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Dean Ambrose is the next huge star of the wrestling business True or False and why?+BQ?

He's the great wrestler. Cm Punk and Dean Ambrose are the best full time wrestlers talkers on the mic. I'm hearing the fans said He's the future of pro wrestling. He was in Heartland Wrestling Association, Combat Zone Wrestling, Dragon Gate USA , Insanity Pro Wrestling and more others. I really think Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley) is very entertaining.

I'd watched his great promo on Youtube. Wwe had booked the Shield perfectly. They're better than the Nexus. We know John Cena will be part time wrestler very soon. I feel that, He'll have great rivalary with Cm Punk, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and more others. Do You think Dean Ambrose will be the new face of the company? Would Dean Ambrose become the successful? It's your own opinion.

BQ Should Bully Ray be called the best heel right now?

He knows how to draw some heat. Cm Punk can't draw some heat besides using real life storylines to help him to get some heat from the crowd. I would've Bully Ray to be better heel than Cm Punk right now because Nobody should been cheering for heel.

16 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you mean the new face of the WWE or "the next big thing", then no. He's loaded with talent, yes indeed, but Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) is the better wrestler and Roman Reigns scares the crap out of people because of his size and intimidation factor. I guess we COULD call Dean Ambrose the spokesman for The Shield, he does seem to do the most talking, but so far he's just reciting promos the writers write for him. He's good at it, yes, but we're not seeing any of his own personality and charisma in the promos he does. He's just playing the character the WWE assigned him to play.

    I've seen Jon Moxley on his own in various indies. The man's loaded with talent, personality, and charisma but it's mostly hidden in the WWE by the gimmick/character he's playing. So far, all he's done is take part in gang-attacks (or run when they lose the numbers advantage), tell us they're there to correct the injustices in the WWE, and that we should believe in The Shield. While The Shield IS better than Nexus because of the talents of the individuals, they're really not doing anything different from what Nexus did.

    To become a "breakout star" Ambrose will have to get out of The Shield and become a singles wrestler where he can be more of himself and less of a gimmick character in a one-track angle. No matter who The Shield has targeted the guys in The Shield don't change, they do the same things over and over, and say the same things over and over. For all we know of him that's all he CAN do. He'll have to go out on his own and show us there's much more to Dean Ambrose than we've seen thus far. Barrett and Ziggler had to get out of the groups they were in to get anywhere in the WWE. So will Ambrose.

    The potential is there. It's up to the WWE to showcase him (as a singles) and let him prove to the world that he has the talent. If he stays in The Shield he'll always be just a member of that group, just like Rollins and Reigns.

    BQ: Yep. Bully Ray screwed over, and screws over, the good guys that the fans cheer for, he does promos that piss off the fans, he victimizes the weak, etc. Punk just whines about being screwed over and feuded with the good guy half of the audience boos, he does promos supposedly exposing the biases and politics backstage but the fans agree with him so he's not getting heat with the fans that way. Against The Rock and Taker, Punk is not in their leagues (as stars) so few people gave him any chance of winning. An effective heel has to be either A) a monster or B) a despicable weasel. Bully Ray is a despicable weasel. Punk is neither type. He's more a talented underdog fighting guys bigger than him and most people support underdogs. There are always going to be a segment of the audience who cheer for the bad guys no matter who the bad guys are, but Bully Ray can piss off even those people. Punk doesn't seem to be able to.

  • 8 years ago

    True, Dean Ambrose is the next big star of the wrestling industry and he

    represents the future of World Wrestling Entertainment. Lets go back to

    the time of the WWF Attitude Era. Remember what happen when four of

    WCW's best wrestlers jumped ship to sign with the WWF. 2/4 of the elite

    group later became a World Champion in World Wrestling Entertainment.

    We got a very similar situation with The S.H.I.E.L.D. Dean Ambrose is a

    very decorated wrestler and he's a good reputation from the indy scene he

    has competed in several indy wrestling promotions including DGUSA and

    some have even compared Moxley to being a young "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.

    Dean Ambrose is not just the spokes person for the group this guy can go

    and wrestle good quality matches in the ring. Remember when Jon arrived

    on the scene who did he call out first? None other than Seth Rollins (Tyler

    Black) himself and they had a great series of matches on NXT. WWE took

    a huge chance on booking these guys to be in high profile matches on the

    WWE pay per views. They've defeated Cena, Orton, Ryback, Sheamus &

    The Big Show in high profile matches the SHIELD has done a great job in

    Wwe's main event scene. When Dean Ambrose talks on the mic people do

    listen a lot more than, when Randy Orton was a rookie way back in 2002 I

    remember seeing and hearing his boring promo's talking about that Randy

    News Network segment when Orton was sidelined with his shoulder injury.

    Nobody cared to hear and listen to those boring vignettes. What got Orton

    over was being part of an elite, dominant stable in the WWE which at that

    time was EVOLUTION. The S.H.I.E.L.D. is the most dominant stable in all

    of professional wrestling today. In the future I'm sure that Dean Ambrose is

    going to be a future World Heavyweight Champion in the WWE.

    BQ:) I don't like Bully Ray they had the TNA Impact Wrestling Lock Down's

    2013 pay per view event near my area and when Bully Ray defeated Jeff for

    the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and revealed himself to be Ace's

    of Eight leader the fans in the audience were disgusted and they threw a lot

    of garbage into the ring, it was a huge mess, after the show, yeah to answer

    yes he is a good heel. Good enough to where wrestling fans don't like him.

