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Lv 7

How come newts can regenerate limbs and organs but humans cannot? Does God love newts more than us?

Newts are aquatic amphibians.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many species have abilities that are far superior than what humans have or have abilities that humans do not have at all.

    The mistake religious people make is that they are the pinnacle of the universe, they aren't.

    Trees for instance contribute far more to the planet than humans do and many live thousands of years.

    Elephants are a keystone species, as are Sea Otters, Star fish, Ca. Mussels, Jaguar, Acorn Banksia, (tree),grizzly bear, prairie dog, beavers, tiger sharks, bees,....etc.

    Humans are not. Our species could disappear and have no effect (except give the planet a chance to heal from their abuse)

    So no whining about the newt's ability to regenerate limbs.

  • To follow your argument are you saying being without limbs means we are loved less we are worthless of lesser important the physical body decays moment by moment God looks to our spiritual nature He loves all able bodied and disabled.

    Plus growing limbs or not the longest predicted life cycle of a newt in it's own habitat is 15 years hardly a comparison to the offered life cycle of a human

  • Jan
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Newts can regenerate limbs,

    ants are extremely strong for their size,

    elephants look badas$

    trees can grow hundreds of years old,

    leopards can run faster than the speed of light,

    humans can think,

    every kind of species has got their special ability!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It's all in the Design. God designed newts with regeneration ability because being aquatic amphibians they are probably in danger of getting parts of their body bitten off. Unless you regularly swim in shark infested waters, you probably don't need that advantage. So take care of your body, because you only get one. ;)

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    So you are concluding that organ regeneration is a necessary evidence of God's love for human beings? Do you have any other requirements of the Almighty? Please indicate what they are, and I will get Him to correct His ways ASAP. After all, you know more about what He should be doing than anyone else.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes, god wanks to newts. He is strange like that.

  • 4 years ago

    God believes newts are cooler and therefore deserve this special power more than us humans.

  • AmberP
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Kinda makes you wonder if we should consider ourselves the superior or all species , doesn't it!

  • Sam
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's because we evolved along different lines.

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