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Atheists have no morals?

Ok I'm an atheist and I keep getting all this "how can you be moral without god" **** from religious people so I though I'd like to clarify it for all you religious people out there so you don't go and make an idiot out of yourself in front of atheists.

This is the typical argument I get: " Since you don't believe in god why is killing wrong or something like that and even if you do moral things its only to make yourself feel good"

My answer is if you really need a book to tell you not to kill someone then you're already a psycho and thats actually very revealing of you and of course we do moral things because it makes us feel good and you do the same. You obey your religious rules so you can go to heaven which is supposed to be a place of happiness but if god said that if you obey him you will go to hell you wouldn't so don't say you do it because god says so, you do it because you want to go to heaven. So next time you try and pull that bullshit on an atheist, think to yourself "Would an idiot say that" and the answer is yes so don't say it.

22 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Morals have evolved, it used to be acceptable to stone a girl to death because she was raped, but didn't scream out loud enough.

    I got thumbs down for quoting the bible?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Stephen - I just wish the atheists would get off this forum and find something productive to do with their time and also wish that so-called Christian stop bating them incorrectly.

    According to me, our Father made each and every one of us equally in His sight and equipped us with good morals and the like. The only difference between an atheist and a Christian is that we should have experience of the spirit world (although you wouldn't think so, looking at some replies) whereas you do not/will not acknowledge the spirit world. Thus any debate on whether a vehicle makes superior soup to a moon rock is about the equivalent of arguing the spirit world with an atheist and many Christians too.

    Remember there are many closet satanists posing as atheists on this forum who stir things up with their hatred of anything that can be sanctified by our heaven Father. You can tell by their responses and avatars - often they hide their questions.

    Some people farm on this forum - almost like closet Christians. There are many factors fueling this BS.

    From our side, Satan constantly places a spiritual veil over the eyes of people so they cannot perceive the spirit world. Once he has deceived you he can deceive you into other things as well and, as we all know, and witness, satanism kills. Every month, in every city, town and village around the world there is human sacrifice - maybe you didn't know that?

    So it has nothing to do with morals, it has to do with susceptibility to being deceived and that's what, in their clumsy way, many Christians put on atheists. In spiritual matters, they should actually ignore you or discard your sterile input because the spirit world is very real - subject to a whole discussion and the comments of atheists are really just noise - as bad as accusing you of not having morals.

    So the next time a 'Christian' asks you how can you be moral without God', tell them that their God made you perfectly as well!

    How you manage spiritual deception is something that will take you down a road less traveled.

  • 8 years ago

    Traditional Christianity asserts that both theist and atheist alike are intuitively drawn to do good and avoid evil (Natural Law; Aquinas) It's "the law written in their hearts" (Jer 31-33)

    When an theist hears a drowning man cry for help, he doesn't first consider the eternal ramifications for his soul if he fails to act, neither does an atheist consider some evolved social contract... both are instinctively drawn to act without a second thought.

  • Those dumbas$ fundies probably need a book to tell them that they need to tie their shoe laces. The fact that they will trip over them isn't obvious to them.They are too dense to figure things out on their own. There are obvious ramifications to how we treat other humans which affect the quality of our own lives. They deny that we evolved as social animals, therefore can't grasp the fact how important it is to not kill off your own tribe, which you so desperately need to survive. All of our "real" morals (not the crazy ones in the fairy tale books) are innate in our DNA and we wouldn't be here without them. Neither would wolves, dolphins or any other pack animals that need the pack to survive. Fundies will never get this concept because they deny the fact that we evolved.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Totally false. Morality is an innate entity we are all born with for we all learn wrong from right. When a little child picks a cherry over a jalapena pepper to eat he shows that he knows wrong from right.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Of course not, don't be silly.

    It takes about ten seconds of rational thought to figure out why being "good" in a society of humans is a smart thing to do, as it helps you succeed in a society of humans.

    The only people who need imaginary "gods" to "command" them to be "good" are those too lazy to spend a few seconds thinking, or those incapable of doing so.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Funny how believing people say that if you don't have a book to tell you not to do something, than you can do it. But they forget that we have laws. That is a book too. And let's not forget that you will feel bad if you do bad and hurt others. But if you don't feel bad, than even if you believe in god, you will do bad.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Personally I think that good atheists have far higher morals, and are much more conscientious, as we do what is right simply because we want to, and not out of fear of the wrath of god, pain of hell etc.

  • 8 years ago

    Is this statement true or not: Everything you do is a combination of purely material chemical and electric impulses in the brain responding to outside stimuli.

    There is no spirit or soul. True or false?

  • 8 years ago

    If someone is only doing what's right in order to get a reward later, that's not moral. They're only doing it to make themselves feel good later.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You've answered your own question. Mankind had morals long before they created gods and religions.

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