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pre paid credit cards are they any good?

heading off to new york and just wanted to know if you can use these cards also plan on taking cash

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you're talking about those "Credit Cards" that you load up with money so you have some sort of a card with you name on it. I've had one of those before and they're great if you don't have a bank or account or a credit card. The only catch is that you want to watch out for the fees. Try and get a card that doesn't have a high start up fee, or a load fee for when you have to put money on the card. Also, make sure there's not a high fee for any purchases you make.

    I heard that the card that Russell Simmons was offering, Rush Card, had ridiculously high rates which cancelled any possible benefits.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That is a debit card. Never heard of "prepaid credit" cards.


    Source(s): Retired Accountant.
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