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  • Would I get in trouble for using the name of a brand as names for characters in a book?

    I'm writing a story and two of the main characters are named Olivia and Alice (Al for short). I really love these names for the characters, but when my sister read the story, she pointed out that there's a well-known fashion brand named Alice + Olivia. I really don't want to change the names of the characters, and I'm not using the names in terms of that brand. Also, those names are pretty generic, so in the off-chance that I were to publish this book, could I get in trouble for using those names?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • What do you think of this name?

    My full name is Camden Nicole, but I'm girl with a boys name and I hate it, so I want to change my name to something for feminine.

    Right now, I really like Naya (yes, like Naya Rivera from Glee). I wanted people's opinions on that name.

    I'm also open to suggestions. (For reference, I'm black with lighter skin, hazel eyes, and straight, black hair)

    Thanks to anyone who answers:)

    9 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Why does my stomach do this? And second question...?

    My stomach isn't fully flat; it has a little bit of a bulge to it, but whenever I eat, it suddenly bloats and looks like it's been inflated with air and it doesn't fully go down (hence the little bulge to it). It makes me really insecure to the point where I don't even eat because I don't want that bulge. Does everyone's stomach stick out like that after they eat? And why?

    Also, as I said earlier, the inflation makes me insecure, so I tried making myself sick, but it wouldn't work. I tried using my finger, but it wouldn't go back far enough, so I got a toothbrush, but the most that would happen is my eyes would water, spit would come up, and I'd cough a lot, but I could never puke. Is that normal to not be able to make yourself sick?

    Please don't give me any lectures about "being beautiful no matter what" or "making myself sick isn't the answer". I get that enough from my parents. I just want to know why my stomach sticks out and why i can't puke.

    Thank you:)

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • What should I change my name to?

    My name is Camden and I'm a girl...basically I hate it because it's supposed to be a boy name, so I want to change it when I'm 18. But I have NO idea what to change it to.

    For an idea of what I look like, I'm black, but my skin is kind of light, I have hazel eyes, hair that's wavy and like down to my armpit, I'm 5'5 and weigh about 108 pounds (so I'm kind of skinny). I also live in a basically all white town, so I've been told I talk and act like a "white girl"

    Some names I like are:








    Johanna or Anna

    I like names that have cute, easy nicknames, that are feminine, and that I won't regret as I get older.

    Please help:)

    4 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Can I have some suggestions for changing my name?

    I'm a 14 year old girl with the name Camden. I hate it. It's a boy name (not even a well-liked boy name at that) and it doesn't sound pretty or feminine or anything. I hate everything about it, especially when my older sister's name is Amanda

    So, when I'm 18 I do plan on changing on my name, but I have no idea what I would choose. I'm not a big fan of my middle name, Nicole, so I don't want to go by that (also, I think it's too close to my mom's name, which is Nikki), but I do want my new future name to go well with my middle name.

    Some of my favorite names are Serena, Vienna, Sasha, Ella, Francesca, Noelle, and Eden, if that helps.

    BQ: How much would it cost to change your name in Michigan if anyone knows?

    BQ2: If anyone else has changed their name, do people still want to call you by your old name, or did people accept your change?

    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Why do people hate anything "mainstream"?

    I was just wondering. Like, I shop at Hollister/A&F and I listen to Justin Bieber and Rihanna and Nicki Minaj (I'll be the first to admit that some of their songs do get annoying after a while, but I'm sure every artist has at least one song that someone finds annoying). But that doesn't make me like everyone else. I like the clothes at Hollister because they're comfortable, they're affordable (for me, at least), and I find them cute. I also shop at like Pacsun or Pink, but when I try like Forever 21 or H&M, I just don't find anything that I love or that fits me. And I like "mainstream" music, but I also like Queen, Kid Rock, Christina Aguilera, One Republic, and other lesser-known bands, like Backstreet Goodbye, so I don't just listen to one type of music; I listen to what appeals to me.

    But anyway, I just want to know why it feels like most people label this stuff that I like as "boring" or "not having individuality or creativity". I'm my own person, I just happen to like some popular things (hello, it's popular and mainstream for a reason; because a lot of people like it).

    So I want to know why you do/don't like mainstream things and people.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • How much do you spend on school clothes?

