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80's kid asked in SportsFootball (American) · 8 years ago

Name all the missed calls you remember from the Superbowl.?

It's no question that the Ref's in the Superbowl were very laxed - or lets just look the other way. Especailly, it seems against the 49'ers. First off, I'm not a 49'ers fan, or even a Ravens fan, I'm neutral on this one. So, from a neutral perspective, I saw a lot of weird things going against the 9'ers last night, sometimes thats just the way it works out in sports, but other times somethings going on - can you smell a fix? I don't remember which Raven had the ball, but a big gain was made and he blatenly stiff-armed a 9'ers guy to the face. Now, I haven't played football in a while, but isn't that illegal hands to the face? Anyone else catch that play. Not only was there no call, but he gained like an extra 10 yars in the process cause the guy couldn't reach him to tack him, his face and head was being pushed back! We all saw the holding no-call at the end, thats obvious. But even w/o the call, the ball was too far outta bounds in my opinion to be caught, he would need like 10' long legs to stay in, plus he was pushing off a bit too. So anyway, I wanna hear your no-calls that you saw, either way.

I'm not being a crybaby that the 9'ers lost - remember I didn't really care who won this game - I just want to analyze the reffing, or lack of, see if you saw anything i missed. Please don't respond with the "dude, the 9'ers lost, get over it" thing. For what it's worth, I think the Ravens just played better football, had more gutsy plays esp. the deep passes they kept going for, and the 9'ers play calls were pretty bad at times, esp at the end, but this is a whole other story.



I guess the first 2 meatheads didn't get the memo, but I really don't need a "whats done is done" type answer - gues you're not the "thinking" type, or like to analyze sports at all. This is a BIG game here, it's the damn superbowl! If there were really bad calls its worth a mention, no?

Update 2:

Thanks to Brian Bell and Boofles, I was starting to think there were no sane people out there. Telling ME I don't watch enough football! I've PLAYED football my whole life - and watch it - and never saw some of the things like last night. And to say "hey, bad calls are made in every game", yeah thats true, but not every game is the superbowl! This is not just every other game. This was game-changing.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, terrible officiating. To the point where it's hard to believe it's accidental or just overlooked stuff. Thanks for starting this dialog; you're right, it should be discussed. I agree with what Woofles saw. I'll add that I saw a lot of holding by the Ravens offensive line. Flacco would have had no time if the game was called fair. But it's about typical for a Ravens game. They just cheat. As a Baltimore native, I can say unibomber's response is about the norm for Ravens fans, either they like the cheating or don't seem to even understand the concept of rules in football. And to changing the chinese U. rice fan, yeah, that's the rule, only it was obviously roughing the kicker, which would have been a 1st down. If I was a 49ers fan, I'd be pissed. As a football fan, I'm just disgusted.

  • 8 years ago

    A bunch of no calls early in the game on pushing and shoving that could have resulted in personal fouls on either team.

    A block in the back on the 49ers that set up Ted Ginn's punt return leading to the niners second touchdown.

    An obvious hold on Joe Staley that led to Frank Gore's 33 yard run to get the niners first and goal on the 7. Without that hold, Gore never makes it to the outside and maybe the niners never get down near the goal line.

    The 4th down pass play was a questionable call but not that terrible. There are similar plays that are not penalized throughout the entire year. Crabtree's technique (and Jimmy Smith's) was terrible on that play.

    On the 3rd down play, it looked like Jimmy Smith and Crabtree collided helmet to helmet which could have gone as a penalty on Smith. I think the play happened so fast the refs didn't catch that.

    Looked to me like the Niners held on two key passing plays on the last drive.

    The running into the kicker was questionable. I've seen that go as a 15 yarder or nothing at all.

    Extremely obvious and almost certainly intentional holding on the Ravens on the play where they took the safety. It didn't make any difference in the play because they were going to take a safety anyway. A penalty being called would not have resulted in more time for the niners because, as with any holding call or penalty that takes place after the snap of the ball, the play goes through to completion and then the penalty is called, which wasn't necessarily bad for the niners. (For instance, what if the 49ers had gotten to the punter in bounds, stripped the ball and recovered it for a touchdown?) I guess the penalty should have been called but it was irrelevant.

  • 8 years ago

    1. I think Crabtree had every chance to catch that last ball. It was not that out of bounds and was coming down on a sharp angle. That was a missed hold/ pass interference call for sure. The so called push off would matter as he was pushing away from a defender that was holding him by the pads.