  • 8 years ago

    True, but I think all three Shield members have a bright future.

    Dean Ambrose Is very talented. He's like a modern day Jake Roberts.

    He talks his Gimmick and he Wrestles his Gimmick.

    He's a creepy, maniacal heel that the WWE hasn't had In a long time.

    Seth Rollins like Ambrose has mastered his craft on the Indies.

    He's a bumping machine and his mic work has really Improved.

    He'll be a fine main heel for Smackdown down the line.

    Of course Roman Reigns Is a modern Wild Samoan and has a great look.

    He can work really well and Is just nuts. BELEIVE IN THE SHIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So I see a great future In all of them.

    BQ. Yep a great heel and he's In the best condition of his career.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Yes Ambrose will because he is great in the ring and on the mic. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns will have good carees too.

    BQ-I think CM Punk is the best heel with Bully Ray a close second.

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  • 7 years ago

    I think Ambrose will be the next best heel of the WWE because I don't see him nor do I want him to be a face. The guy has great talent both in the ring and on the mic. Ambrose can very well be one of the greatest heels.

  • 8 years ago

    He is a GREAT wrestler and great on the mic, but to say face of the company? I dont know really, indie people like daniel bryand and CM punk had great careers but i feel like they still don't get treated right.. Hopefully WWE sees the pontetial in Dean and use him right. In Sheilds Promos Dean always steals the show with how hes talks. He can be the face of the company if only WWE is smart enough to let him.

    BQ: Hes a great heel. Absolutely hateful, i loved it when he called Hogans daughter a clueless *****. No offense to Brooke, but i always wanted Ray to turn heel earlier, i thought it was very strange how Ray was like this hero getting married with the icons "princess". IDK the fans really hate punk. Especially a few years back. Punk using paul like that i felt was a Need. Him dying was tragic and unfair, but it was a opportunity to use it in WWE and make Punk even more evil. I don't think Punk even needs that hes hateful without it. I feel like TNAs crowd is more different than WWE. You cant really compare, thats my opinion.

  • Ted Dibiase. Kenny Dykstra. John Morrison. Drew McIntyre.

    All of those guys were getting the EXACT same type of hype and pomp that Dean Ambrose is receiving right now. And just like Ambrose, none of them earned it. It's far too soon to tell with Ambrose, but with all of those other guys, they all started off hot, gained a lot of attention and talk, then failed to evolve or change their characters or actions at all and eventually crapped out. With John Morrison you could very well argue that it was a little out of his control and that he got screwed over badly by WWE management, but with the others the point stands.

    Ambrose has done a good job since synching up with The Shield. A very good job. He, and the group at large, is entertaining. Like The Dragon said, he's good at his gimmick. So far, the WWE has booked him and The Shield as a whole very well, and guys like Sheamus, Orton, Cena, The Rock, Big Show and CM Punk have done an excellent job of continually putting The Shield over and making the audience take them seriously.

    However, it's important to remember that things are still in a relatively early stage. The landscape of WWE history is littered with forgotten stables who stormed onto the scene promising "change" and "a revolution", only to burn out and inevitably fade away. The only one we really, truly remember is the nWo. The Shield has been good, yes, but saying that Dean Ambrose is destined to become the next John Cena or that he's better than CM Punk just isn't accurate or fair. There's been very little to suggest that he has that level of top-end potential so far.

    He has a decorated indy background, yes. But saying that he's the best talker in the WWE with Punk? Come on now. Cena, Punk, Triple H, Chris Jericho and The Rock are all vastly superior to him. Like The Dragon said, he's reciting pre-written promos. Yes, he's good at them, very good, but he's not Triple H on the mic. I would put Ambrose, when you consider the scope of their unique gimmicks, at the same level as Wade Barrett, The Big Show and Mark Henry, and a little behind Sheamus and The Miz. He works well within his gimmick, but he's shown no real range beyond that, as the elite talkers have. I'm not saying he doesn't have that ability, or that he can't get to that level, but without that dimension, to say that he's "the best talker in the WWE", is, frankly, a little absurd. Barrett, Henry and Big Show are good within in their range, but not outstanding beyond it. I haven't seen anything to differentiate Ambrose from that classification. The Miz and Sheamus have both proven conclusively that they have great ranges on the mic. Not as strong as Cena or Punk, but very good.

    BQ: I don't watch TNA, so my opinion isn't going to be very informed. However, I have heard good things about him. I disagree with the view that Punk can't draw heat though. The facts just don't support that assessment. PPV buys rose steadily, to their highest levels since early 2007, under his title reign. That's just a fact (I'd be happy to provide the sources. Feel free to ask). He got big pops and both Cena and The Rock benefited hugely from working programs with him. He was a great champion.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    True. If they use him right a few years down the road once The Shield has disbanded, Ambrose has the potential to go down as the best heel in pro wrestling history. He's that good.

  • John R
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No way. If you saw him in the street, would anybody ever consider that they walked past someone who is actually the face of the WWE? The guy looks worser than Punk in terms of the Vince look that Cena and Ryback has.

    If anybody, Rollins is the next huge star. The guy sold every move and was literally flying in his recent match. Ambrose will became a huge star, but not the face of the company.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Ambrose might be a big star. Who knows? As far as Cena being part time, "very soon"...where are you getting that idea? He's still in peak shape and he hasn't slowed down at all. If by "very soon" you mean, 5-10 years...then sure. Cena's on his way out the door lol.

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