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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 8 years ago

Why would anyone listen to Obama and Biden on guns?

Warning shots, shooting through doors, really.

Armed Texas Homeowners Defend Themselves from Armed Intruders

"Picked the Wrong Garwl Darn Wreck Room to break into didn't you punks"???

If you're a woman, imagine being home alone in a rural area when you hear someone rattling your front door. You

don't recognize who they are. You call your husband just as the two teenaged boys break into your house and you

see that they are armed. What do you do?

That's exactly what happened to a woman in the small rural community of Maypearl, Texas, about 45 miles south of

the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. It was Wednesday afternoon, she was home alone at their farmhouse when she heard

her front door rattling. She looked out and saw two young men, one dressed in camouflage and had a gun strapped

across his back.

She immediately called her husband and then ran to get her gun. Her husband was just pulling into the driveway

when the intruders broke into the house. He entered the house through the back door, grabbed his gun and began

shooting at the intruders. A gun fight ensued. The husband was wounded in the side but not seriously. The two

teenaged intruders must have realized that they were over matched and rather than face going to jail, they took

their own lives.

Lt. James Saulter from the Ellis County Sheriff's Department commented about the incident saying:

"The homeowner was hit. There's multiple rounds through his house. Actually, one of them went through the side,

and is above the bed in the master bedroom."

"Our sheriff is always letting homeowners know to arm themselves. This is one of the reasons why. Sometimes it

takes a while for us to get out this far, and they have to take care of it themselves."

"They were in fear for their lives, their house was being broken into, the suspects were armed. Early indications

are everything was justified."

Two teens dead in Ellis County break-in attempt

A woman alone in her large rural farmhouse south of Maypearl heard a rattle at her door Wednesday afternoon. She

told deputies she saw two men trying to break in - one was dressed in camouflage with a gun strapped to his back.

view full article

Can you imagine if this had happened in a state like New York or New Jersey where people are required by the law to

keep their guns unloaded and locked up in a gun safe? Would this woman and her husband have had time to open the

safe and load the guns before being confronted by the armed intruders? Having guns unloaded and locked up is the

same as not having a gun in the house for self-protection.

I've always lived in a house with loaded and accessible guns. Even as a kid, my parents made sure that all of us

kids knew where every gun was kept and that they were loaded and ready to use if needed. We were also taught to

respect the guns and never ever play with them.

Had President Obama and the liberal Democrats had their way, the family would not have had their guns and quite

probably would have ended up like Herbert Clutter and his family. In 1959, intruders broke into their farm house

and killed four of six family members as chronicled in the famous book and movie In Cold Blood.

If she followed Vice President Joe Biden's words of wisdom, she would have grabbed her shotgun, excused herself as

she exited the door and passed the intruders so she could fire her shotgun into the air to scare them off. Think

about this really hard as this is the advice of the man that is next in line to be Commander in Chief if anything

happens to Obama. Is this really what we want from our national leaders?

I don't know how else to say this politely, but Joe Biden is a stupid and arrogant moron. Besides telling women to

empty their only form of protection and commit an illegal act in most areas, he also recently referred to former

Rep. Gabby Giffords as being mortally wounded. Yet, she still lives and breathes and even though she took a bullet

in her brain she still has more intelligence and common sense than Biden.

It may be a tragedy that the two teenagers killed themselves, but that was their choice, not the homeowners. If

they were in that bad of a mental state where they so readily took their own lives, they most likely would have had

no problem in taking the lives of the couple. But praise the Lord, this Texas couple is alive and doing well.

They had their guns, knew how to use them and kept them available for quick access.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I see it as No tragedy that the two teenagers killed themselves, Its two less we have to pay for in prison.

  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The trouble with liberals is just that they know so much that isn't so.

    The Liberal ideology is a theory , fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and which holds forth that 2+2 =5.!

    They are Advocates of a policy that empowers a strong federal government to enslave its people with the high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the working people .

    Criminals prefer unarmed victims!!

    Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens.


  • Ingrid
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You are making it very clear to us who the moron is and it is not Vice President Biden.

    Are we returning to the days of THE WILD WEST?

    Is it because the ill educated fear anyone because the vocabulary of diplomacy is totally foreign to them?

    While other countries focus on education big time we lay our sight on guns in School.

    Now that will keep as at the top of progress?

    Now bullets become our strength rather than words?

    Churches will be armed to the teeth? Now there is a lesson to be learned, isn't it.

  • 8 years ago

    After your long story

    question...why would anyone listen to Obama or Biden on guns

    why not

    they will not take away your guns

    sane people will listen....they see that there has been over 2300 deaths since Sandy hook and that does NOT include a women defending herself by break ins

    ut you know that

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  • 8 years ago

    it's nice when it works out. would you care to see a few more about how folks shot their own kid or some other neighbor's? no shortage of those. in reality, very few people actually manage to kill bad guys with their personal weapon. bad guys don't kill all that many good people, although it's always a tragedy when it does happen. in reality about 2/3s of all gun deaths in the US are suicides.

  • RJC
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because sad to say from the posts here that both Biden and obama know more about guns than most democrat idiots.

    And obama only held a gun 1 time for a photo op.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    America has the worst gun crime in modern world

    America has the most guns in modern world

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Why would anybody listen Bushtard on anything, especially WMD's? lol.

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