    2. On the 109 yard kick off return by the Ravens there was an INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS hold that was not called. Look up the reply, a niner was held by two ravens players that directly allowed for the run to continue.

    3. On the last play by the Ravens that led to the kicker running out of bounds for a 49er safety, there was yet another OBVIOUS hold. Although this still would have led to the safety, this would have allowed for a few more seconds on the clock that would have given the 49ers a chance to run a play after the ensuing kickoff.

    4. Running into the kicker is a flat 15 yard penalty. NOT 5 YARDS! This would have continued the drive and given them a chance to score a TD. You think pro NFL refs would know the rules... Although Akers dove on this, if you're going to call the penalty, call the right amount of yards for crying out loud.

    5. First quarter there was a small scuffle between players. A ravens player closed-fisted punch a niner square in the face. The ref was 2 feet away and looking right at it. I understand you gotta "let boys play"... but that was way beyond acceptable.

    Honestly, its hard to look at replays and not feel the game was a little rigged. But I like to think it was just terrible, terrible officiating. Which it was. Ravens played a great game, but I think better officiating would have changed this game quite a bit.

  • 8 years ago

    Definitely lots of missed calls in that game . It was forever before they finally even threw a flag against the Ravens . Of course they shouldn't even have been there had the refs called the interference in the Denver game when the Ravens got the pick 6 . I agree with everything you say but will add that it was an obvious missed holding call on the kickoff return for touchdown . The replay from the opposite end zone shows it the best . There were two Ravens players sandwiching one of the Niners in the middle of the field right where Jacoby ran by. One of the Ravens had his arms wrapped around the Niners upper body to the point that you couldn't read his jersey number . The other guy was pulling back on his jersey . The two Ravens players rode him for at least ten yards.

    I have never seen anything more obvious . The fix was definitely on !,

    Source(s): Don't need a source if you watched the game!
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  • 8 years ago

    I like woofles answer. A few more was Cary Williams of the Ravens shoving the referee and nothing happens to him. And one was against the Niners for I think it was facemask on Flacco when he was under pressure and threw it out of bounds. There was one obvious offensive pass interference by the Ravens. Some people are also saying offsides on Ravens for the two point conversion, but I'll believe that one either way.

  • 5 years ago

    I undergo in concepts Cry infant Seagull followers that still deny they lost to the Steelers. I additionally undergo in concepts a number of their "questionable" calls that the NFL got here out and defined. First I undergo in concepts they claimed Ben did no longer get the landing. stupid because of the fact it could have been 4th on the objective line and that they does no longer have stopped the Steelers from achieving the ball over, besides the incontrovertible fact that it became easily shown he did break the plane. maximum on no account observed the attitude yet despite the fact that. I observed it on the Chris Meyer's Interview with him i've got faith it became(can not undergo in concepts who the dude that had the Interview practice on FSN became). 2nd became a Offensive bypass Interference call in the endzone. The Seattle participant pushed OFF, that's bypass Interference, yet hardly called. because of the fact it extremely is no longer generally called they whined that it became called on them fairly. properly then blame refs who are not doing their job good. third became Hassleback being called for a block decrease than the knees. i'm able to settle for a controversy in this penalty because of the fact he wasn't extremely blocking off, that became his address on the INT he merely threw. i can not undergo in concepts something of those they whined approximately yet there have been like 6 calls i think of. easily in case you observed the sport as I stated maximum have been maximum suitable calls, and a few days later the NFL easily got here out to guard them and clarify them. there became merely one attitude that of course confirmed the place Ben have been given with the Ball and that did no longer get confirmed throughout the Superbowl as I undergo in concepts. concern is that different calls have been made incorrect. often forgotten became the two Step yet no longer caught fumble that went against the Steelers. the guy from the Seahawks have been given the ball took like 2-3 steps properly conserving it(often seen possession) and then fumbled besides the incontrovertible fact that it have been given ruled an incomplete bypass. Yeah i think of there have been questionable calls, have been for the time of those playoffs, yet that does no longer mean the call is faulty.

  • i think they just let a lot go for both sides it doesn't sound like you watch alot of football

    the only thing i really noticed that they didn't call on alot was holdings on both teams

    it was a good bowl though

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i think remember hmmm let's see oh yeah NONE STFU butthurt bitter neutral fan.

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