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Lv 7
Andy asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 8 years ago

Did anyone else read this sad story? This is a perfect example of why some idiots shouldn't be allowed to own guns. Who in their right mind would buy a gun for a five year old. As if that's not bad enough they leave it out so he can play with it! Then they claim..,. we didn't know it was loaded. Now this poor little boy has to grow up knowing his little sister got killed because he had idiot parents. It's so sad it's enough to make you want to cry.


Nonsense i'm not trolling. I'm very pro gun. But owning guns comes with a responsibility. They aren't toys and anyone that lets them be treated that way is an idiot.

And the first poster is right.This has nothing to do with hunting. But neither does half the other crap that gets posted on here.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This has to do with hunting how?...... Whats the question?....

  • 8 years ago

    I hadn't heard that until now, however I will say that I received my first rifle when I was four. I was only allowed to shoot it with my dad or grandpa present, and it stayed in the safe the rest of the time. However my dad always left his pistol on his night stand when he was home, but I knew that if I ever touched it without his or my grandpa's permission that I wouldn't be able to sit down for a month because as soon as I started to be able to sit down I'd get my tail beat again.

    It's all about safety and education. Obviously these parents were idiots and shouldn't have reproduced in the first place.

  • 8 years ago

    Saw the article earlier, yes pretty sad.

    “It’s a Crickett,” Cumberland County Coroner Gary White told the paper. “It’s a little rifle for a kid.”

    Sure it's a rifle for a child, but it is NOT a toy to be played with.

    “The little boy’s used to shooting the little gun,” White said.

    Good, but in a supervised capacity, and again, it is NOT A TOY TO BE PLAYED WITH.

    The shooting occurred while the boy was playing with the rifle, police said. It was “just one of those crazy accidents,” White told the Herald-Leader.

    Sorry Mr Coroner (Mr White), it was not an accident, it was lazy and careless parenting that caused the death of the little girl. I guess they know to keep the gun locked up now. Sad that they had to learn this way, that gun+bullets are not toys to be left laying around to be played with by 5 year olds.

  • 8 years ago

    did i hear about it? no, first i've heard of it

    is it sad? yes

    who's fault is it? the parents

    is it the guns fault? NO

    Let me start off by saying, it was around this age i first started to use a 22lr, it was a Remington model 33 to be exact. was i allowed to play with it? NO. he taught me how to aim with it, and how to work the bolt. Did i shoot it at empty cans and paper targets? of course. did i touch it after wards? no

    He never kept ANY of his weapons locked up, i just knew never to go near them

    why? this reason of shooting someone, plus reason i may damage it (dry firing a rim fire is dangerous)

    you quote "who in their right mind would buy a gun for a five year old"

    answer~ many, including my dad. i shot my first shotgun when i was 10, killed my first squirrel when i was 8, killed my first deer when i was 13

    how many accidents have i had? ZERO

    how many people have i killed? ZERO

    I was raised right by a trusting and instructing fathers who had served in Vietnam with the Air Cav, so i was raised right

    This person's parents went to far.

    I'm not sure if you are just trying to troll here with the quote i mention aboved that you asked, or if you are serious

    Either way, i'll leave it alone and say this: blame the parents, not the gun


    excuse me, i didn't see your edited additional details and i retract my statement about you trolling, i apologize, it's just many anti-gun people bring stories like these into this section to start trouble. again, i apologize.

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  • 8 years ago

    The problem is parents who leave kids at that age alone with ANYTHING dangerous. Children have started cars and drove over a brother or sister. Kids have given a brother or sister toxic things to drink like weed killer, bleach etc. Kids have stabbed a sibling in the eye with a pencil. You can’t outlaw every single dangerous thing that can harm or kill kids. You can’t outlaw stupid parents. But the Lib mentality is it’s the gun to blame, the sharp pencil to blame etc. No it’s the frackin parents fault for not keeping dangerous things out of children's reach. If you don’t want your kid taking off in your car then don’t leave the keys to it laying there for them. And you never ever leave such young kids alone! Yet in every city and town I have been to I have seen toddlers wondering around on the street with no parent or adult around at all. Fact is there are millions of people who are not responsible enough to care for a child. That lady in that tragic news story is one of them.

  • 8 years ago

    This is what happens when you treat guns like toys.

    Give it to a five year old? Jesus, how damn dumb are people? And just leave it in the corner of the living room or something?

    I only owned a couple of guns while my kids grew up, I took the kids out shooting a few times when they were 14 or so. Told them not to ever touch them unless I was home or I would beat their ***, they hardly looked at them unless we went shooting.

  • 8 years ago

    Yeah i read it. We do not know the whole story yet. We might never know the true story of what happened! How do you charge a 5 year old with at the least, negligent homicide? That might not even be the case! I just wish it had never happened!

  • 8 years ago

    ya i read it and i commented on the comments and basicly said the same very pro gun btw.... a loaded gun out in the open was just plain stupidty on the parents part

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, and the statement that he was "PLAYING" with it , and "They DIDN'T know it was loaded" says it all.

    The PARENTS failed to teach him gun safety, AND that a gun is NOT a "toy" to be played with.

  • 8 years ago

    God we need a plague, there are to many stupid people.

  • 8 years ago

    Very pathetic one , first its totally rubbish to give rifle as a gift to a kid . that person probably wont have any sense at all . second parents of the victim should take full responsible for this act since they failed to look after it . if anyone has to be punished for this then i say his parents indeed .. .

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