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Lv 43,884 points

Strange Devil

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Screw Fate, I have my own schedule. I think it would be more accurate to say my yahoo account was made in 2011, because that was the first time I actually started using it x) but oh well. I answer questions sarcastically, and use yahoo answers for fun. Or if I seriously need advice. The person who came up this website is pure genius. About me? Well I enjoy Rock music, and heavy metal, I like some dubstep (very few though.) Anime is awesome: If you like anime I wouldn't mind becoming one of your contacts. Well, I don't care about what you like we can become contacts either way. >:D

  • Can someone please help a freshman noob with integer mathematics?

    I dont understand how to do addition and subtraction with integers and Im in highschool =.=

    I'm suffering with bedmas can someone please just give an explaination of how to calculate

    The answer for

    negative + negative

    Negative + Positive

    Negative - Negative

    and Negative - Positive?

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • People who have watched Psycho Pass?

    What are your opinions? I personally am in love.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • How to block out a family members negative attitude?

    Let me start off by saying I am an only child and I'm not old enough to move out and live on my own yet.

    My mom and I live together. Haven't known my dad since the beginning of time. That isn't very relevant to the question though.

    My mom is constantly complaining. She almost never has anything good to say. We constantly get into arguments over idiotic things. She says things that really hurt sometimes, and I'll run into my room and start crying. Whenever I apologize or try to smooth things out she never acknowledges it she just says "Yeah right, as if you mean it." or "You just want something." She always assumes the worst of me. Then after I'm done crying when I go into the same room as her again she claims that I don't care about her (she doesn't know I cry after we argue). It's really frustrating.

    Sometimes we get into arguments first thing in the morning, and it will ruin my attitude for the entire day no matter how badly I try to knock it off.

    This arguing probably won't end until I go to university and graduate from university (that's what I'm planning to do) and that is so far away from no. I don't want to waste any more of my time getting depressed over having a bad relationship with my mother. How do I go about this?

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Songs about ( or songs that could be used as a song about) addiction to the internet?

    I need songs about internet addiction or cell phone addiction for a presentation I''m doing. I desperately need suggestions. The song(s) can't be depressing or really slow, other than that I don't care about the genre or other aspects of the song (it would be better if the song(s) had no swearing, but I'm not going to be picky.)

    Thanks ^.^

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Libra's: Are you as outgoing as everyone says we are?

    I'm the only one I know who is quiet and introverted DX

    List your ascendant please ^.^

    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • I keep having dreams of me killing myself but I'm not suicidal, help?

    I can't take it anymore. I've been having these dreams for maybe 5 years now.

    I have dreams where there's me, and there's me. There are always two me's and one of us always ends up killing the other.

    I had a dream where one of me locked the other me inside a house and set it on fire and I couldn't get out and then I died.

    I had a dream that one of me pushed the other me off a building.

    Last night I had a dream that one of me STABBED the other me and blood was gushing everywhere and I woke up terrified. What is my problem? Am I crazy? Do I have some sort of disorder?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • I've done things I shouldn't have, what now?

    (Very long post) This is going to make sound like a b**tch, but I honestly never knew what I was doing and I feel bad now.

    Well last week I invited all of my friends to pizza hut after the last day of school was over. They all agreed, except for one. She refused because she went there with her family recently and they tried to pay for something with a 10$ gift card, but the employee wouldn't accept it and her mom and her got into a fight with the employees. Since the same people work there every day she never wanted to go. I never wanted to go without her since we were all going and she always misses out on experiences like these.

    So this time I tried being forceful, which I now seriously regret. During the last period all of the students were horsing around since the teacher said she wasn't assigning any work, but us two were just sitting in the middle of class doing nothing. So I took my friends backpack.

    She asked for it back, but I ran away from her and said that she could have it back after break. She kept begging and asking for it, but I kept it away from her anyway. I told her that she could have it back the next day after school when we went to pizza hut. She said there was no way she going and doesn't see why it was so important to go. I still kept the bag with me. I was going to give it back to her after the school bell rang (which would be in about 20 minutes) and I was able to hold it back from her until then. During that time she was still asking for it back, but while she was doing this she was smiling, and looked perfectly fine. Class was dismissed and I still kept her bag with me.

    I went to my locker and I did a good job of making her think that I was seriously going to keep the bag (even though I wasn't) She was asking me stop (still smiling) and I never gave her bag back. Suddenly one of her friends walked by and she was like "-insert name here- help me get my bag back. I tried to explain why I was keeping the bag but she said "That's stealing." and she pushed me against the locker really hard and forced the bag off my back.

    My friend was thanked -insert name here- and before she did anything I said "**** you -insert friends name.- don't talk to me" I laughed (to show I wasn't serious), and then she walked away.

    People say stuff like "I hate you" and "B*t*h" and things along that all the time without meaning it. So today when I sent her a text asking her to hang out with me at the mall I was shocked when she said

    "Who is this." I replied and said "It's -insert my name here-" You deleted my number? That's harsh nvm.


    I was quite alarmed and said "I was joking! I realize what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry, if you don't want to be friends I wont force you"


    I responded with "okay", and that was that.

    I'd like to say that nobody in the class was paying attention to what we were doing because neither of us are very social people.

    Looking back I feel like an idiot, I should have respected her and just excluded her from hanging out after school like I normally did. I'm not depressed or anything, but we are currently working on a group school. It'll be impossible for me not to communicate with her because we have to do the steps together (It's a wood-shop project) Should I apologize again or not? I honestly had no idea she was this upset because she always laughed at my jokes and smiled and went along with everything. I'm not sure what to do. We also have all the same mutual friends so I'm not sure how the situation will play out, as I am typing this she could be setting everyone in our group against me. Any advice is helpful.

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How to make my state of mind less depressing?

