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Wind203 asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 8 years ago

Why do some people become students of philosophy?

Do certain life circumstances lead one to become a philosopher?

Does it have to do with understanding some basic truth about life?

What makes some question life so deeply?

Where did your philosophical journey start?

Thank you.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Because all people may not have uniform choice.

    2. No. It is only as per their sweet-will. There was no compulsion or force to take philosophy.

    3. Yes.

    4. Inner spiritual burning urge.

    5. Jullunder, Punjab, India.

    Source(s): own
  • 8 years ago

    As many philosophers dictated, a philosophers life is the freest life. In today academic, it also whole true. A philosophy professor, once tenured, is the most free human being (as free as it can get). They work for 20 hour per week on what they love (they pick their topic of teaching and philosophers tend to love discussing about what they teach). They get financial security (not making more than they need relieve them from a lot of stress and luxurious hobby that strip you from the freedom of philosophy). To get pay to think about what we love is the ultimate goal of freedom. Student learn philosophy become that the best job in the universe.

  • AM
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    There are a few reasons.

    1) They took some philosophy courses and really liked them and did well, so they decided to make philosophy their major. (This is why I took philosophy).

    2) They were interested in philosophy to begin with. These students usually were interested in continental philosophy (especially Nietzsche) and are disappointed to find they have to study analytic philosophy, which is quite a bit different.

    3) They want to get into law school. Students who do their degree in philosophy tend to score very highly on the LSAT. ( )

    4) Some other reason not listed above.

  • 8 years ago

    Philosophy is the ultimate knowledge of life and universe. Every soul by its nature is having an inborn quest and undergoes the cycle of repeated births and deaths to gain the ultimate knowledge.

    Those who are in the advanced stage of evolution are naturally inclined towards philosophy right from their childhood and pose questions on life, universe, God and salvation.

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  • 8 years ago

    There's a wide range of reasons why someone might be interested in different philosophies. It could be anything from working in liking to think.

  • 8 years ago

    Who Needs Philosophy? Only 8 percent of students now major in the humanities

    Our interests and behavioral dispositions are as unique as our fingerprints.

    Even within a family, one’s way of being happy may not be the same with another. One, for example, may find that he is happier when he is in a contemplative mood and his twin brother, steeped in group laughter and fun, may find solitary disposition rather boring.

    We notice that the differences grow bigger when one has to deal with people from other cultures.

    Humans are free to do what they want, without this freedom there could be no morality. In such a case, no basis for what could be deemed as good or bad behavior in the eyes of a God because without freewill we would just be pre-programmed unable to change or alter what has already been laid out in front of us. There are only two things certain in each one of our lives, we live, and then we die, everything in between is up to the individual.

    Hard determinism only clouds the mind if we are enslaved to thinking we are free, then those who believe that they have no control over life are going through life making decisions based on what they perceive as pre-determined. To say we have a path set for us is to make us no more than a robot, and because robots cannot discuss topics intelligently and cannot act intelligently in situations proves that theory wrong.

    We all have identity each human individual is unique even twins are different. Our minds are just as unique as our fingerprints

    Every child is born with a unique set of personality traits. Ask any

    woman who has given birth to two or more children and she will attest to

    the fact that while still in the womb her children showed marked

    differences in their behavior.

    We are all individualistic, meaning that we are all different in thinking.

    Our minds are as different as our finger prints -

    no two are identical. Palmistry also says the same

    thing. Every human is unique. Not only do our

    organs differ, but our personalities differ. Each

    human develops different goals, and has special

    traits or feelings which differ in a million

    different ways from others.

    Significant differences exist between the male and female brains. Although what follows has been meticulously gathered from the research and writings of leading scientists and psychologists, it is by no means a hard and fast rule or description of every man and every woman. Every person is different and unique.

    That every person is unique and has an intrinsic worth.

    Only a small percentage of people have a bent of mind towards philosophy.

    Source(s): I went through mid-life crisis at the age of 40. I was a staunch research engineer till that time. I have seen spiritual visions during the crisis. I started reading about philosophy after that experience. The general expression is "Life does not begin until 40." LIFE BEGINS AT 40 -- "Middle age marks the start of a welcome new stage of life. Maturity is the best time of life. Generally attributed to American writer W. B. Pitkin (1878-1953). History knows that major inventions or innovations in science were made by people after the age of 24, and major achievement in philosophy, history or literature after the age of 40.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Some people are inescapably drawn to ask questions about the questions they just asked themselves. If I had to guess I'd go with they're born philosophers, biologically geared to do our heavy lifting in that field.

  • Moon
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    just a choice for the source of a livelihood like others choose agriculture, construction, arts, etc., as their profession.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    they have nothing better to do, aren't smart enough to do a scientific degree or maths.... aren't creative enough to do art... and don't fancy business studies.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    cuz they are bored with their lives. and not good at math.

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