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Anyone ever gets to a point where they're tired of life due to frustrations stress & life itself?

How does a person combat it?

27 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This usually happens when a person allows him-/herself to become a willing participant in the endless game of "Social Conformity for 500".

    No, I don't mean you should go around shooting people, or acting like a lawless anarchist in order to lead a more agreeable and 'meaningful' life.

    What I mean is: If all you do is attempt to conform to/meet other people's expectations, lifestyles, and social rules, then chances are you would NEVER satisfactorily measure up and/or fit in --- at least not without feeling completely OVERRUN, like you do now.

    Stop wearing your inside out, and losing yourself, and your shot at life, in other people's reality. ... Have the courage to create your own loving dimension, while exploring the wondrous corridors of the Universe --- a place where you feel the happiest and can live in harmony with others (the world), too.

    Here's hoping you allow yourself to take more delight in your life; there is MUCH to enjoy and explore, if you know where to look.


  • 8 years ago

    If we could only stop competing. Life does not have to be full of stress and frustration, we made it up. We willingly go along with this imaginative requirement of all those things we should do and should have, we let our selves be brainwashed by hundreds of commercials every day, that compels us to buy more and feel this deficiency that we cant really place. We totally forgot that nature has its own set of rules, it draws us to balance and anything opposing it will turn out as bad. That balance is about co-operation and sharing, rather than competition and exploitation, so we are very much in opposition at this time.

    The good news is that there is much we can do and the awareness can be achieved, as long as we remember that we are together on this ship with a hole in it!

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, I imagine there are people who get to a point where they're tired of life due to frustrations and stress. The way I see it is the best way a person can combat that is to not get to that point. IMO, the main reason for this is time management. If a person is getting to that point it's probably because they either have too much time on their hands or not enough. Either way it's something one must fix for themselves by looking inward at their own life and adjust accordingly.

  • 8 years ago

    Sure one faces obstacles,pressure,misunderstandings,manipulations and all sorts of despair, now and then, a few times a year,etc but that does not mean one must throw up the towel and give up.

    It is wise to step back, consider taking up a hobby or activity that will help you recharge yourself with new ideas, energy and directions. The world cannot be that bad, day after day for years. Just hold on, buy some lotteries for the next few months, do some travelling and find new opportunities. Who knows you get a huge windfall next week, and your whole life drastically changes! So also consider develop new habits that are positsive, take up yoga, visual painting, pottery, archery, swimming, singing,etc -- the world is your oyster, and learning and having fun is limitless. Change your sleeping and waking up routine for a start-- rest 8-10hrs if you had been doin only 6hrs and less(statistics show people in this category had bad health,heart attacks,etc) and wake up earlier.

    Blessings and may your perceptions, routine and happiness change for ever! :-))

    Source(s): Was there.
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Well, what if I told you how to fix your problem, would you fix it? Sorry, but the answer is NO you would not fix your problem. The reason I say this is, people have already told you how to fix your problem, but your not listening to them, or something is holding you back. Unfortunately it has to run it's course. But, I will give you more info here; your thinking must change, and that is #1 hardest thing to do in This World"!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think we all get to a point of frustration. Deep down inside we know that life truly is worth living. If we do not that could be dangerous and we could lose sight of the Almighty God and His purpose for mankind.

    We have had much stress now for over a year. I am so trying to let it go but every time I think it is getting better, it becomes worse, well in some ways. I have to keep praying and enduring...this I know. Also, no matter how ugly others act, I need to know the right way to act! Not always easy, but since when is standing up for Good, easy?

    Serving Jehovah with Christ is not always easy. The apostle Paul made this plain when he urged fellow Christians: “You have need of endurance, in order that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise.” (Hebrews 10:36) Endurance is needed because serving God can be challenging.

    “Let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out.”—GALATIANS 6:9.

    I see that I need more study too. That always helps. Have a great day Scooter. ~Zebra~

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Ask lestermount

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes loads of times and even yesterday too! I had a cry and I was so stressed out too! :(

    Last year I wanted to die but late last year something made me want to live and not die! Now I don't want to die and I'm thankful that I'm alive! :D

    I honestly wonder where I got my strength from throughout my life as at such a young age I've gone through alot! But I'm still here trying to find more strength to get through more hard times in life!

    Never give up when life gets hard and talk to someone about how your feeling!

  • 8 years ago

    Yes I have been there many times...

    Take a few steps back slow yourself down. Tackle one thing at a time.

    I always find getting out among Nature like walking about a lake or River. Taking up a new hobby or starting a class. Something new and exciting.

    This is when you need your Family and Friends.

  • 8 years ago

    That is when it is time to go to bed and get some sleep.

    Really that is all there is to it. I have found this to be true. Well, rest and knowing that things will eventually get better. They do. Life is a roller coaster ride. It is going to have its ups and downs. Currently there are many in Oklahoma that are going to buckle down and ride out the disaster of a hurricane and lost loved ones. I'm sure they are tired and beaten but won't give up.

  • Julia
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    yes, all the time... often feel like sobbing and having a toddler tantrum due to how "unfair" and crap life feels much of the time... CBT helps.... you can't always change circumstances, but you can change the way you view things and how you look at life. Learn from "failures" and frustration. Think about why things haven't gone well, look at the obstacles and things holding you back.

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