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I'm an old, accomplished, happily married, Christian man with a good AND important career who only recently outgrew both stupid and invulnerable! I am only in this for friends...the more creative the better...I mean...WHY SETTLE? Often accused of bein' picky about my friends, I vehemently deny this, except that it may seem that way. I want to be friends with ABSOLUTELY EVER'BODY, but given temporal limitations, I merely prioritize in certain directions! ╬╔╦═╦═╦╗╔╦═╗ puт тнis on your ║║║═╣═╣║║║═╣ profile if you ╔╝║═╬═║╚╝╠═║ вelieve in нiм. ╚═╩═╩═╩══╩═╝

  • Would you consider a special post and c/c, P&T?

    My Sincerest Thanks,

    Drs. GO and DR!!!

    It took me a while,

    ‘til the pace of the holidays slowed,

    to proffer my thanks,

    gratitude for the gift you’ve bestowed…

    “It is cancer, Ray!”,

    is a kick in the emotional chest,

    but you caught my fall,

    and both proved to be the very best!

    So for this miracle,

    cancer-free so soon after the fact,

    I scarce have the words

    to befit the skills brought to react…

    or the demeanor

    that displayed your intentional flair,

    and the confidence

    with which your talents were brought to bear.

    Know you share my thanks with an Almighty God in Heaven,

    for, gifts such as yours, must certainly be God-Given!


    RAH © 02/07/2014

    1 AnswerPoetry7 years ago
  • For HH...what have I said about Haiku!?!?

    Always had my suspicions something just not right about 5-7-5; it's even kinda poetic to add 1, subtract 1, and add 1...and end up wit' 6-6-6!!! NYUK NYUK NYIKES!!!


    Lord ha' mercy...the Haiku Serial Killer! Who'd a thunk?!? Well...who'd a thunk it would be some li'l Japanese dude runnin' about the woods in his skivvies!?!

    S'all I got...

    3 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Can I celebrate a "Special Birthday" through a poem?


    She’s the Hutch to my Starsky,

    new young miss to my old mister;

    once niece, though much more daughter,

    one year ago became my sister!

    Knowing through my own perception,

    live birth first, spirit latter,

    it’s spirit, active chosen,

    that’s the “birth” that will most matter!

    Chronology is just a race down

    the path to who’s, first, graved;

    whereas spirit’s path is for all time,

    and shared with all the saved!

    I, then, claim it more important,

    and when others ask me why,

    I say, “It’s when we sign the deed…

    to our mansion in the sky!”

    RAH © 07/22/2013

    5 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • What's your take on Memorial Day (U.S.)?!?

    This year, as we approach Memorial Day,

    I feel myself now once again required

    to wax, if not elaborate, poetic, anyway,

    about how I’m continually inspired

    by how selfless is the sacrifice they pay,

    especially the ones whom we have lost!

    That price is, for each of them, a “might”,

    and enters into their consideration

    of pickin’ up that torch…joinin’ the fight

    on behalf of an often forgetful nation,

    yet…considered…still pursuin’ what is right…

    despite the risk of that ultimate cost!

    Now, a 3-day weekend certainly is nice,

    and, while I hope that you enjoy it totally,

    loft a prayer for those who paid, for you, its price…

    for, still, no truer words…“Freedom Isn’t Free!!!”

    And I’m willin’ to risk bein’ called cliché,

    to get this word out each Memorial Day!

    RAH © 05/24/2013

    8 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Do y'think y'can hide behind way too much pride?!?

    Well the Doctor is sayin’, “I fixed y’up good!!!”

    with the talent that God endowed…

    While the teacher says, “Taught ‘em all I know!!!”,

    though they ought not be quite s'proud.

    And the Lawyer says, “Man, I’m articulate…

    gotcha off with a slap on the wrist!”;

    wouldn’t, “Praise God, Who made me convincin’!”

    be an interestin’ alternate twist?

    And the preacher who claims he’s the link to God,

    through whom we can find Loving Light;

    better yet give me one who is ready to claim

    that it’s God’s made it already right!

    We all can take some credit, at times in our lives,

    but it’s never right takin’ it all;

    if you don’t recognize the true source when you’re up,

    what on earth will y’do when y’fall?!?

    RAH © 05/16/2013

    9 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Do you write separately for your own mom?!?

    I DO:

    I wrote a poem for every mother true,

    but you’re not every other mother, you!

    You are truly special, one of a kind,

    And not just because you’re, thankfully, mine!

    You’re stoic, puttin’ up with all our stuff;

    You’re stalwart, and yet just gentle enough!

    You’re patient, and, with us, that’s prob’ly best…

    for a shorty, you stand out among the rest!

    I’ve seriously loved you from the start;

    You’ve such a special place here in my heart.

    So I’m wishing you a special Mother’s Day,

    While taking this opportunity to say,

    I hope I can be back to visit before long,

    Cuz this long a separation is just wrong!

