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  • Distance problem?! Math help!?

    Logan is training to run a long distance race. During one of her 1 hour long training sessions, she jogged 4.5 mph for the first part of her run then increased her speed to 5 mph for the second part. If Logan jogged for a total of 4.9 miles, how long did she jog at the faster pace? Hint: D=RT

    Please show work. I don't want just the answers. I want to know HOW to both solve and set up this equation. Thank you SO much!


    3 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Okay so a question about players?!?

    I met a player and began changing for him. He seemed to dig me until I started trying to please him, which I wanted to do because I admired him. I guess he isn't a "player" but a flirt. He is up front about what he wants, and that's attractive to me. I am over him now, because he got a girlfriend, but I am stunted on something.

    He seemed to have a "bad boy" mentality, and I wanted him to like me, so I started becoming interested in the things he liked; musically, social activities, dress etc. He was cool with me until I started giving him attention. He said I was a cool girl and very pretty, then stopped talking to me, so what happened? I know I changed who I was to get with him, which was wrong, and now he has a normal and worthy girlfriend, but how? He acted like such an asshole, so I acted to compliment him (except a female version). He was a complete ***, but he now has a great (quality, heart-changing, wifey material girlfriend! How did this happen? Was he pretending to be a jerk? Has this ever happened to anyone else?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Christians, why do we do this?

    Like why do aspiring pastors and worship leaders choose not to pursue their calls, and walk away and never speak with God again? This is full-on rejection and I can't understand it. My once God-crazy friend is now a drug addict who sleeps with tons of girls. He knows he uses drugs to fill a void, but why did he want the void in the first place? Just temptation? It seems deeper to me. I mean he has a wonderful family who cherish him for all he's worth. I just don't understand how he could get so messed up. He was once a wonderful, intelligent kid. Now he's just a crappy person.

    Any testimonies are welcome. Please pray for him. His name is Evan. He hasn't been with God now for three years and it's very sad. He is running and ruining his life.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How to stop being a lust object for men?

    I always get hurt because I will fall for a guy, but he sees me for my body only. Before you say I fall for the wrong people, it's true. But I am having to watch a player (whom I liked a lot, but wouldn't fall for me) fall for the girl of his dreams. It's painful to say the least. I don't dress like a slut and I flirt minimally. I treat others with kindness and respect, and all I get are the guys who want sex. Please, guys, tell me what would make you be serious about a woman and not just lust after her, but respect her?

    I am sick of being broken.

    Also, is this video true for you?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What does it mean to be 'wifey material?'?

    I don't understand when guys use this term because they will date a bunch of hoes, but expect to marry a confident and respectable dream woman? Explain please.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys, what do YOU find most and least attractive in a woman?

    Some say insecurity, others say too much confidence. So which is it? I know everyone is different, but I would love to hear what you have to say.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Okay guys what happened here?

    I met a guy two months ago who told me he "didn't do relationships". But he started to change his mind, I believe. Out of nowhere, he began telling my good friend all about how cool he thought I was. And how excited he was to hang out with me again... I found this odd, but I went along with it.

    See, he showed me a lot about himself and his life, and I gained interest. I thought he was cool and wanted him to like me, so I began to adopt his habits and like the things he liked. But something happened. As soon as I began flirting back with him and expressing my new love for the things he loved, he became distant. We went from texting multiple times a week to nothing at all. I got worried a few nights ago, got a friend to speak to him for me, and found out that he got a new girlfriend the very next day.

    He was apparently speaking with her when we first met, but wanted to "keep his options open" so he wasn't dating her officially. I thought he really liked me. He said I was beautiful and fun and he loved chilling with me! Do you think I chased him away when I started to get into the same things he was? When I started to reciprocate the feelings back? What did I do wrong? Did he probably love her all along and I was just a fun thing?

    I didn't cause any drama or hurt, so I don't know what the problem is. I am over him, but for closure, I want to know what you think about all of this.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Okay why would you do this? Guys only please.?

    Guys only please. Why would you buy a girl alcohol and weed and ask her to come over. You have already told her sex isn't what you want from her, yet you're trying to get her screwed up.

    Secondly, could someone who's high off of mary j remember the conversations they had whilst being high? Thanks

  • What does it mean to "go hard?" And do guys...?

    Do guys like that in a woman?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys, what is your definition of a bad bit**?

    Is is a bad thing? Is it a good thing? Is a "bad bit** someone you would want to marry or no?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What do these signs mean? Is it obvious?

    I met a guy last month. The first night he met me he said he wasn't looking for anyone to date, when I asked. This confuses me though because only one month before he told my best friend he was looking for a wife. He is 23, so it makes sense. However, is it possible he has changed his mind and might actually want something with me now? Now that he has gotten to know me?

    Here are some of the things he has done:

    1. Told my best friend (a girl) he thinks I am very pretty

    2. Told her I am a cool girl he has fun with

    3. He wants me to visit him and hangout with him again (not alone)

    4. He Skyped me twice in two days

    5. He texted me a funny picture (not sexting)

    6. He makes comments on the guys in my life, and says they should "f" off.

    7. His best friend calls me "Evan's girl"-- Evan is his name :)

    8. He heard that I was visiting again and he told my best friend he 'couldn't wait to hang with me again!'

    Is he looking for sex or what? More? Is it possible that after he met me and got to know me a little better, he is interested in a relationship? Is it not worth it to give him the time of day? I have never had a bf before so I don't know these things.

