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Applying for naval aircrew?

I'm currently an enlisted my rating is an AO when I really wanted one of AWO/AWF/AWV so all I'm really asking is if I can change before basic? I'm also in delayed entry so Idk if that helps with the change

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes you just have to have your recruiter submit a DAR (DEP action request) for a rating change and when the spot opens up it'll get switched. Just remember that this will most likely change your ship date and also if you are set to ship soon there's only a small chance they can switch you before you leave

    Source(s): I just got rating change couple weeks ago
  • finnen
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    while i grow to be interior the Marine Corps. They tried to coach most of the hot Marine a thank you to swim in the event that they have been having problems. i'm uncertain if that's the coverage for the army or Marines now with the aid of fact I even have been out of that branch of provider for all maximum 13 years now. Air team college will practice you in some aspects of what's needed, yet you elect prepare. detect a pool that is close to you and initiate attempting to do laps and additionally attempt to prepare protecting your breath (Breath administration) with the aid of fact most of the flaws you would be required to do will job your skills to swim and paintings the two above and below water.

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