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Raise my kids religious even though I'm atheist?

Ok, so first off, I haven't had any kids yet and I'm also an atheist, I just want to make sure to raise them right from the beginning and figure out how I'm going to do it before I have them. Now I think that people are either bad or good, regardless of their religious beliefs. and luckily I was born as a moral person but I don't think everybody is.

I think some people are truly immoral and always will be. The question is, what if I have an immoral kid who asks me something like why is it wrong to kill someone or something similar and I tell him because you should treat others the way you want to be treated but he just doesn't have that feeling that its wrong. Is that something that a psychologist can help with or does he need to think that someone is watching him all the time so that he doesn't do bad stuff?

What are your opinions? Are people born either moral or immoral or are morals just a product of the environment? I doubt it originated from the environment because when the first people began, they weren't raised in an environment and yet morals somehow came about.


Mercuri-yeah, I know, thats exactly what could happen and my question is how to correct that.

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Teach your kids how to think, not what to think.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm going to tell you something that is going to shock you. No one is good. There is no one that does good, not even one. It doesn't matter what they have done, or how they've lived. Everyone who has been born from the beginning, after Adam has sinned. You ask how can this be, people do good things all the time. The truth is, just because you do things doesn't mean you're a good person. We were all born with a sinful nature, a nature that gives us the want to things that are wrong. We were all born into a world that is corrupted and contaminated with sin. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done without Christ. You're children will grow and they will do things that are immoral, we all have, that just how it is for people without true hope. I know you're an atheist so I won't go on. I can't speak to someone with a closed heart I'm sorry.

  • 8 years ago

    Why are you atheistic? The answer to that questions is most often answered: "Because of the things taught by the religions."

    The religions of the world have a bad history. Also, they teach things that are not in the Bible even though they try to prove that they are.

    Go to the prisons. Ask each inmate what his religion is. Most will give you the answer: My religion is...

    Go to the military. Ask the same question to the soldiers, men willing to kill. They will give you the same answers, My religion is...

    Do you have any immoral friends? Do they, also, profess a religion?

    The Bible teaches that all the above mentioned things are wrong.

    Practicers of the true religion do not do them.

    That is because they have done as the Bible commands.

    (1 Timothy 2:3, 4) This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

    So if you want to raise a future child right, then it is your obligation to find out how by learning about the true religion.

    How to Identify the True Religion

    1. The true religion worships the only true God, Jehovah.—Deuteronomy 6:4, 5; Psalm 146:5-10; Matthew 22:37, 38.

    2. The true religion offers access to God by means of Christ Jesus.—John 17:3, 6-8; 1 Timothy 2:5, 6; 1 John 4:15.

    3. The true religion teaches and practices unselfish love.—John 13:34, 35; 1 Corinthians 13:1-8; 1 John 3:10-12.

    4. The true religion remains untainted by worldly politics and conflicts. It is neutral in time of war.—John 18:36; James 1:27.

    5. The true religion lets God be true by accepting the Bible as God’s Word.—Romans 3:3, 4; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13.

    6. The true religion does not condone war or personal violence.—Micah 4:2-4; Romans 12:17-21; Colossians 3:12-14.

    7. The true religion successfully unites people of every race, language, and tribe. It does not preach nationalism or hatred, but love.—Isaiah 2:2-4; Colossians 3:10, 11; Revelation 7:9, 10.

    8. The true religion advocates serving God, not for selfish gain or a salary, but out of love. It does not glorify men. It glorifies God.—1 Peter 5:1-4; 1 Corinthians 9:18; Matthew 23:5-12.

    9. The true religion proclaims the Kingdom of God as man’s sure hope, not some political or social philosophy.—Mark 13:10; Acts 8:12; 28:23, 30, 31.

    10. The true religion teaches the truth regarding God’s purpose for man and the earth. It does not teach the religious lies of immortal soul and eternal torment in hell. It teaches that God is love.—Judges 16:30; Isaiah 45:12, 18; Matthew 5:5; 1 John 4:7-11; Revelation 20:13, 14.

    Source(s): Bible
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    coaching a baby blatant and insulting lies as actuality, and the be attentive to a sky bully, is morally and ethically incorrect. no longer that a backward discipline like christianity would comprehend morals. Atheists have self belief babies should not be raised with the ideals of their mum and dad. babies could be recommended each attitude and be allowed to make up their very own minds. Atheists specially take situation with creationism being bought as technology decrease than a faux pretense. Creationism isn't technology. because of the fact of this ninety 9.8 p.c. of scientists settle for evolution, besides as maximum reasonable non secular human beings. Forcing a faith on a baby from start is tantamount to psychological baby abuse. Mutilating a baby's genitals to delight god is sickening. Telling a baby that a paranormal dictator in the sky is watching in any respect situations and in the event that they do no longer stick to the despicable morals in a 2000 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous e book they are going to be tortured for ever. That motives trauma and brainwashes babies. Is coaching them medical consensuses no longer better. Telling them that they are loose to have self belief those issues in the event that they like, yet giving them good judgment and reason, to have the skill to view this nonsense objectively.

