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What crosses your Mind when you hear someone speak of "the right religion"?

The "right religion" or....a "real ______________(insert label here)?

17 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I find it humorous that there are people who feel their religion is the only proper religion or that theirs is the only one that is correct.

    People believe so strongly that religions are the answer to life and the universe, when in reality, religion is used as a tool to control, socialize, feel secure, and help people when they feel upset and empty or to give them an easy answer when something very bad or something very good happens.

    I'm not saying religion is wrong. I feel it is a good thing when used in moderation and kept to yourself. I just think that people need to realize religion doesn't provide answers and is not better than any other religion, it simply provides security and peace of mind.

    Assuming that your religion is superior to someone else's is the equivalent to saying that your exercise routine is better than another person's diet and healthy eating habits. If it works for you, use it. If you don't agree with it or if it doesn't work for you, find another religion.

  • 8 years ago

    A dream they pursuit. The really overwhelming power escaping mind understanding (even perfectly trained human mind). Serious mistake and whirl of spreading confusion. All religions are "right" in certain narrow meaning and all religions are wrong in more or less faulty shape. The religion is a shape (shadow) compared to truth and reality. Religion can truly live only the life of a path. Religion can not be a God. It can be a god... but a faulty god. Too much certainty allows acceptance of lies. Studding God and His creation demands all virtues the human can gather... and control over all own inseparable weakness (like limits). It also demands respect to such dimensions like time. Early years of religion can be pure in its raw direction to God, but also too simple to answer all questions. All that happens forth is quite comparable to life of a human. Its either stagnation, wandering into wrong path or getting closer to goal. The competitors shouldn't name themselves a winner before they reach the finish line. Its false start. The winner doesn't name himself, but deserves the title without any ones doubt. Some things belong from the start only to God Himself. Be humble and try to grow in glory. Don't ever burst your energy for empty pride. Regroup and don't give up. Religion is a tool. God must be its living heart.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think I am in the presence of someone who thinks nothing of insulting the beauty and mystery of this universe by attributing some bullshit book the same author as they have the whole of reality.

    If there is a god and an afterlife, I think they may be in for at least a "how could you?"

  • 8 years ago

    I don't think there is any religion that is all good or all bad. For a Christian however, the belief in Christ is key. It is what we believe. God will be the judge eventually.

    When someone speaks of being a "real" Christian, I tend to think they are referring to someone who actually lives the life, not just talks the talk.

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  • 8 years ago

    If it's someone trying to convert me I try to think of a way to explain that I think the "right religion" is the one that makes a person the happiest and fulfills their spiritual needs.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I start phasing them out and instead focus my thoughts on creating new icecream flavors that would taste really weird.

    Like maple syrup and bacon ice cream, or turkey icecream with cranberry bits.

  • 8 years ago

    Ignorant Christians like myself

    Source(s): Disciple of christ
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The Black Arts

  • Sam
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Since all religions are false I know that person is just deluded.

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