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How can I help a two year old that is terrified to take a bath?

My little granddaughter is two years old. About a month ago she pooped in the bath tub while she was taking a bath. Now she is terrified to get in the tub at her house or mine. Is there anyone who has had a similar experience? I feel so sorry for her. I have done everything to make bathtime fun. I have even let her keep on her pull ups, but she is still afraid. Please help if you can. Please no nasty answers because this is a serious problem concerning a child. Thank you to all who answer.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Pearl

    The poor little poppet. If she is really scared then she doesn't have to have a bath. All over wash will suffice.

    Teach her the song, "raindrops keep falling on my head" then take her in the shower with a child's umbrella. Make it fun time again and she will soon forget her trauma.

    Never, ever make a child do anything that scares them.

    I hope this helps. Good luck and best wishes.

  • 8 years ago

    The other day I saw a great idea someone had for bathing babies, which is to put a plastic laundry basket (short square, not the tall kind) in the bath tub for the child to sit it. This way the child wouldn't hit their head on the hard tub if they fell over, and it's a smaller space to keep them in, and when you have toys in the bath they are always within reach.

    I realize your granddaughter is two, but perhaps keeping the bath but changing the presentation (to something that may seem fun) would get her mind off the bath itself? Good luck!

  • Jess
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Try to make bath time FUN! Go buy some water toys and tub paints, and decorate it for her before her bath, hopefully the toys will distract her. You can also start off with minimal water, working your way up eventually at her comfort level. Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    I would let her see you or her parents or both preferably get into the tub and watch you for a brief time to see that nothing is going to happen. Also, you might want to get in the tub with her to help ease her fears. Hopefully it will be something simple that you guys can work out. I will keep u guys in my prayers however.

    Help her to understand that if she gets that urge, considering she is potty trained, that she can get out and use the bathroom. Also, assure her that if she does have another accident that accidents do happen and it's not the end of the world.

    Good luck hope you guys get it worked out!

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    First, take your youngster to the potty and enable him sit down there for no less than a jiffy and notice if he will do his enterprise. he might probable like some privateness, so tell him which you're on the different area of the door and to call you while he's finished. properly after that, for the tub, enable him positioned his widespread water toy interior the water with him and make tub time exciting. i might provide my daughter her wash fabric and enable her bathe herself first and then i might tell her that its mommy's turn to purpose it and notice who did a greater suited job. with a bit of luck each and every thing works out on your newborn or he's purely going to might desire to stroll around with fragrance :) :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Buy a kiddie pool and get in there with her and splash around and have fun. Then explain it's just like the bathtub, only outside.

  • kristi
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    My son went through this also I got in with him and have had no problems. Since your grandma I'd put your swim suit on and put hers on too and pretend your swimming

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