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Cameron says he will stop Islamic hate preachers and those involved in radicalisation of young Muslims?

so why has Anjem Choudary never been arrested for his odious outpourings.He now has said publicly that Michael Adebolajo is a "nice man" and Lee Rigsby will go to hell for killing woman and children in Afghanistan,he added Adeboljo is an Islamic hero for his part in the murder and a role model for all Muslims,this is yet another vile outburst for this hateful bigot so why is he free on the streets when an 85 year old woman was arrested and taken away in handcuffs for telling Muslims to go home as she was very angry after the soldiers cowardly murder.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    And pigs might fly! I would believe him if he did do something constructive for once against the enemy within.

    Personally I think the government is waiting for Joe Public to kick off before they decide to do something radical. That way they cannot be accused of being racist by deporting en masse these people who worship islam.

  • 8 years ago

    Cameron continues to disappoint.

    His lack of action compares unfavourably with his pushing through the gay marriage bill, making his core conservative supporters wonder what on earth his priorities are ?

    He's done nothing about resolving crooks in Parliament accepting bribes - nothing about Constituency boundaries - nothing as yet about renegotiating Treaty changes with Europe - whilst allowing has Clegg and LebDims too much leeway and Choudary to continue open preaching of jihad to fellow muslim boneheads,

    Many of us 'swivel-eyed loonies' are fed up to the back teeth with hearing what he's 'going to do'. He claimed no legal measures were necessary to stop Press abuses because existing laws more or less covered the situation and just needed firmer application. The same must apply to Choudary's utterances - or is Cameron too timid to have this scumbag arrested ?

    Perhaps he's waiting for the EDL or BNP to kick off ? If so - will Choudary get police protection and carriy on regardless ? Asserting the killers of Lee Rigby are heroes/role models is SURELY a hate crime, inciting further similar incidents and cannot be tolerated.

  • Billy
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    What a nice "man" this choudary is !! A perfect role model for any would be terrorist parasite. I cant really give an answer that wouldn't be reported as offensive. Lets just say I agree entirely with your sentiments as always, It's a pity there weren't more like minded people in this country .

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I trust Michele S. This Freedom of Speech element is a double-edged sword in my view. effective, if someones have been given something interesting and clever to assert - yet hate? Racism? As for David Cameron, nicely, what am i able to assert, it type of feels slightly obvious to me and that i assumed there have been already regulations masking the preachers of hate subject.

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  • 8 years ago

    Can't be done he would have to tear down all the mosques and other meeting places to stop them from congregating put wire taps on suspected meetings held in houses and monitor muslim schools cannot see him doing that as usual he is all wind and piss.

  • On the surface it looks like Cameron and the globalists are politically correct cowards however I think the problem is different than that. The Babylonians aren't really after the Islamic hate preachers. They are just using them. They are after the only group that is going to refuse world government and the mark of the beast. They are after true Christians. True Christians have a message of God's love for the entire world and Satan and his globalist minions hate that message above all else.


    The NWO globalists are rabid right now. It's like a huge cosmic chess game. The rabid Luciferians believe they are on the verge of toppling Christ the King. They have delusions of grandeur. They believe themselves to be gods. They are playing their "end game" full tilt with no holds barred. They are setting up total surveillance, world government, and the mark of the beast. They are already beginning to gloat about winning the "game". They are too dull to see the truth. They don't see the omnipotence of Jesus. How utterly foolish they are.

    The NWO is just a big JOKE! Satan is just a little pipsqueak fallen angel. Political correctness is stupidity on steroids. It is now radical to tell the truth. This is the end of the world as we know it.

  • 8 years ago

    I wish we could all see Choudary as what he is, a ridiculous little upstart whose outbursts provoke laughter more than agreement. I think he should be encouraged to debate in order for all, especially his misguided supporters, to see what a fool he makes of himself and his message. I'd like to see him trying to shout down George Galloway for instance.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    did he actually say 'adeboljo is an Islamic hero for his part in the murder and a role model for all Muslims' if so that's a clear incitement to violence.. 4-6 years.. thing is the unbeliever is a wily stinky thing who knows how to get to the wire of the law without crossing it..

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Camoron out Blaired Blair to get into power ,now Blair has made a massive u turn on islam lol Camoron is lost in space.

    Source(s): current events
  • 8 years ago

    Cameron would never do it as he is British and just has no courage for that.

    Western people should become more aggressive against muslims to show them and all others that this is their house but not muslims. Also they should start massive deportation to Middle East and Africa of 90% of muslims who are now in UK.

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