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Lv 6
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 8 years ago

How many children do you want and why?

Please answer the why part. I've looked at other questions on here but usually the why isn't answered and if it is it isn't thought out.

Also if you want 8 but only plan on having 3 then please explain why your choosing the 3...

My husband and I have discussed it and we are between 1-3 so I was just thinking about it. I'm a planner and I'd really like other peoples opinions. I have never been around a family with just 2 so I guess I have no experience with that.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Zero. We're childfree, my fiance and I.

    My reasons for not having kids are many, but the most important (and simplest) is disinterest. There are two other reasons that are essentially what any other reason I have relates to: (1) practicality & lifestyle and (2) I wouldn't be a good parent.

    With lifestyle, I think people automatically assume I'm a workoholic... which, I guess, I am. But it's more... when I get home from work or school, I want that to be that. I want to do what I want on my off time. Enjoy hobbits, have a lot of sex, pursue higher education, and, less ambitiously, just have time to relax in front of the TV. And kids don't permit that. I also want to focus on the relationship with my fiance more, and we'd like to retire early. My fiance is more apathetic about this when we discuss it, especially in the beginning. I don't understand how he can be so relaxed about it, but over time he's grown to oppose the idea, especially when early retirement and financial stability are discussed.

    With not being a good parent... well. I have a horrible relationship with both of my parents. I have a few personal issues, too, that have gotten better with time. But I have no idea how those issues would psychological affect a child. I also have unrealistic standards of what parenting should be. Morally, I think choosing to bring an entire person involves responsibilities that are not practiced or even practical. It would be setting myself up for failure, because my expectations are higher than what I know I can achieve, or even than what's possible.

  • 8 years ago

    Before I started having kids, I wanted 5. My husband wanted 1 or maybe 2.

    We have 3 kids, and after my last was born, I got my tubes tied. We decided we wanted at least a boy and a girl. Our first was a boy, and if our second had been a girl, we probably would have stopped, but I don't think we'd have taken a permanent approach. When we got pregnant with our third, something about it just felt whole. Like our family was complete. We decided whether or not the baby was a girl, we were done having kids.

    *Just as a side note: My daughter has some health issues that are caused by my husband and I being carriers for a disease she has. If the disease had appeared in my first child, I don't think I would have had any more children.

  • 8 years ago

    The more the merrier lol, If you can support 8 go for 8, if you are happy with 3 go for 3. Children are the absolute best, they love you like nobody else, and they will stick with you through thick and thin. Not to mention babies are the greatest (if you can get around stinky diapers). As long as you raise your children right, they will help you out once you and your husband became elderly and will become the best things that ever happened in your lives... I wish you the best...

    (p.s) I personally want 3, 2 boys and a girl, but if i am financially stable, i'd love to have more.

  • Gary
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I'm in a family of 3 plus parents and when I'm old enough I want a family of 2 plus parents. I feel like it's a good balance of preventing sibling loneliness without being too big to handle. And I know from experience that in bigger families, one member always becomes a scapegoat for the other members and honestly, I don't think I'd have the patience to deal with all that bickering.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I am an only child and see other families with 2-5 kids and how happy they are. I have not seen any family other then my mom in 12 years and hate it. When i grow up I want to surround myself with family. I would love to have 3-5 kids because I love kids and my house is also a daycare. I think I might only have 1-2 though because i have bad ovaries which really sucks because I really want kids. Curse my pcos! :(

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I always wanted 2-3, and presently have 2 and feel "complete." I never wanted just one child- no offense, but I've always seen only children as spoiled, and probably living boring/lonely lives. But, I don't want a million kids. I don't have the patience and financially that would be stressful. 2 is comfortable.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I want two boys and I have two boys the older one I want to look out for the younger one


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