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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsSkin Conditions · 8 years ago

Can somebody help me with my acne?!?

I've suffered with acne from the age of 11 (now aged 14)

In primary school, when the spots started, they were just occasionally but I was still the first in my year to ever get any. I tried many home remedies and shop brought products but none worked. A year went by and I'd estimate I'd spent over £100 on skin products, which all showed no improvement.

At this stage, I had started secondary school. Due to the spots, I was bullied substantially! Ever since the bullying it has knocked my confidence down so much...

I started to go to the doctors in 2011, year 7, and I've tried just about every product they have! I started to go back every 6 months, then every 3, until it was every month because there was no improvements made at all.

I've been changed antibiotics two times.

This is now my skin routine:


Wash my face with luke-warm water and flannel

Use topical treatment (prescribed by the doctor)


(I use no foundation anymore)

Night time-

Wash face with luke-warm water and flannel

Use topical treatment and cream (prescribed by doctor)

I also change my sheets every week, don't touch my face, only drink water (No juices, milk or fizzy) and do not spray perfumes.

Please can SOMEONE help me, it's gotten to the stage where I cannot leave the house at all, I don't look in any mirrors and camera's are my biggest phobia. I've been seeing counselors for self-harm, suicidal thoughts and in general a mucked up brain....

If only someone could give me the answer to get rid of my acne

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wash your face with cold water that way your acne shrinks in size, also use ice cube on your acne it will make them shrink.

    Do not pick,scratch,or pop pimples (unless the puss is oozing out of it then you can pop it) because if you do then it will leave horrible black scars and it will stay there forever unless you get a chemical peel.

    Use hydrogen peroxide. Have somebody go to the store for you and get a bottle or two of hydrogen peroxide and put it on your face where the acne is at and it will clean everything it will sting though because it's cleaning all that horrible bacteria (please do not wipe it off if it stings, and DON'T get it near you eyes) you'll get uset to the sting after a while, and it will dry the pimples (and skin but don't worry) it will also make your skin white from the bleaching but it will go away in 5 or more minutes don't worry! put in on everyday, evenings and night. This will work!

    Shower every night! with a exfoiliator and a facial wash (not soap because it drys the skin) exfoiliate your face but not to hard though because you will come out all red and puffy.

    Do not touch your face to much please! your hands are dirty and FULL of oils that will make you break out.

    Don't lotion your face. The only parts you can lotion your face are your,eyelids,around the eyes, maybe your nose but only the parts with no acne, Just where ever there is no acne because the lotion clogs pores! let your skin breath

    The only drink you can drink is WATER nothing else. Water cleanes your body in the inside where the core of you problem is, so drink cold water and that's all. And tea!

    Stay aways from oily,greasy,fast food, and fried foods. This WILL help. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies.

    You will see a difference if you do all of this I promise!

    Get 9 hours of sleep! it helps lower stress and stress makes you breakout BIG time, trust me.

    Source(s): I have an acne problem to, but I do this every day and my acne goes away within a week or so. Don't forget about the hydrogen peroxide!
  • 8 years ago

    My advice would be get an expert to extract first them work on maintaining the clarity. Theres a procedure ive got done a few times from i was 18 to last week infact called microdermabrasion. It will loosed everything, resurface and in some cases actully remove blackheads and white heads without squeezing.

    you must be careful not to use the wrong products and over dry the skin coz it just causes breakouts. If you phone a local beutician and ask them to access your skin chances are they wont charge if they think ul get a treatment with them but itl give you an idea into what your really dealing with

    Source(s): me
  • Jamie
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Holistically Treating Acne
  • 8 years ago

    Hi I know as a teen this is really frustrating take a look at the product on this web site this might be what you've been looking for.

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  • 8 years ago

    first clean your face with alchol with a cloth then put cheap tooth paste on your face for about a min then scrub your face with an avery soap. Then every week put that green mask and drink lots of water. use aim toothpaste

  • 8 years ago

    Amazon has hundreds of reviews of hundreds of diffrent products for this.

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