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How to block out a family members negative attitude?

Let me start off by saying I am an only child and I'm not old enough to move out and live on my own yet.

My mom and I live together. Haven't known my dad since the beginning of time. That isn't very relevant to the question though.

My mom is constantly complaining. She almost never has anything good to say. We constantly get into arguments over idiotic things. She says things that really hurt sometimes, and I'll run into my room and start crying. Whenever I apologize or try to smooth things out she never acknowledges it she just says "Yeah right, as if you mean it." or "You just want something." She always assumes the worst of me. Then after I'm done crying when I go into the same room as her again she claims that I don't care about her (she doesn't know I cry after we argue). It's really frustrating.

Sometimes we get into arguments first thing in the morning, and it will ruin my attitude for the entire day no matter how badly I try to knock it off.

This arguing probably won't end until I go to university and graduate from university (that's what I'm planning to do) and that is so far away from no. I don't want to waste any more of my time getting depressed over having a bad relationship with my mother. How do I go about this?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well instead of arguing back with her, just acknowledge that you're listening to what she's saying. Talking back is just what she's after (if she's someone who likes to argue) so you'll be happy knowing that there was no true arguing, and she will be unsure of what to say next (or just happy that you acknowledged her). Either one is much better than hearing her raise her voice and say rude things about you, am I right?

    I have a girlfriend who was in a similar situation. She didn't take my advice and ended up getting kicked out of her house. I would rather not see someone else get into that predicament, so just try that and see where things go.

    Hope this helps!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It can be very difficult to avoid getting pulled into a family member's drama. One suggestion that might lessen the conflict is to question yourself if you are trying to change your mother. When she complains can you let her express herself without trying to get her to see another point of view? Please take care and remember that you can call the Boys Town National Hotline 24 hours a day at the number below, free of charge. We are here to help, you are not alone!

    Counselor, GW

    Boys Town National Hotline


    Friend us on FACEBOOK today &

    Access the live on-line support feature on 8-11p CST M-Th

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Your mum treats you that way because you are weak emotionally

    Develop yourself and she will shoe you some respect

    Only you can make yourself cry

    Do not depend on anyone in this world for your happiness

    Depend only on God

    If you do not toughen up, even your children will take advantage of you

    To be able to concentrate on developing yourself, you can follow these steps -

    1- Develop yourself spiritually. Pray, fast and meditate on the word of God daily in your quiet time. Avoid communicating with people who radiate negative energy. Anytime you meet your mum, smile and tell her how much you love her. no matter how negative she is, be immuned to her hurtful words. Out of the millions of sperm cells that wanted to fertilize the egg, you were the fastest and strongest. You are a champion even before you were born. Not even your parents can take that from you. God created a wonderful destiny for you even before you were born. In short, you are a super human.

    2- Do some of your favourite hobbies e.g. sports, gardening, music, painting, etc

    3- Let God guide you into making new friends. Your friends will either help you up or tear you down.


    S - Spiritually mature

    I - Intellectually versatile

    P - Physically strong

    S - Socially up-to-date

    A - Academically sound

    F - Financially stable

    E - Emotionally balanced

    Focus on developing your inner strength by becoming a born-again Christian

    Contact Joyce Meyer ministry, Mike Murdock ministry or Pastor Rick Warren for guidance

    5- Prepare yourself to enter a relationship


    a- Deeper relationship with God as a couple (regularly discuss with your pastor as a couple)

    b- Better planning with your savings and expenditure as a couple

    c- Learning more about respect, love, patience and forgiveness


    a- honest/faithful (will not cheat on you)

    b- Charming (makes your heart do the techno beat)

    c- Disciplined (sexually, academically and financially)

    d- Similar talents/ hobbies as you (so you won't get bored with each other)

    e- Spiritually connected with God (kind, patient and forgiving)

    6- Lastly, do some charity work. Helping those less fortunate around you reminds you how merciful God has been to you. Visit orphanages and old people's homes

  • 8 years ago

    It sounds to me like your mom is just bitter about life in general. You have two choices here - either TELL her that her negativity is getting to you and to just STOP it (she sounds like she needs to grow up) OR learn to just let it slip off your shoulders .... just think something positive in your head when she is going off about somethign and let it be.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You're a spoiled brat with tantrums. Mother should use a wooden spoon on you, that'll cure the nonsense.

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