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With ETA counts topping 96 million jobs lost under O this weekend, are liberals proud of their hero in the WH?

Since many seemed unconcerned with the 90 million jobs slashed from the economy as of the Saturday before the election, can we assume liberals and O’bots are pleased-as-punch and approaching O’gasmic ecstasy over the figure reaching 96 million Saturday, February 23rd, 2013? We hear hundreds, and occasionally, thousands of times a day how proud you are of someone most Americans recognize was elected first and foremost for his skin color, while his performance in Office is record-setting in ways that have devastated the nation’s economy.

Employment & Training Administration counts reached 95,755,000 Americans separated from employment under Obama when Thursday’s data added 362,000 new registrants for unemployment as of Saturday, February 16th. Since this Administration has yet to have a week with fewer than 300,000 new, first-time claimants register for unemployment on unadjusted counts, and 330,000 on the seasonally adjusted counts that sometimes address aberrant spikes, short weeks and surprises, the data which appears next Thursday will officially bring the cumulative count of jobs lost under Obama to around 96.1 million.

At the end of last year, in the final month of Obama’s first term, that calculated to 108,000 more jobs lost on average for each week of the Obama Presidency in comparison to real workforce counts from the ETA under George Bush at the same point 205 weeks into his second term. For months with 31 days in them, the figure was 497,000 more jobs lost on average than ended under Obama’s predecessor. That rounds nicely enough to a half million more jobs lost monthly under Obama than under George Bush across your main man’s economy killing, workforce destroying policies. To have voted for him again, admittedly, the percentage was fractionally below 51%, shocking numbers of the electorate contradicted what every network reported said was claimed by voters in exit polls. Americans indicated jobs and the economy were their greatest concern and issues numbers one and two for who they voted for.

When George Bush left Office, the workforce was 133,886,830, according to employers’ payroll records nationwide. Given the weight of such figures and importance of a nationwide count, as opposed to the limited survey-based predictive data released by the BLS, the cumulative count of workers shown in the furthest right-hand column on the ETA site is adjusted on a quarterly basis. The latest count of verified workers on payroll records for the first quarter of 2013 is 128,613,913, which remains 5.25 million down from the day Obama took Office 49 months ago. With somewhere in the range of 27-30 million new workers who’ve sought to enter the workforce during the past four years from the ranks of our college, secondary and trade school graduates, LPR’s awarded green cards, H1B visa newcomers and asylees, GED earners and tougher to count dropouts, as well as illegal alien newcomers waltzing across our Southern Border in the millions, according to internal ICE documents and Agents’ admissions, what kind of percentage of the 96 million Americans separated from jobs do you think have returned at this point?

There’s no coincidence about tax revenues flagging when unemployment skyrockets, and there hasn’t been an economy remotely like what we’ve face under Obama since the Great Depression. There’s considerable evidence supportive of the recession having never ended, and by some counts a Depression having lingered that the liberal media seem determined to protect Americans from recognizing head-on. Consider reading the article from Peter Ferrera for a range of factors that he writes about in an article entitled “The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression.”

A link to summary data from the ETA is included, and an Xcel chart of figures found by paging down under the Real Unemployment tab shows cumulative counts that are nowhere to be found with the Department of Labor’s ETA division. While their weekly counts of job losses are gathered directly from employment offices handling unemployment claims with each of the nation’s 50 states, together with actual employers’ payroll record figures, the ETA counts are more meaningful and far superior to the estimates and statistically manipulated data offered by the BLS after survey responses are gathered. Former BLS Commissioner John Hall and Rick Manning, a Department of Labor Chief of Staff for nearly a decade, called the figures deeply flawed last fall when millions were slashed from the ranks of the unemployed with only a fraction of their numbers securing jobs. In fact, with modest job growth of about 165,000 monthly for two quarters when 3.5 million were dropped from marginally attached and long-term unemployed counts last year, the increase was on the low end of what most economists recognize as necessary to include the ready newcomers and come-of-age workers into the economy.


How many of the 96 million displaced workers do you believe have been returned to work at this point? And for those sicko leftists who profess unending devotion and love for the President, go have your O’gasm elsewhere and please try to learn some respect for the scores of millions who’ve experienced devastating life-changing losses under you’re hero. We’re not quite as impressed as you with the record-setting 96 million count. Of course, in case you’re interested in what you ignored at election time, this Administration will top 100 million Americans having filed as new registrants for unemployment after suffering job losses sometime around the final ten days of April.

And leftist’s like to call conservatives hateful. WOW. What else can you say?

Update 2:

I'm not surprised some question the huge number. I assure you, it's VERY REAL. Clicking on the rockymountainperspective link, then paging down to the chart showing cumulative job losses from registrants whose jobs were terminated should help clarify the stunning count. The third link above is to the ETA site where weekly numbers can be checked against the chart shown, which ends with Feb. 2nd data showing 95,051,000 jobs lost under Obama. The past two Saturday's added 342,000 and 362,000 new registrants who've become unemployed, making the total 95,755,000. Of course, that doesn't include Sat. Feb. 23rd, which will add about 350,000 more first-time claimants who've become newly unemployed. The BLS shows weeks unemployed averaging more than 40 weeks in duration under Obama, which is the longest length since that metric's been kept post WWII, and double Bush's highest count. Incredibly, many more unemployed are simply purged from BLS counts as are returned

Update 3:

to gainful employment. And keep in mind, the numbers shown above are DOL actual counts, as opposed to survey-based estimates calculated and manipulated by BLS statisticians.