    Thanks everyone.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys only please! Guys, is this true? How do I tell what he wants?

    I have heard that when a guy wants a long- term commitment or relationship with you (and therefore actually loves you), he will wait for sex. He will not want to rush into things and ruin them. Or is this wrong? Do you guys, when you have found someone very special (and could see yourself with them in the future), think of sex as the last on your mind?

    What are some things that will be obvious that he will show to let me know he actually cares for me and wants something real?


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is he using me? Or might he actually like me?

    So this guy has been talking to my friend for months (they are just friends). When he first met me (like the first night) he made it clear he didn't want a relationship with anyone. That was awhile ago.

    About a month ago (some time after we met) he started texting my friend telling her how pretty and cool he thought I was. He said he hoped I would hang out with him again, and he didn't even expect sex. He said no sex because he knew it would hurt me and I wouldn't enjoy him asking. This shows me he probably cares.

    1. He told her I'm beautiful

    2. He told her he wants to hang with me because I'm cool

    3. He asks her to decode things I text him for him :)

    4. He talks about he next time I visit...

    5. He said he is wicked excited to spend time with me and the crew again

    Okay, does it seem like this guy likes me? Is it possible he could have changed his mind about not wanting a girlfriend before, and has now met and likes me, and might want something now after all? Or is this not possible? Thanks.

    We are never alone. :P

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is this possible? Or no? Any personal experiences?

    Is it impossible to make a player fall for you?!

    I met a guy a month ago. We have been talking ever since. We live fourteen hours away from each other, but he is close with my best friend (not that close, but they hang). Anyways, he has been with about twelve women. He declared to everyone he was looking for a wife, that he was done with the numerous girls. I met him, and we hung out for two days (all together). I told him that I knew about his game years before, and I am not interested. I said I want something real and that's why I would keep talking to him. He apologized for not being what I thought he was.

    Then a couple weeks later he contacted me and asked me to Skype him. We have been talking since, and my friend who knows him, thinks he might actually like me. He talks about the future. He is in navy, and he talks about how he wishes I could go to the school near where he will be working for the next two years. I am going to move there, hopefully. I love the campus and everything...

    Do you think he is playing me just like those other girls? I mean he asks about me and not about my body or anything sexual. He did say I was cute, but I told him first. He has been using Skype with me more often than he normally does. All he wants is to talk with me, never asking for anything in return. He just likes me I guess.

    I like him, I think. Please help me. If you think he's a player, please give me your advice.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • So I met this cool guy...?

    So I met this cool guy (four years older than me). I am 19. I really like him. I met him about three weeks ago and we've been talking back and forth (sort of a lot). He is in the Navy and is being deployed to another country for one year. I am going to miss him! I am afraid that he'll forget about me when he goes. Hopefully not. He has been skyping me and have good times. He texts and talks to my friends about me too. :)

    Does anyone feel my pain? Did you ever like someone (like militia) whom you met only months before they had to leave for a long trip? What did you do? Was it worth it to date before they left, or did you (should I) wait until they came back?

    I really like him and I get the feeling that he also likes me. I could be wrong, but he texts me a lot and wants me to hang out. We live 14 hours away from each other, so I can only hang once every couple of months. What should I do? Keep letting him pursue me if I know nothing can happen for at least a year? Maybe I'm thinking into it too much. Help me please!

    Any stories are welcome. :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How often to Skype my crush?

    This guy (my friend) I met a few weeks ago has been using Skype to talk to me two days in a row. I want to Skype him next, but I'm not sure how often I should do it. Should I just wait for him? He said he thinks I'm cute and cool. He texts me too. Help! He lives so far away and I want this to work, should it keep happening! :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I need a song (preferably rock) that barely anyone has heard before!?

    I have been given a challenge to find a song that he has never heard of before! Help me!

    13 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Why did you walk away from God?

    Christians who have walked away from the church. Tell me why. I am not here to be anyone's judge, I want to hear your story.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians please help! I have a friend...?

    I have a friend whom I just met recently who needs a lot of help. He is involved with drugs, alcohol, multiple relationships with women among other things. I love him. I care about him deeply and wish to see him rise again. He used to know Christ, and he grew up in a beautiful godly family who love him very, very much!

    I know there isn't a whole lot I can do, as I am only an acquaintance and live fourteen hours from him. I am going to see him in January! I cannot wait. Please pray for him. I can't think of anything I would want more. He is hurt and in need of Jesus' touch. I want to be the touch he receives, but I know it will only come from God. For God to help me be Christ to him, is my prayer.

    Thank you. If you have any ideas on how I can help him, they are greatly welcomed. :)

    God bless you all.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Rock music? Who? Artists?

    I just don't know what it is. I would call soft rock maybe Daughtry and Lifehouse? I just don't know the sub-genres or artists of rock music and I want to. Thanks.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago