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Rayven53 asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 8 years ago

Do you find need to pray?

This just a quick response to to a reply to my latest prayer circle broadcast:

Seems the list is ALWAYS there...

why my life remains so steeped in prayer.

When it seems it's, overall, against the odds,

the only view concerns me is my God's!



Howdy Evenin'...IMHO, the 2nd most telling Gospel was penned by a tax man! ;) Hmmmmm...

Thomas, I believe offerin' a prayer constitutes prayer. Anything that puts your mind on God constitutes's not a practice as much as a process, and it's more about improvin' you than the world, ultimately. And, tho' I DO believe we can change God's mind, I, too, believe He's aware of that comin'...which is more profound a metaphysical dialog than we've room for here...abolsutely right! You have my home email!

And neon, I'm informal, too...IF y'consider talkin' to the CREATOR...HANGER OF THE STARS...SAVIOR OF MANKIND...ALMIGHTY LORD OF ALL..."informal"! ;)

Hiya caz...nothin' selfish about recognizing the most unquenchable love in the cosmos is there as much just for you as for me! He espouses bringin' your troubles to Him! Matthew (That tax man!) 11:28 & 29!

Update 2:

Hiya' it's Just always s'nice t'see you, too, darlin'! :)

Hey Day, waddayasay, anyway?!? You can't offend me brother...I AM a believer...and the main thing I believe in is love...followed closely by forgiveness! Not just love the the perpetrator; hate the sin, but not the sinner. Some of us actually tsake that purty seriously! Thanks for all the kind words...even if they were as sarcastic as they sounded! LMBO Any publicity 'n' all that...heh heh Warren Buffet quote to finish: Every saint has a past...and every sinner a future! I happen t'be BOTH! ;) Nice t'meetcha!

An' Dallas...all prayers are answered! Some even in OUR favor! ;) How've YOU been, love?!? Miss you an' bein' out here more, but work's crazy; home's crazy...I'm about! HAH... stole y'all's thunder!! But life is good. just hate bein' spread s'thin I can't pay as much attention to some you

Update 3:

'n' I wish! Know y'both remain in my dailies!

(((((( S ot F ))))))

Update 4:

Hiya EM...don't I know it darlin'! Eph 6:10-20 is a favorite destination of mine when beset!

Hey remain a this month I am loftin' extra prayers on your behalf, love!

John...most certainly...marvelous insight. An' nice t'neetcha! ^10

Carole...s'nice to see you, schweetheaht...I've been in and outta here so sporadically myself! I often pray in verse...or song...just seems so my prayer for grace:

Thank You, Lord, for my meals today…

should I forget, before each, to pray;

just know that, as I sit my place,

deep down I’m aware


is through


In Jesus’ sweet name I pray!


Bannibal...always the pragmatist, but it seems t'work for ya! :) Always good t'see ya!

And Dear CG...I'm feelin' a need to email here...been too long...and sounds like there's an additional prayer or two in there somewhere! ;) Watch for it, but be patient with life is overwhelming full these

Update 5:

days! Still, you remain in my dailies, darlin'! :)

Dunno why it always cuts me off, but that's why I now compose in Wordpad, copy, and paste!

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are aware of God within and without then your whole life in communication with God is prayer.

  • 8 years ago

    Hello Dear Ray. It's been such a long time and I really am not able to come on YA right now. Perhaps eventually. But I'm glad I was able to make a rare stop tonight and see your question. Prayer means a lot to me in my life. It's the fuel that often keeps me going through those tough times, and it is a natural thing for me every day. I try very hard to incorporate gratefulness every day as I wake up. Usually I just talk to the Lord in an easy way. There are times when I go to Him though in deep prayer, or heaviness, for someone, or even with a sadness or need in my own life. I can't imagine my life without prayer!. I loved Evelyn's answer and have always felt she gave wise and sincere responses. Hope all is well. I am doing very well and life is good and full. One day I hope I can return to YA a little bit. Stay well Ray..Keep on smiling my friend.

  • 8 years ago

    Oh Ray, thank you so much for sharing with us. That was beautiful, and I echo Hallelujah and Amen.

    I feel like Mr. God and I have a close relationship. I pray to Him every day and night, and in His way, I believe He has answered my prayers.

  • 8 years ago

    LIFE is reason enough for prayer

    the fact that I woke up this morning

    that my own beloved is still here

    and with me each step of the way.

    Each curve in the path is consumed gratefully

    as this heart and soul connects,

    communicates without interruption in praise;

    love flows both ways in all my days.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes, I need to pray, but most often do so quietly. I will pray from the heart and often from the open wounds of life of which there have been many. That said, the point also comes form the joys of life, of which there have also been many. There is something to be said for the Armor of God, is there not?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well maybe this is about as far as I should go Ray. Am not a believer so does that offend ya brother? I need to know before I post any more. I can be a pain in the *** at times Big Ray...

    I say, if it works for you Bro then that's fine and dandy with me. It don't work for me though. Tell me Ray is that fine and dandy with you??.....


    Love the SHADES Ray, makes ya look a real cool son of a gun dude and, a Godly one to

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    First, thanks for answering my poem. I just looked up at new ones

    and saw yours on prayer and thought how apposite.

    I love prayer, yet I do not do enough of it. I was wondering if you

    think thought is prayer, where you are thinking of someones plight,

    and lifting them up, but perhaps not in thought speaking to God?

    He knows our thoughts so I gather so. Sometimes I think I am a

    bit lazy viewing prayer that one when I am not putting words to it.

    Yes, I find the need to pray, constantly, though falling short, press on.

    Charles Spurgoen once suggested we should pray "situation to situation"

    >> I have done that a couple times and it is definitely a Holy Spirit driven


    I have a bit more on prayer but do not want to hog space, so will stop here.

    Thanks and Lord bless you sir.


  • 8 years ago

    Do I formally pray? No. Do I have conversations? Yes.

    God enjoys the Bible thumpers

    and the doubting Thomases

    so unalike it seems to you and me

    but the same to someone

    who knows more

  • 8 years ago

    I'm always having a chat with God , ''just selfish chats mostly'' but I always thank him for being there for me at the time I really needed him.. :)

  • 8 years ago

    Well,when God saves your life,you owe Him,big time.

    The thing is,I enjoy it and praying comes naturally to me.

    I know many people in need,i ask God to please help them.

    As for me? waking up is enough...


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