19 Answers

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wonder if they're proud that More Americans are being added to food stamps than are finding jobs.

    Re: "There’s no coincidence about tax revenues flagging when unemployment skyrockets.." Hell of it is, Obama said flat out in a 2007 interview that he knew higher taxes reduce revenue. Then he babbled some nonsense about 'fairness'. Took me a while to decide if he's an ideologue or just an idiot. Then I realized he's both.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Take Surveys Get Money -
  • 8 years ago

    It is amazing the lengths that liberals will go to to protect their bum in office. I wonder how many of them think that you are trying to say that there are more than 96 million unemployed? All these numbers show is that at some point over the last 4 years had some time in which they were eligible for unemployment. Maybe it was only a week, maybe much more. When Obama first took office the unemployment rate was 7.8%, 4 years later it is 7.9%. Worse than that are two factors which contribute to the problem.

    The first factor is the participation rate which is 65.7% when Obama took office and is now at 63.6%

    The other problem is that full employment is said to be had when unemployment is at 5% and factory utilization is at 85%, we are currently at a factory utilization rate of near 80% which means that there really are not any jobs out there to be had., at least not until demand picks up.

    The only ways to increase factory utilization is to either increase demands or eliminate factories which have very low utilization. No company continues to build product for inventory, the build product to sell though some of it does end up as excess inventory due mainly to fall out of product that does not meet the standards.

    How they figure all of this out is through a method called book to bill ratio which is a quarterly review of orders and product sold. A book to bill of 1.10 means that you have orders of $110 for every $100 worth of product shipped. When the book to bill starts to fall so does factory utilization and the possibilities of layoffs increase.

    @Who was #1

    This is not the total number of people that are currently unemployed, it is the number of people that were unemployed long enough to have filled an unemployment claim for the first time. The total US workforce is about 150 million so at some point in the past 4 years 65% of the total workforce had experienced some period of unemployment, even if it were just a plant shutdown where workers were able to participate in a work share program and get partial unemployment.

  • 8 years ago

    While I agree with your thesis I must question your numbers.

    USA has a population of just over 300 million, maybe 330 million including old people, illegal aliens and kids. You claim almost 100 million of working age are out of work. Something's wrong with that number.

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  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The Liberal ideology is a road to failure!

    They seem to have abandoned logic and reason.

    They are Advocates of a policy that empowers a strong federal government to enslave its people with the high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the working people .


  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Not proud, just lucky. He was better than McCain or Romney. And no I hate Afghanistan If I had my preferences I'd be out by now.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes the Libs are proud because that means that Obama is punishing those evil rich (hard working businessman) isn't making money.

    What they don't realize is the hard workers don't make money then there is no revenue coming in, no production and no jobs.

    What will Libs do when there is no businessmen be like N. Korea

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Your entire rant is based in nothing realistic. There are between 150 to 180 million Americans available to work. If the conservative's usual assumption of a minimum of 25% unemployment is true, There are between 115 to 135 million Americans able to work. You are saying that jobs for 96 million have disappeared which would mean that between 20 and 40 million Americans would be working and unemployment would be around 80 to 85%. That's nonsensical.

    Rocky Mountain Perspective is a right wing conspiracy site, dedicated to misinforming those who want to be misinformed.

    From 1973 to1990 the growth of GDP each year was 0.3%. From 1948 to 1973, it was 1.9%. From 1990 to 1995 the yearly growth rate averaged 0.5%. From 1995 to 2000 the rate was 1.3%. 2000 to 2005 was 1.4%. From 2007 to 2010 the growth was 0.7. Reagan presided over an economy their grew at a slower rate than at any time since the end of WW2. Your Forbes piece is another unsubstantiated attack. Reaganomics are why we are in such bad shape. We haven't had a balanced budget since Reagan started using "voodoo economics". It's bad voodoo, as well.

    Most of George W. Bush's job creation was in government, which he expanded greatly. The current administration is now greater than the pace in either of President George W. Bush’s terms in office.

    Since President Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, private sector jobs have risen at an annual rate of one-tenth of 1 percent. Before the last decade, there had not been such a poor performance for any entire presidential term since 1960. But private sector jobs fell during President Bush’s first term, and rose at an annual rate of just 0.06 percent in his second term.

    Another way to look at the job trend is to see the changing proportion of government jobs to total jobs. For most of the period after World War II, that proportion rose, with the largest gain coming during Dwight Eisenhower’s second term.

    The first administration to actually see it fall — that is, to see private sector payrolls rise more rapidly than public ones — was Jimmy Carter’s, from 1977 to 1981. The ratio continued to decline under Ronald Reagan, but bounced up a little under George H. W. Bush. Then it fell under Mr. Clinton but rose under George W. Bush. It has fallen under President Obama.

    Your post about nearly 100,000,000 jobs being lost this weekend is not only totally fabricated, it contrary to common sense.

  • 8 years ago

    Mr. Wolf writes: "So you think a President can force companies to hire people"

    EEOC Warns Employers: If You Don't Want to Hire Felons, You Need a Good Reason

    Obama Administration: Refuse To Hire Convicted Felons…YOU Get Dragged To Court

    "or force them to stop laying people off."

    Obama administration tells contractors again: Don’t issue layoff notices

    “The Obama Administration is cynically trying to skirt the WARN Act to keep the American people in the dark about this looming national security and fiscal crisis,” Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) said in a statement. “The president should insist that companies act in accordance with the clearly stated law and move forward with the layoff notices.”

  • 5 years ago
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