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Why is Keith Vas and other bigoted idiots have no problem with radical bigoted Imams entering the U.K But?

oppose Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer entering because they speak the truth about Islam,the Imam,another barking mad idiot called Mohamed is the type of creep who condones beating women,this is the type of head banger I do not want in any western country,it is time we realised the menace and threat Islam means to the western civilised countries.


Hal,Vas is one with the problems with free speech as he is badgering Theresa May to ban them,these are two respected American intellectuals and not extremists and for the record what race is Islam,non,so you have got the wrong idea about my question,it is to do with freedom of speech and I am not the mental non word Islamophobic.

As for the "madder than lemmings"what ever that is supposed to mean,I am the one concerned about the threat to democracy and our liberties,doh.

Update 2:

Jeffs Dad,Gent et al,good to see some people are not burying their heads in the ground and afraid to admit to the madness of mass immigration.

Update 3:

Hal,Pamela Geller is a woman and Robert Spencer is a man plus he is an expert on the Koran and Muslim ideology.

Update 4:

Very interesting details Dorothy,Vas is indeed a hypocritical toad and no mistake,I wonder why this idiot has been tolerated for so long,like the Curry Princess,they both have a very crooked agenda.

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Vaz has no problem with radicals or crooks.

    He was very anti Rushdie though.....

    Oh and he hates any one who speaks uncomfortable truths about Islam they are white.....a double crime eh?

    He is an odious man pushing his Islamic agenda through labour's ridiculous policies....

    And of course he is friends and an advocate for many a corrupt ethnic......

    Very low friends who lie about qualifications but as they are brown and rich they are fine with him....

    Source(s): To the apologists and Muslims anyone who is not pro Islam is a radical extremist.....and few ( if any) recognise extremist Muslims.....scratch the surface exactly how do moderates (lol) and radicals differ ?
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You've left yourself wide open here with this one.

    Who are these other bigoted idiots, BNP, EDL, WI, members is it NASA are they of Alien origen, from another world, who are they I must know.

    Anyway we'll talk about that later.

    Keith Vas, well he's a, well, he's just an MP that's all, nobody listens to him or them if they did they wouldn't be allowing these manics into the country now would they, he's probably just as plssed off as you and me are, but that's besides the point, like I said before nobody listens, nobody bothered..

    Now back to the good stuff, who are these other bigoted idiots, I must know, tell me tell me tell me.

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    As Hal has already said, various radical Imams are already banned from entering the UK. Geller and Spencer are swivel-eyed loons, calling them respected American intellectuals is laughably misguided.

    Could you please name a radical Imam whose entry to the UK Keith Vaz has supported, with a link to evidence of this?

  • 8 years ago

    They do have a problem with radical bigoted Imams entering the UK.

    So actually what you are proposing is freedom of speech for those you agree with but banning anyone who you disagree with - personally I don't want racial hatred being spouted in the UK by either white right wing nutjobs anymore than I want it form Islamic nutters.

    EDIT - They are not intellectuals indeed in the one book that I read by Geller he proposed that Islam is evil basing his theory on the actions of what happened in the crusades rather than today, he provided little evidence of his theories just hearsay and quotes taken out of context.

    He conveniently forgets that during the crusades Christians were not only fighting and killing Muslims, but also pagans so called heretic's and people who had been excommunicated from the catholic church and the religion practiced today has little in common with then.

    It is quite easy to provide quotes taken out of context, or verses out of any holy book to 'prove' a religion is evil.

    The book was complete and utter nonsense and I haven't bothered reading any of his others as I suspect it would be more of the same.

    But your question was why are these people banned and radical muslims not banned - well as the link of people banned from entering the UK demonstrates, they are banned. And quite rightly so - we have enough nutters on both sides spouting rubbish designed to incite hatred without importing more in.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why is this muslim del boy even in parliament.He has a list of misdemeanours that would finish off any white MP.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Vas is a leader of " islam is special " in Britain.


    That rule ?

    Muslims are the only people in Britain,who may,with impunity,flout any and all Laws,customs,and decent behaviour ,they wish,at any time.

    Supported by PC Fascism,liberal apologists,and jihad enablers,who's to argue ?

    Arguing against islam is illegal here.

    Source(s): Backlash will come.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Can't argue with you on that one, but you see as long as they have Coronation Street, benefit money, and a blowout at weekends nobody gives a toss.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You appear to have some spectacular double standards about what "bigoted" and "extremist" mean,

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