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des asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

The Afgans and Pakistan (read ISI representing the Taliban) are negotiating with the West in London today.?

The deal appears to be USA and Uk etc out of Afganistan, Afgan Government get to control Kabul

and be the figurehead Government, Taliban get money and control of most of the country (democracy,

womens rights and education to long finger) is this a suitable end to war, at least it keeps the Saudi

Royals happy which is what the western defense and oil interests happy, and Israel can take comfort

with Saudi and oil Gulf State interests placated and stabilised with US . expect some dude elections

in Pakistan and Afganistan so western media can claim, it was all worth it.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whether its true or not,all in all its not a good thing for India and influence of Taliban in Pakistan can make Pakistan more dangerous.So India needs to be more wary of its neighbours

  • 8 years ago

    Let them, am not worried.

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