    I'm going to be a freshman in high school this year and lately, I've been really into clothes and fashion. I've developed a little bit of an addiction to shopping, so I'm always online or wanting to go to the mall. So far, I've only bought 2 pairs of leggings, 3 shirts, and a sweater for school, but that was all $200. My mom always pays for all my back-to-school clothes, as long as I wait to wear them until school starts. This is just my online shopping. My mom says that we're going on a major shopping spree at the mall when school gets closer, so that means she'll probably spend another $200-300 there. (Btw, I normally shop at Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, American Eagle, Pink, and Pacsun)

    When I look back at the numbers, it seems like a lot of money. Is $500 too much to spend on school clothes? Also, how much do you normally spend on back-to-school clothes?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • What are your favorite boy and girl names?

    ~Please list your favorite names for each gender

    ~This is just for fun, but please only serious answers


    Also give your opinion on some of mine:



    Vienna "Anna"


    Athena "Nina"

    Noelia "Ellie"

    Evelina "Evie"



    Alexei "Lex"



    Mackenzie "Mack"


    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Should I break up with him?

    *I just want to say that both he and I are 14. I'll refer to him as "S"

    So, last summer, I was at a high school football game and one of my guy friends came up to me with another guy I didn't know. My friend introduced S to me and said that he wanted to meet me. I was flattered and he was a very nice guy, so I hung out with him a little and we exchanged numbers. I didn't think much of it except that he was a nice guy who was going to my school next year. As time went on, he started texting me a lot and eventually he tried to ask me. However, I'd barely known him a few days and I didn't feel comfortable dating a guy I barely knew, so I told him this and told him that I wanted to get to know him better.

    We went to the same school for a year and in the 2nd semester, we sat next to each other in science. After all that time, it was obvious that he still liked me and towards the last day of school, he asked me out again. After getting to know him, he was still just as nice and sweet as ever, so I figured "why not" and said yes. At first, things were a little awkward between us, but I figured it just because we were new being boyfriend and girlfriend. Also, he's been so sweet to me, so I thought that I liked him. However, now it's been 5-6 weeks and I still feel like things are awkward between us. We don't have anything in common, when we text, the conversations go nowhere, and I just don't feel into it. But he liked me and waited for me for so long, so I feel bad breaking up with him after only a few weeks. I just can't see us doing anything more than being friends and hanging out. His friend brought up kissing a few days ago, and I couldn't imagine it at all and I really don't want to kiss him. I don't think I'm physically or emotionally attracted to him.

    My parents told me that I'm young and it's still early, so I should give it a little longer and see how I feel, but I've been feeling this way for a while and if anything, the feelings have only gotten stronger.

    So I want you guys' opinions. Should I break up with him now and get it over with, or should I wait a little longer and see how things go?

    1 AnswerAdolescent8 years ago
  • Should I break up with him?

    *I just want to say that both he and I are 14. I'll refer to him as "S"

    So, last summer, I was at a high school football game and one of my guy friends came up to me with another guy I didn't know. My friend introduced S to me and said that he wanted to meet me. I was flattered and he was a very nice guy, so I hung out with him a little and we exchanged numbers. I didn't think much of it except that he was a nice guy who was going to my school next year. As time went on, he started texting me a lot and eventually he tried to ask me. However, I'd barely known him a few days and I didn't feel comfortable dating a guy I barely knew, so I told him this and told him that I wanted to get to know him better.

    We went to the same school for a year and in the 2nd semester, we sat next to each other in science. After all that time, it was obvious that he still liked me and towards the last day of school, he asked me out again. After getting to know him, he was still just as nice and sweet as ever, so I figured "why not" and said yes. At first, things were a little awkward between us, but I figured it just because we were new being boyfriend and girlfriend. Also, he's been so sweet to me, so I thought that I liked him. However, now it's been 5-6 weeks and I still feel like things are awkward between us. We don't have anything in common, when we text, the conversations go nowhere, and I just don't feel into it. But he liked me and waited for me for so long, so I feel bad breaking up with him after only a few weeks. I just can't see us doing anything more than being friends and hanging out. His friend brought up kissing a few days ago, and I couldn't imagine it at all and I really don't want to kiss him. I don't think I'm physically or emotionally attracted to him.

    My parents told me that I'm young and it's still early, so I should give it a little longer and see how I feel, but I've been feeling this way for a while and if anything, the feelings have only gotten stronger.

    So I want you guys' opinions. Should I break up with him now and get it over with, or should I wait a little longer and see how things go?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • In your opinion, where is the best place to raise kids?

    *I know it's a little long, but please read. Thank you*

    I'm 14 and I've lived in a fairly small town almost my whole life. I'm black, but this town is mostly full of white, republicans who shelter their kids. Most kids have barely left Michigan (where we live) and they don't know much else from a world full of white people who for the most part, all have stay-at-home moms, one or two siblings, a dad who's always at work, and their grandparents and cousins also all live in this town.