    RAH © 05/08/2013


    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Did y'all realize Mother's Day is right 'round the corner again?!?

    More than words can scarce describe,

    Or this poor bard can herein inscribe,

    The love you’re blessed with from your mother

    Has no parallel from any other;

    Every other love that within your heart stirs,

    Resoundingly falls short compared to hers!

    Don’t forget, this Mother’s Day, to share

    Every way you’re thankful she was there

    Any time you needed your mom’s special touch;

    Regale her with love…with why…and with how much!

    RAH © 05/08/2013

    3 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Do some things just strike you as simply BEEYOOTIFUL?!?


    A close-up of a Hyacinth Macaw,

    claw-ringed eye as he, his forehead, scratches;

    the calm path of a newly-falling leaf,

    landing…backwards…to when it detaches.

    Our varying perspectives proffer truth,

    that mature us, engaged and rendered full

    of life enriched by God’s whimsied design

    that sometimes is just naught, but beautiful!

    RAH © 05/03/2013

    7 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Has the ensuing commentary for the Boston bombings caused you to scratch your haid too?!?

    When our world’s dissidents are runnin’ rampant,

    and we’re overrun with glibly opinin’ upstarts,

    it’s sad the more articulate among us

    are so smart their brain-to-lip drowns out their hearts!

    RAH © 04/16/2013

    9 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is this kinda what keeps YOU comin' back?!?

    I penned this quickly in answer to a Fredric post, though it truly reflects so many of y'all!

    I don't get out here often...

    know not what it is that moves me when I do,

    until, once here, anxious expectations soften,

    having run into the the soulful likes o' you!

    It's rare I'm disappointed once I'm here...

    collective hearts do, all at once, dispel my fear!

    8 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is it too early to wish ever'body a Happy Valentine's Day?!?

    This is not gender specific,

    love is just so dang terrific,

    that a day devoted to its call

    should be a day shared by you all,

    so here’s my Valentine’s Day poem,

    that each and every one can call their own!

    I’m mad for love…have always been

    receiver who gives back again…

    dependable smile on my face,

    from all of your fond fonts of grace…

    so blessed by just so many’s love,

    but more than any other, His above!


    (((((( <3 ))))))

    RAH © 02/13/2012

    10 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Do you find need to pray?

    This just a quick response to to a reply to my latest prayer circle broadcast:

    Seems the list is ALWAYS there...

    why my life remains so steeped in prayer.

    When it seems it's, overall, against the odds,

    the only view concerns me is my God's!


    13 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Can I tell you it's my honor to render this honor?!?

    What a study in contrast,

    a mighty warrior takes his stand;

    for peace he fights to his last,

    faith shield, word/sword in his hand.

    From Ephesians did he arm

    himself protected for the fight;

    scripture was his haven warm,

    his assurance he was right.

    So he stood as Gandhi taught,

    letting the Spirit guide each word;

    it was heart-deep that he fought,

    Christ’s encouragement he heard.

    How tragic no convincing,

    ‘til mad bullet pierced his brain,

    love’s empathy evincing

    even as his life blood drain.

    And the legacy he leaves us

    he just borrowed from above:

    “At the center of nonviolence,

    stands the principle of love!”

    RAH © 01/21/2013

    9 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Can I wish ever'body a Merry Christmas?!?

    Here we are again, dear friends, in touch to share our year,

    And wishin’ each and every one the finest season’s cheer.

    This year just swept through with an attitude,

    tho’ with more ups than downs overall;

    keenly counting blessings with gratitude

    makes good times easier to recall.

    Still, can’t entirely ignore this year’s loss,

    Mindy’s mom taken home to The Lord;

    but she, baptized after counting the cost,

    left full-redeemed as promised in His Word!

    As if that’s not enough, Newtown was heard…

    eleven days before this celebration,

    a horrific evil, by them incurred,

    shook this town, this state, and this nation.!

    Their Christmas stolen, was how some folks felt,

    couldn’t be more removed from the fact:

    The newborn Christ, before Whom wise men knelt,

    the sole hope that can counter this act!

    And it’s that hope I carry through my day,

    the biggest thing that keeps me upbeat:

    knowing that, if I live my life “The Way”,

    nothing could my forever defeat!

    And I’m happy that we’re not traveling,

    while saddened for those folks we’ll not see,

    but if I any further unravel,

    the me that they see will not be me!

    Yet there’s a glimmer on the horizon, because this year as Thanksgiving gift,

    a new li’l rescue came into our lives, who, for all those involved, was a lift!

    Her name, Molly, was perfect…suited a disposition so dear,

    So I’ll end with...MERRY CHRISTMAS…and to all a most blessed New Year!!!

    RAH © 12/21/12

    10 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Could I offer my mom-in-law's eulogy for C/C, P&T?!?


    (I Eulogize My Beloved Mother - March, 1989)

    Today we cry...must admit they're selfish tears.

    You see...our faith assures your journey's done.

