

    We don't live in Jefferson's agrarian society. We simply cannot have people living so closely together without a bigger government than Jefferson could possibly have imagined I'm not saying it should grow without bounds, but it needs to be as big as it needs to be and if you try to keep it limited by underfunding it ("Starve the beast"), then all you do is make it bad at being what it needs to be - and everyone suffers. If you use that ineptness as an excuse to defund it, you only make it worse.

    We need conservatives to keep liberalism in check - but we must move forward. We must NOT move backwards. Reagan's vision ultimately WAS to move backwards, and conservatives seem to have been doing that ever since. Indeed that only started slowing down when Dole acknowledge it by saying that he wanted to build a bridge to the past and Bill Clinton jumped on it by saying his campaign was about a bridge to the future.

    But we're not in the 50s. We're in the 21st century. We dont' fight with muskets. The majority of our country is not caucasion. Our middle class is rapidly deteriorating. The cold war is over.

    It's true that conservatives have controlled most of the money in this country up until this last election - but I think we've seen the tipping point. Between the racial shift, the population demographics, and that more and more money is controlled by women, conservatives need to wake the hell up.

    Progress is happening whether they want it to or not. If they keep impeding it here, all that happens is that the US begins to fall behind and other countries out pace us - or thankfully the Conservatives get sumarily voted out.

  • 8 years ago

    He has charisma and is a such a great orator that people believe everything he says even though some things he says may be false or impossible to attain. I personally do not like Obama. I read all his books when he was running in 2008, and found out his philosophy and mine are totally opposite. I voted against him in the Democratic primary in 2008 and both general elections, but to no avail. I am not concerned about his race because I judge a person based on character and how closely they believe in what I believe, and Obama does not match my beliefs at all. The press hated Ron Paul because he is the exact opposite of Obama. It puzzles me that several Paul supporters actually voted for Obama who is so far away from Paul that these people must have no idea where the candidates stood on things. The press painted Paul as a reactionary and right wing is not very popular at this time in America. Paul had no chance because the Republicans and the news media were against him.

  • 8 years ago

    What are my thoughts?

    Okay, well first of all, my first thought is, you are a liar.

    Because when I ask people why they LIKE Obama......I have never heard ANYONE say........"Because he's black. ". They usually either quote his many fine qualities, orrrrrrr, they cite how crummy and laughable his opponents were by comparison.....which is they were pretty laughable.

    Secondly, my thoughts on welfare are, that it is a Gov't program, like Unemployment, paid for entirely with my tax dollars. Put in place, to be there, as a safety net, when I might ever need to use it myself, and RECLAIM some of MYYYYYYY Tax dollars. Therefore I begrudge no one the same use of such programs, in their times of need and distress. Yes, I wish there was better oversight to cut out all the fraud and waste........but I also wish the same oversight on the GOVT itself, to cut out all THEIR fraud and waste.

    Furthermore...........the reasons unemployment have gone up, can be traced directly to the republican policies of deregulation, which allows companies to ship millions of jobs overseas, so they can hire cheaper slave labor, and turn countless working communinites HERE, in the USA, into ghost towns.

    Micheal Moore actually made a GREAT film about this practice 20 years ago, called "Roger & ME" and the republican response to that film was to call him "fat".

    Even though the film was 100% accurate, as true then as it's even TRUER today, and everything he said in that film has more than come to pass. As he said it would, TWENTY YEARS AGO.

    But hey.......he's a liberal, so why listen, right?

    As for Ron Paul........if you believed his lame excuses for how a racist newsletter got printed for 8 years, spouting all his EXACT ideas that he is on record as promoting......and then claiming he didn't write it, or even KNEW what was IN the newsletter going out with HIS NAME emblazoned across the top of it..............well,...........all I have to say to that, is that's it's no wonder he lost then, because he's a LOUSY liar.

    Those are my thoughts. Thanks for asking.

  • 8 years ago

    When you say things like "I don't trust the government" you are one of the many victims of right wing propaganda. The 1% and its political arm---the Republican Party want people to hate the government because the one thing that stands in the way of the 1% exploiting everything is the government.

    The 1% spend billions trying to get people to hate the government so these fools elect right wing jerk-offs who vote to keep taxes and regulations low especially for the 1%

    Stay far away from libertarian and Republican thinking. It's full of lies and deceit. I'm not 100% for the Democrats, but they are a he// of a lot better than anything else out there.

    The Democrats at least try to work for us.

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  • bob
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    BULL SH*T! People do not say "literally" that it's "because he's black" If you're going to lie, make it believable you effing troll. Since you lied about that the rest of your question is irrelevant! Unemployment has gone up: ANOTHER LIE. You don't trust the government, but you are not only dishonest, you are as dumb as a box of rocks so that too is irrelevant!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    He knows how to smile so that they will be taken in by him, knows how to talk to make people like him. Besides that, there are many who are getting hand-outs because of him so they like him for that reason, and don't even think about what he is doing to the nation. They are concerned about whether they have food on the table.

  • 8 years ago

    Because he's their "brutha" (not prejudiced). Because he spends money on programs we don't need but satisfies illegals and people who are able to work but refuse to do so. Because society will cheer at anybody behind a microphone.

    Source(s): If you want a conservative input go on youtube and type in the michael berry show. This guy used to be a lawyer and now is a radio talk show host. This website gives you the show times and what area it airs on
  • 8 years ago

    If you like the socialist theory and are muslim oriented and do not mind liars then you can proudly say obama is great

  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    Idk! But I'd like to know the answer to this myself!

    Source(s): Against obama
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