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Do Atheists see Religion as trying to seek the truth? The Pope sees this in Atheistss?

Pope Francis sees Atheists as his allies in seeking truth and upholding human dignity. Can the Atheists on this very opinionated R&S section allow themselves to do the same? And in doing so, step away from their rhetoric and agree with a reasonable point?

Pope Francis was quoted as saying:

"I feel close to all men and women who, although not claiming to belong to any religious tradition, still feel themselves to be in search of truth, goodness and beauty,” he said. “[Atheists and nones] are our precious allies in the effort to defend human dignity, in building a peaceful coexistence between peoples, and in carefully protecting creation.”

In his book "Why This Atheist Has a New Hope in Pope Francis", author Luis Ruuska seems to agree, albeit watchfully...

“I might not believe in God, but I believe that Catholics and atheists can work together just as all of humanity can work together towards equality and justice when we put the needs of modern people first and the arcane doctrine second,”


What I'm trying to get at is a more philosophical look at things. Step back and see the big picture for a sec. Not an empirical debate of which is better Religion or Science Sheesh! Can people NOT be partisan for a half second?

So far.. the R&S section is living up to its extremist reputation based on the responses. Unfortunately, confirms my presumption and expectations - which is disappointing.

Is there even ONE philosophical atheist who can see that even if they disagree BOTH are trying to get at the central truth and thus can at least agree on that?


Closest so far has been "we're gonna have to get along or radical Islam will win" - I guess that's kinda like a 'lesser of 2 evils' which is ONE way of looking at it. But not the philosophical viewpoint I was trying to get at.

15 Answers

  • india
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here's the thing: if we atheists don't work with Christians, Jews and "others", then radical Islam is going to tear this world apart. We don't want that to happen, so we're going to suck it up and strike an accord.

    Source(s): *gives stern mommy look*
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    "would not that defy what your guy or woman faith besides?shouldn't you be spreading the actuality of your faith fairly than telling how yet another is stupid and would not make experience?won't the better spirit you think in instruction manual them to the actuality?" Atheism isnt a faith. Defying atheism could be believing in a god... so no on your first question... Spreading the thought there is not any such factor as god is what we are doing. we've not got faith in an more suitable capability.... you're stupid

  • 8 years ago

    "So far.. the R&S section is living up to its extremist reputation based on the responses. Unfortunately, confirms my presumption and expectations - which is disappointing."

    I can see that.

    yahoo answers just allows them to comment based on preconceived notions and move on. I suggest you start a blog or talk to them one on one rather than this. The latter is what I'm doing, far more for fruitful so far!

    Blessings x

    Source(s): Roman Catholic
  • 8 years ago

    To some people, religion is a way of seeking the Truth. Not a very useful way--to this atheist's perspective--but still a way. To professional clerics, though, I think a lot of religion is just psychological control more than seeking enlightenment.

    To whatever pathetic jackass who gave this a thumbs-down: you're just making me more militantly opposed to organized religion. Way to go, shiathead.

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  • 8 years ago

    Jesus is the truth, the way, the life etc.

    Thus In our bbile study, we studied what is the meaning of Truth as Jesus. Thus anyone seeking the truth is already searching for Jesus. So, I agree with the Pope that we are their allies in searching for the Truth.

  • 8 years ago

    I certainly don't.

    If that is the claim, then they're certainly going about it in a very convoluted manner, given the claim they state the existence of a God without showing any empirical evidence of.

    Similarly, it's like predicting the exact outcome of an experiment without ever having to carry it out, whilst their is nothing initially wrong with predictions, in fact they're initially recommended in scientific methodology as a starting-point, it is inherently misguided to deduce a fact from a non testable of falsifiable idea. Further, science has room for adjustment and improvement, for when it is wrong it will take a different path and explore new areas. That option is not available in religion with a central God, Deity, tutelary, etc, in which the premise is to always arrive at the same conclusion.

    As for the response of Luis Ruuska, it sounds like yet more uninformed opinionated diatribe from a liberal-type who views the world from utopian idealistic optimistic glasses. You know the type, those who deny realism and argue for 'mutual respect of opinion'. Quite frankly the greatest respect they can show one another is healthy criticism and debate and to defend one another's right to claim one another is wrong. One will ultimately come out on top on grounds of logic and reason, whereas one will come out on top in its appeal for emotion. Certainly, I would suspect the Church would disagree with its doctrines which are very much practiced and pushed across much of the world, specifically the impoverished world, as being described as 'arcane'.

  • 8 years ago

    No, atheists do seek truth but people who believe in imaginary deities hide from the truth. All of the three monotheistic religions have at times tortured and murdered atheists for not believing in their particular brand of supernatural nonsense.

  • 8 years ago

    I like "JEA"'s response so much I'm gonig to quote it to make the point stronger:

    "Not at all.

    Religion tries to bury truth, never to seek it.

    Truth, if it were known would effectively shut them down.

    Fanatics fear truth more than their god, because they know it will cancel that god.

    Never think religion seeks any truth, you would find yourself gravely mistaken.

    Religion is NOT benign."

    AMEN to that.

    Ask your poop to open up the Vatican library to the public. That's a nice step in the right direction. They won't do it though - too many secrets.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not at all.

    Religion tries to bury truth, never to seek it.

    Truth, if it were known would effectively shut them down.

    Fanatics fear truth more than their god, because they know it will cancel that god.

    Never think religion seeks any truth, you would find yourself gravely mistaken.

    Religion is NOT benign.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I will never be his ally. Because people are discovering that religion is a myth, he's trying to show a friendly face.

    But you know .. It's really amusing to see him trying to reconcile with those who are going to hell (according to his bible).

    Source(s): Atheist
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