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thatgirl asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

Could I have Schizophrenia?

I know i sound l a bit weird but im not good i think things are happening bad tings and they can't be it's just not logical. Like hallucinations and I feel flat emotionless like life does not matter anymore please help. I can't go to the doctors for I am 16 and please don't tell me im just getting hormones for hallucinations are not hormones. I'm just a bit on edge.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Course you can go to the doctors, why would yo age matter??

  • Joy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Don't worry it would be exceptionally rare for anyone your age to get schizophrenia. If you had it you'd not be questioning the events were illogical you'd be 100% certain they were real, more real than anything else in your life.

    Flat affect would be the least of your worries and you'd not have noticed that either if you were this ill. Trust me everyone around you would be aware of you being very ill and you'd be incapable of seeing any of it. You'd be stopped eating, sleeping, talking, attending school, seeing mates, washing, changing and your parents teachers and friends would be the ones dragging you to the psychiatrist for admission to hospital. You can't see any logic's when this ill not at all.

    Hallucinations don't seen like hallucinations to the sick person, they are so real they believe it 100% full stop. Maybe you have anxiety and/or depression ad they can be caused by stress ad life events or indeed by teen hormones. Some suffer really badly with hormonal changes, we are all different.

    At 16 you are legally allowed to see the doctor alone and they will be able to reassure you. As long as you're not self harming or suicidal and he agrees that it is hormonal changes they won't contact your parents. Obviously if you did have schizophrenia then they would have to contact them.

    Good luck

  • 8 years ago

    I think I have a similar problem. I got self-diagnosed with terminal cancer, HIV, diabetes, gangrene, syfilis, OCD, biplolar disorder, autism, ADHD, and addiction to cocain, but sadly, I'm only 16 and can't go to a doctor... idiot.

  • 8 years ago

    im not sure its that but i no these do sound alot like something else im going to refer you to this site as it has good advice and can tell u wat u want to no.

    when you go to it click on learning difficulties it will tell u what u have n if you have it and can realy help :) good luck

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  • 8 years ago

    get help or speak to someone close to you , doesn't sound normal and may not be schizophrenia maybe another mental health issue.

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