    I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong with me. I'm constantly feeling stressed out because of homework and my social life and my future. Most teenagers do that but

    -Most teenagers don't become heart broken and break into a symphony of tears when they get a C on a test.

    -Most teens don't cry for hours because somebody called them rude

    -Most people in general can get over something by listening to music or spending time doing a hobby, but whenever something happens to me I can't sleep or whatever happened will haunt my dreams.

    -I stay depressed over stuff for at least a month.

    I don't think it's just a phase because I've been like this for years.

    My state of mind is just so fragile and pathetic. Am I bipolar? I'm really not sure if something is wrong with me. Is this just a self confidence problem or, do I need help? How do I change this state of mind?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Do you think this sounds creepy?

    (I'm in highschool)

    Whenever a guy helps me out with something I say "thanks bro"

    I'm generally really quiet, and I'm never close to the person I'm saying it to either. Is this weird?

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What is your favorite genre of music?

    State your gender please, thank you.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What part(s) of a birth chart represents self-esteem?

    I'm curious and want to check this out.

    1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Is this person purposely trying to start drama?

    There's this girl who sits in front of me in my class. I was minding my own business, working. During class she moved to sit beside her friend (right behind me) and I was talking to the girl behind me about a question on the assignment, then when I finished talking, the girl randomly made eye contact with me and said "Your a b**** and I hate you forever"

    I barely even reacted, I just shrugged my shoulders, because in all honesty I couldn't care less. Now that I'm looking back on the situation though, was she trying to pull something off? What would be the motive for doing something like that?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Is this person using me or are we really friends?

    There's this girl in my class that I've known for about 2 months now. She's in 3 of my classes. When we first met we talked a lot. After time passed I noticed she talked to me less and less, and I would be the one who started all of our conversations. She only texts me when her friends ditch her, and she is alone in the hallways. The other day I was talking to one of her friends, I left to go to my locker, and I heard her talking to my "friend" and she asked "Is she your friend?" I never heard the response.

    I have a presentation with her in gym class tomorrow, but after that should I just stop talking to her? I sit beside her in class so she might notice, but I've been used before, and if I'm being used, I don't want to find out the hard way (hearing her gossiping about me, e.t.c)

    Am I being used?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Who can I go to, who can replace what's supposed to be "family"?

    In my family there is no one I can trust, no one. My friends say that they can talk to their parents about anything. Whenever I visit them they always seem to have a good relationship with their parents. It's different for me. Every time I ask my mom for help, or try to talk to her about something that happened to me, it becomes a huge argument, and I always end up feeling like a load of s***. I don't know my father, and my brother (who is an adult) is constantly working, has a family of his own, and never has time for me. Even when he does, If I try to talk to him about something, it doesn't work out and there is always an awkward silence between us. There is no trust, or understanding between me or my family members at all.

    In school the teachers always say to go to your parents for this and that, and people encourage others to build up their bonds with their family. What should I, a person with no bonds with the family, do? Where can I go when my friends can't give me advice? Who can I share my achievements with, without sounding like I'm bragging, and without being shot down like a piece of crap?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • I have never had a guy friend, what am I doing wrong?

    Okay. I would like to emphasize on the word FRIEND here. I have a lot of friends, but all of them are girls. It's been this way my entire life. I'm 14 and I have never had one guy as a friend. Never, not even once. Whenever a guy talks to me, it's because of an ulterior motive; like to ask me out, or ask me for help in class.

    I'm not ugly (I don't think I'm ugly.) Most of the time I am really quiet in class, but that's only because I try hard to focus. I don't know what else it could be. Am I doing something wrong? How do I become friends with a guy?

    10 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Help thinking of powerful names?

    Names that have a powerful ring to them. A name you would give to a leader or hero.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Does the Katekyo Hitman Reborn Manga eventually get better?

    I started reading it out of curiosity, but so far it's the same thing over and over (I'm only on chapter 23). Tsuna gets into a problem, Reborn shoots him with the dying will bullet, and Tsuna is able to solve the problem in some sort of way, but in the end is still a loser. Do things ever start happening?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • How to deal with this guilt.?

    I'm a freshman. This guy, who has apparently liked me for some time, asked me out. I am not looking for a relationship, I feel like dating at 13 is still too young, and there are things I'd rather do. So when he asked me out, I said no, and told him why. He looked like he was about to cry or something. He took something out of his bag, and handed a small box to me, then walked off really quickly.

    I opened the box and there was a necklace inside. It looks like it was really expensive too. I feel like such a b****. I wanted to go and give the necklace back, but I couldn't, my body was just frozen. My friend, who is also friends with this guy, told me that it's a good thing I didn't because it would have hurt him even more.

    I have a long weekend (thanksgiving in canada) and won't see him for 3 days. However, he is in my french class and sits behind me, which is probably going to make him feel worse.

    I feel horrible. What should I do (is there even anything I can do?)? If you were the guy that got rejected, how would you feel?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should I just say I don't like him?

    Long story short: There's this guy, who apparently really likes me. My friend went up to this guy, and made a bet with him. He won the bet, and my friend told him that I would go out with him for a day! So apparently he is going to ask me out the next time he sees me.

    I feel so violated! I have never had a boyfriend before, and don't want to get into that (just started high school, planning to stay single for a while). Not to mention that I barely even know him. (He's in my french class but I don't even know his name!)

    Then again, according to this "bet" I only have to go out with him for a day. That is barely even a relationship. At the same time, he will probably want to go out after that since he likes me. Should I suck it up, hold hands, hug, and do all that other stuff for a day, then break it off if he tries to go out with me longer. Or should I just break his heart and tell him straight up that I don't like him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Tips for starting highschool?

    What should I expect? Is there anything other than drugs and gangs that I need to stay away from?

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago