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JMU, VCU, or GMU for nursing?

How good are the traditional BSN programs at JMU, VCU and GMU? Which one is the best?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Best thing to do is to contact each school and ask about their NCLEX pass rate and their dropout rate.

    The NCLEX pass rate is the most common indicator of the quality of the education, but this number can be padded by schools pressuring poor performing students to drop out of the program before the NCLEX.

    Once you pass the NCLEX and get your license, the school you went to becomes far less important unless you happen to interview with an alum who gives preference to other alums.

  • 4 years ago

    i'm at present at VCU for pre-nursing. yet save in ideas that is somewhat demanding to get into. in ordinary words 14% of the human beings who word get in. I had a three.6 GPA and became rejected. maximum persons prevalent have a three.8 and ridiculous quantities of community provider and volunteering. in case you imagine you'll get into the VCU application, then flow there through the undeniable fact that is #a million interior the state. ODU has a terrible nursing application. GMU has an spectacular one too! third interior the state, appropriate in the back of UVA as #2 and VCU as #a million. Theirs is way a lot a lot less complicated to get into. maximum those who're prevalent have a three.2 GPA. JMU has an o.k. nursing application. i imagine that is #9 interior the state. not tremendous, yet its passable. quite that is more effective problematical to get into than Masons… P.S. understand that VCU is a three 3 hundred and sixty 5 days nursing application at the same time as each and every of the others are 2. so that you word your 1st semester of freshman 3 hundred and sixty 5 days, while with the different faculties you dont word until eventually sophomore 3 hundred and sixty 5 days. which means your first semester grades at VCU may must be amazingg!!

  • bibler
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Jmu Nursing

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