    But it's not for you we mourn, at all, my dear;

    It's for those of us you've left behind...alone!!!

    We share your joy...share your happiness at rest,

    Your painful fears now for forever stilled.

    You've fought the good fight, passed the final test,

    But you've left behind a hole that can't be filled!!!

    So, until we each rejoin you some someday,

    And, while your memory buoys us through those years,

    We'll miss you...but continue on our way,

    And, from time to time, we'll cry our selfish tears!!!

    Ray Hamilton © March 19, 1989

    But, I couldn’t just end this here,

    not for a “mom” who’s, for me, s’dear:

    Angel Betty

    My tears are mostly selfish, still, it’s true,

    Though this time, Betty, they’re there just for you!

    We’ve had a less-than-wonderful twelve years,

    For reasons that do…and don’t…warrant tears,

    But one thing I am wholly certain of…

    There never was a reason that didn’t warrant love.

    You never made me feel like I’d intruded,

    In fact, you always made me feel totally included!

    And I’m left the sweet recall of all we’ve shared,

    Big things and little…but mostly how you cared!

    And one thing I’m completely certain of…

    Not a day e’er passed between us that didn’t benefit from love.

    RAH © 08 August 2012

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you be so gracious as to indulge a mourner?

    Now I lay you down to sleep,

    and hand you off for God to keep,

    my heart breaking, with aching frayed

    for love, now lost, so like unto God’s own.

    I’ve loved you, these past twelve years

    more’n I could represent with tears;

    the love returned, more than repaid,

    in all your special ways, fervently shown.

    I’ll miss your must-be-close-to-hear-it purr,

    your meaty strength covered with softest fur,

    and your insistent presence on my knee,

    where you’d nuzzle backwards for a kiss from me!

    Your needle claws seemed never trimmed enough,

    and left their mark on most our softer stuff;

    but never were you ever hard to love,

    our “first-born” buddy, gift from God above!

    You were a mighty warrior once, when young,

    until we found your sister, fatal–stung;

    after that you’d rarely leave the house,

    or play with ball-trapped bell or catnip mouse.

    So now I sing you off unto

    another wait ‘fore we come through,

    and pick up right where we left off,

    buddies, as before this terrible pain.

    Then, rejoined, we’ll ne’er lament

    our sojourns through the firmament

    where you now sup from golden trough

    together, now forever, once again.!/

    RIP Tigger


    © RAH

    13 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • How do new poets feel to you?

    I recently read something by someone new to me anyway...Luvable Lolita...that I found charmingly similar to Dallas' homey writes; though a wee bit more ethereal, it plucked a similar heartstring, and so:

    Every once in a while,

    I encounter a poet

    Whose style I can freely embrace,

    And believe that it’s style,

    If you don’t, you should know it,

    I’m too old to be swayed by a stance or a face.

    But a spirited word,

    standing out against many,

    though the others urgently try,

    is more apt to be heard,

    by my own heart, than any

    that luckily chance to happen to catch my eye!

    RAH © 07/18/2012

    11 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Could I hold up a Sister for y'all?!?

    Will a starfish flung into the sea

    ever make of me a better me?

    Perhaps in that it constitutes a stand

    lifting it up from lost there in the sand…

    in this sole instance you’ve most surely won

    by giving your heart wholly for just one!

    Love, I think I’ll never likely be

    prouder to claim as my family

    such wonderful example for us all

    of hope in Christ allaying any fall…

    but claim I will and brag sister you are

    and, like that fish, you’re nothin’ short of star!

    With my oh-so-proud-o’-you love…RAH © 06/28/2012

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Do long, holiday weekends cause you to overdo, too?!?

    After the Long Weekend

    The thing that makes it so dang hard

    listenin’ to good advice once old,

    is havin’ lived a reckless youth

    of adventures brave ‘n’ bold.

    If I had only known just what

    my rasher actions held in store,

    I may have been more careful then,

    instead of, now, so doggone sore!

    RAH © 05/29/2012

    9 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Can I offer a counterpoint, if that is what this is, to Jenny's recent post?

    Actually, the pit of what she wrote reminded me of an old saying I have, "Though not necessarily by yourself, you must find God for yourself!" When I study the bible with someone new, who is searching, I insist, right up front, that they take nothing I say to heart...I hope only to guide them to the spots where what they should take to heart lie! And so I've written:

    Careful you, who have been told,

    that you truly are familiar with the goods you have been sold.

    When someone propounds too bold,

    it most often has to do with reservations their hearts hold.

    Make no mistake, I don’t mean

    you should not seek some help in plumbing the depths of things unseen;

    but you could land in between

    the rock and proverbial hard place that belies answers pristine.

    Tho’ by yourself’s not needed,

    for yourself could not possibly be oft-enough repeated;

    the hope your heart’s entreated,

    when found in one’s own way becomes indelibly completed.

    RAH © 05/22/2012

    God Bless Y'all! :)

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago