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Lv 6
? asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 8 years ago

Am I too young to go on a water fast?

I'm 14 years old and this summer for 3-7 days, I was considering going on a water fast. I've been reading about it for a while and I'm not planning on doing it for any medical reason or anything, it just sounds interesting and I wanted to try it. I'm at a healthy, average weight for a teenage girl and I'm fairly active now, but I know that for the fast, I won't be able to be as active.

A lot of the things that I read said that children should not fast, but I wasn't sure if 14 counted as "children", so for anyone who is experienced in water fasting, am I too young? Also, how was your experience with it and what benefits/complications did you have?


Just to clarify for those who are confused, a water fast is where you only drink water and no food, not the opposite.

Also, for a little more detail:

I'm 5 foot 4 inches and weigh 113 pounds.

I currently take Vitamin D supplements daily and I know that my mom has some others that she would gladly let me take.

I'm not interested in this for medical or health or weight reasons. I just heard about it and thought it sounded interesting, and I was thinking about trying it.

Update 2:

Just to clarify for those who are confused, a water fast is where you only drink water and no food, not the opposite.

Also, for a little more detail:

I'm 5 foot 4 inches and weigh 113 pounds.

I currently take Vitamin D supplements daily and I know that my mom has some others that she would gladly let me take.

I'm not interested in this for medical or health or weight reasons. I just heard about it and thought it sounded interesting, and I was thinking about trying it.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, you are too young, it isn't a good idea to fast from important nutrition while growing as can permenantly stunt your growth, it is certainly advisable to wait until you have stopped development, seriously. Also at healthy weight I do not understand why you would want to fast? The only health benefit is that it detoxifies the body, helping relieve disease and illness, however whilst fasting it is ESSENTIAL that vitamin supplements are taken to ensure well being.

    Another factor you may want to consider is your activity, although you may not be particularly active, those fasting has tendencies to contract severe headaches, dizziness and faintness when doing simple activity such as walking whilst fasting.

    In conclusion it's probably not a great idea to fast as a 14 year old healthy girl, why potentially sacrifice your good health unnecessarily? Mainly understand that fasting can SERIOUSLY effect your growth negatively in the long term and is frankly a bad idea as you would be confined to a partial state ( at low energy)

  • 8 years ago

    I water fasted a few months ago for 4 days when i was 14 and i was fine. I walked around town with my friends for 3 hours on the third day and i didn't notice anything other than a slightly stronger smell and a headache which is all normal. I think you should be fine, just don't do it for too long! :) Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I did this thing where I drank like 8 bottles of water a day. I didn't have any bad side affect but I dropped about ten pounds. And all I ate was fruit and dry Rice Krispies cereal. I don't know how healthy it is but it worked!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think that is very admirable that you would want to fast for three to seven days and was just water and a good I' honestly wish you would have said your height and your weight. so I'm going to give you some height and weight if you are over 5 feet and you are a five feet and 130 pounds. 5 foot 10 and 135 pounds 5 foot 2 140 pounds. then I play with your parents permission then go ahead and a leather fast then probably plan for three days anytime you're going too fast actually asked for time. Is good to just do at least three days first fast three days would be sufficient. and I'm saying if you're over your weight and you have a little bit of exyra weight on you in the future you know when your 18 prefrably the try a 7 day. because I actually it's very important that you don't do this often your body is trying to grow dont want to stunt your growth or anything or give you any kind of eating problem. okay first day you're going to be thinking about food in things feel tired maybe a little yucky but OK. the next day you'll probably have a coating on your tongue and this girl like me in your mouth but be able to go with it and your mind is very alert your very aware. if you go number two its all good smell weird and look different than it ever has. and you might book irritable or kind of headache EE possibly. you going to don't feel as bad as day two you don't feel hungry you are alert and aware of everything and in these days of fasting might make it a little bit difficult sleeping might not have a good sleep when you're fasting. if you exert yourself you're going to feel weak. Its like when you're on you period

    Your body just isn't exactly the same your a little weak and people can get on your nerves pretty easily. Your breath stinks because you got a coat of gunk on it. what your mind is very alert and your body is losing now. and day for you should go back to eating but it's kind of lights and maybe with juice or fruit don't take a lot of sugar and just maybe a little bit of juice and then eat some fruit my dinner have a light dinner and then probably. justice important don't start that eating by eating bread and does the back eating by eating sugary things. I found said live in water be four of them but mainly because I was sick and I fasted on juice and fluids. but after a couple weeks you don't want any sugar even if you do it that way to the day for really disgusting. so I ended up having you know like lemon in water or tea. so I don't recommend you do it at all unless your parents will agree to let you do it. 3 day trial is a good trial of a real fast. because of your age because you're like around normal weight I wouldn't suggest you do it unless you have a little bit of weight on an extra and I wouldn't think you should do it more than like once or twice a year that's it until you're over 18 are in your twenties and then drive 7 day water fast and then only go to 7 days and get off it. I hope that's helpful to you without your parents permission DO NOT DO IT they need to know what you're doing in case there's any bad reactions you need somebody there that knows. so if something is going on in your body they will know. I hope that helps I did my fast for a reason and get closer to God in to help umm other people to come closer to God they did so I was really happy with the result. I was very much overweight I exercised I lost it. A child sold into prostitution was resqued a result and day.I was done is the day she got rescued. Whole bunch of miracles happen and people knew in America people in New Zealand people in Hawaii people in Thailand people all knew about this mirical that happen. so that's why I tell you to be cautious and I think I want you to do it at a young age like often and you can do it when you're older. picture I did not enjoy it. but something has to be done at that time and I believe I needed to do it.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Cami dont do it. It will make your body go into survival mode and slow down your metabolism. Then you will gain weight the opposite of what you want.

  • 8 years ago

    yeah u can die at 7 days of no water.....ur body needs from food not water that sort of dumb. expertly in the summer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If you are "at a healthy, average weight for a teenage girl,” why would you chose to abuse your body that badly, then?

    Don’t do it.


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