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For those who say that the purpose of marriage is procreation...?

Are you against the right of infertile people to marry?

Corollary: Do you think any couples that have tried to conceive for years but have been unsuccessful due to fertility problems documented and certified by specialists should have their marriage terminated?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've seen this question asked before and they just say something about how even if they're infertile a "miracle" could happen and they could get pregnant, seemingly forgetting that a "miracle" could happen with a homosexual couple as well, I suppose.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's one of the reasons, a major reason, but it is by no means the only reason.

    Consider Abram and Sarah in the book of Genesis: they were childless right up till Abram was 100 and Sarah was 90! Yet God encouraged them to remain married and promised that they would eventually have a child of their own.

    The Trinity is the blueprint for human marriage, actually. Even when there are no children to bless the union. It's about the best way to undertake life's journey (for most people, that is.) Going it alone is never usually so good as having a partner alongside, in it for the long haul, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death parts them. God created a wife for Adam as it wasn't good for the man to be on his own. (Genesis 2:18).

    There is nothing to stop infertile people marrying, for their infertility might change to fertility later on; there is nothing to stop elderly people marrying, even though they are past the age of procreation. The Christian stance never claims that the sole purpose of marriage is procreation. It's a blessing when that happens, but being childless does not put a stop to marriage!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1) I think the purpose of marriage (historically) is not for procreation, but for successful child-rearing. (If society was just worried about procreation, then they'd've just legalized rape.)

    2) Infertile people should be allowed to marry...but they should not receive any tax breaks (In fact, tax breaks and all other incentives should be given based on producing [not adopting] children, not marital status.)

    3) Based on 2 above, there's no need to terminate the marriage.

    4) I assume this is to find some flaw in the argument for gay marriage. I'm fine with legalizing gay marriage, BUT they should face all the limitations placed on infertile couples per my Point 2. (I.e. they should get the legal rights of marriage, but not the financial incentives.)

  • 8 years ago

    Answer: Jesus did not command his followers to have children. Neither did any of Jesus’ disciples issue any such directive. Nowhere does the Bible explicitly condemn birth control.

    Married couples, therefore, are free to decide for themselves whether they will raise a family or not. They may also decide how many children they will have and when they will have them. If a husband and wife choose to use a nonabortive form of contraception to avoid pregnancy, that is their personal decision and responsibility.* No one should judge them.—Romans 14:4, 10-13.

    he first book of the Bible reveals that it was God who created humans as both “male and female.” God declared his creation to be “very good.” (Genesis 1:27, 31) Later, God inspired a Bible writer to give these instructions to husbands: “Rejoice with the wife of your youth . . . Let her breasts intoxicate you at all times.” (Proverbs 5:18, 19) Do those statements sound as if the Bible prohibits sexual pleasure?

    The facts show that in addition to making reproduction possible, God created the sexual organs in a way that allows a MARRIED couple to express their love and affection for each other in a mutually pleasurable way. Such relations can fill the physical and emotional needs of a man and woman who are in a warm and intimate relationship.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I guess they think older people past child bearing age should be banned from marrying.

    Also couples who decide to remain childless by choice.

    It is quite an illogical position to say the only reason marriage should be permitted is in the event that the couple wants or will try to have natural children.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God made woman for man ... for what purpose ?

    1- companionship

    2- to start a family ... procreate

    3- to help ea other

    ' should have their marriage terminated '

    does the bible teach this ? no

    so why are you suggesting this ?

  • 8 years ago

    This parallel is lunacy.

    1) Marriage is for a life time partnership and LOVE- and procreation is part of that union.In the event that it's medically impossible- no sin or choice is involved with that- that's out of someones control

    2) Homosexuals are making a CHOICE to marry, and not produce any offspring in the natural way God planned, and have no intent on doing so.

    It's entirely different.

    Take care.

    God said "It is no good for man to be alone..." so he created a "suitable" partner for him (female - Eve) - THEN told them to procreate. The initial reason was to combat loneliness, procreation came 2nd.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not only that, all marriages should be annulled when the woman (or one of the women, for lesbian couples) reach menopause. Same-sex couples are A-OK as long as they DOPTION though.

  • 8 years ago

    Sorry, but just because you hate science and biology doesn't change it.

    The male-female pairings in humans came about because of and for procreation.

  • Hassan
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    is breeding the only purpose of marriage????

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