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  • 8 years ago

    Some religious people believe all our morals come from religion--THEIR religion. They don't believe an atheist, or even a person of another faith, can be moral, can live a justified life. If not for their religious beliefs, they believe, people would think murder is perfectly acceptable.

    But the fact is, we all have an innate sense of right and wrong, our conscience. Even religious people filter religious morality through their consciences. Things are right because the -seem- right, and religious rules seem logical to them because they already know right from wrong. Point out to a Bible-believing fundamentalist Christian the place in Leviticus where it says disobedient children should be executed, and he'll say 'Oh that's silly. I KNOW God doesn't really want me to do that!' And right there he's showing you he puts his conscience above scripture.

    If you wanted to teach your kids about religion, that would be fine. Religion is an important part of the human experience for many people, maybe most people. But a religious person would take his kids to -his- church and tell them that this is what WE believe and what everyone ought to believe. An atheist or agnostic would you could take his kids to visit various churches (and other religious ceremonies), as observers, not participants. And you explain to them that these people believe -this-, and these other people believe -this-, and so forth. And these are all respectable beliefs. But we don't believe any of these things. And when you are older, when you've had a chance to survey all the different options, then you may choose for yourself which of these traditions you'd like to believe, or none of them, if that's your choice.

    I was raised that way, sort of. My parents were Jewish, but I grew up in a Christian country, so I became almost more familiar with Christian traditions than Jewish ones. All my friends invited me to come to church with them, and I was encouraged by both my parents and my spiritual leaders, to go and to see what it was all about. As I grew up I got more and more interested in religions in general, the differences between them and also the similarities. I came to realize that there is not one true religion, there is wisdom in all of them but they all look at the same truths (mostly) but from a different angle.

    As far as the golden rule, the wrongness of stealing or killing or lying, those things are self-evident. We don't do them because they're -wrong-, not because God told us not to do them. If God hadn't told us that, we'd still know they're wrong.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you're not grounded in a particular faith, how would you even begin trying to raise a child in that faith?

    Most people would hope their children make a similar choice to their own, but presumably coming to that choice by their own rational conclusions rather than having it drummed into them. So wouldn't you prefer your children to share your atheist worldview?

    I think if you judge your child to be immoral (by whatever criteria you use to define the word), don't you have to look at how you raised that child? People aren't born with a moral code, it's something they absorb as they grow by observing those around them. In the early years, that would be you.

    Ultimately, you're getting into far deeper waters than you need to with this.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Let me ask you?'s Do you want the best things for your children? (young soul's) Do you care what happens to them, in their lives? Do you wish for them to be healthy, protected, prosperity, happy people, successful in love, marriage, Grandchildren, careers, live long lives? If yes to any ?'S then put your personal beliefs aside for a minute, and don't deny them the best things life has to offer. YES: Some people believe there is a God & they say "He's Great! Yes, there is a Heaven, Yes God loves you, but God needs You, to Love Him back! Read children's Bible stories to them, God needs you to feed them, spiritual milk. The younger they are, the newer born their spirits are easy to connect to the Spirit, that sent them here. We kindof believe taught at early age and introduced naturally, this stays with the child their whole lives. Are you sure Dad, you don't believe in love?

    Source(s): Opinion
  • YY4Me
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You asked: "... does he need to think that someone is watching him all the time so that he doesn't do bad stuff?"

    How has that worked out for theists? Are there no theists in prison? Do theists never lie, cheat, steal, etc.?

    I've never seen any evidence that belief in a god makes humans more moral. If anything, it often allows them to justify bad behavior because they believe their god will forgive them if they ask it to.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There is no one answer to that question.

    Some people will also challenge the belief and try to provoke the god they have heard of.

    It is a big mess. Atheism is a bit better.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Do not raise your children underneath a religion. Find God and raise them Christian, who have a relationship with the Only One who could love them fully and truly. If you really want to show your children love, teach them the way of God, and learn what love is yourself. :) You cannot even imagine the plans God has for you, but you need to come to Him so He can both save and show you. <3

  • 8 years ago

    If you tell them anything at all about atheism. If you do then you will be brain washing them! That is what brain dead atheist accuse us Christan's of doing when we raise our children in our beliefs.

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