    However, my parents are a bit different. My mom has a full time job and has since before my sister and I were born. My dad also had a full time job, but he retired a few weeks ago. My parents like to take us anywhere for vacations. I've been to the poorest islands, the richest cities, I've walked Bourbon Street in New Orleans, and I've seen many different cultures.

    My friend and I were talking a few days ago, and I said that I would probably kill myself if I had to stay in the same small city my whole life because there's no excitement. I told her that I would probably want to move near a big city like Atlanta or New York or London, while my house was somewhere near there in the suburbs, so my kids would have a safe home, but they could still experience many different cultures like I get to. My friend disagreed and said it's best to keep them safe in a small town and keep them away from bad things.

    So, I want other people's opinions. Is it best to let your kids experience different cultures or to keep them away from other influences and keep them in a small town?

    Please share personal experiences and your full opinions. Thanks in advance:)

    7 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Can you please rate/comment on these names?


    Sasha Emilia (eh-mee-lee-uh)

    Amzie Emma (am-zee)

    Cecily Rose

    Evelina Lily

    Vienna Poppy


    Alexei Paris (ah-lex-say)

    Landon Mackenzie

    Liam Benjamin

    Oliver Noel (nole. just one syllable)

    ~This is just for fun

    ~Suggestions are welcome

    ~Best answer goes to most detailed answer

    Thanks in advance:)

    3 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Please rate and give your opinion on these boy names?

    These are some of my favorite boy names. Please rate/comment on them. Best answer goes to most detailed answer














    (I know some are more common for girls today, but all of these are traditionally male names. Please no rude comments)

    I'm also open to suggestions. Thank you:)

    5 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Which girl name do you prefer?

    The choices are:

    Vivia, Vienna, or Serena

    You can just vote for one, but a reason as to why you chose what you did would be nice.

    *Please only pick one and don't say none*

    9 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • This or That: Boys and Girls?


    Vivia or Vienna?

    Vivienne or Francesca?

    Serena or Sienna?

    Athena or Dakota?

    Zanna or Zofia?

    Anastasia or Avi?

    Alessandra or Adriana?


    Landon or Liam?

    Sasha or Alexei?

    Madison or Mackenzie?

    Luca or Cristiano?

    Adrian or Andre?

    Evan or Dominic?

    *Please don't say both or neither; try to pick one. At the end, you can put your favorites and least favorites and it would be helpful if you said why. Most detailed answer gets best answer*

    15 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Can you rate my favorite girl names?

    These are my favorite names:

    Anastasia (ahn-nuh-stah-see-uh)



    Katarzyna (kuh-tar-shin-uh)




    Zanna (zan-uh)



    I know that some of them are a bit different, but can you guys please rate them out of ten and/or give your opinions?

    *Best answer will go to the person who rates/comments on ALL names*

    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Am I too young to go on a water fast?

    I'm 14 years old and this summer for 3-7 days, I was considering going on a water fast. I've been reading about it for a while and I'm not planning on doing it for any medical reason or anything, it just sounds interesting and I wanted to try it. I'm at a healthy, average weight for a teenage girl and I'm fairly active now, but I know that for the fast, I won't be able to be as active.

    A lot of the things that I read said that children should not fast, but I wasn't sure if 14 counted as "children", so for anyone who is experienced in water fasting, am I too young? Also, how was your experience with it and what benefits/complications did you have?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • This or That (Boys and Girls Names)?


    Serena or Ella

    Vienna or Vivienne

    Rose or Eleanor

    Natasha or Anastasia

    Ariana or Athena

    Dakota or Penelope

    Zanna or Zofia


    Liam or Luca

    Noel or Nathan

    Madison or Mackenzie

    Benjamin or Gabriel

    Noah or Mason

    Remington or Sasha

    Landon or Oliver

    Also, please tell your opinion on my names or if you have any suggestions:)

    19 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Would it be too difficult to learn French?

    I'm 14 right now and I'm taking Spanish in school. Next year as a freshman in high school, I'm going to be taking Spanish 2. I have over 100% in my Spanish class, so I'm good at learning new languages. However, I really want to move to France to work when I get older, and I would like to take French in high school. Would my previous education in Spanish make it difficult to learn French, or would it not matter? Also, is French a difficult language to learn and how much French would I need to know to live in France?

    Please only answer if you are learning a new language or have experience in learning French or you live in France. Thank you:)

    8 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • What do you think of my favorite names?

    My favorites are


    Vienna Rose

    Serena Rose

    Anastasia Poppy

    Ariana Lily


    Landon Noel

    Liam Benjamin

    Luca Madison

    Other names I like:









    2 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago