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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why did the US join the war against Germany in WW1?

I was told that there was a Jewish conspiracy against Germany, which gave rise to anti-antisemitism, but I don't know how true this is. I normally brush off these sort of theories, but my understanding is that the Nazis did, indeed, blame the Jews for Germany's defeat, and the reason may well lie in some sort of Jewish conspiracy with Britain on the promise of returning to their "Holly Land".

Can somebody explain to me why the US joined with Britain against Germany?

16 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Germans were bombing civilian ships as part of their naval blockade of Britain, and when they bombed the passenger ship the Lusitania it upset a lot of Americans.

    Also, the Germans were plotting with the Mexicans to persuade the Mexicans to attack the USA so we'd be distracted and have less troops to fight in Europe. We intercepted this plot with the "Zimmerman telegram."

    Also, the Germans were not a democracy, while Britain was, so America sided with Britain.

    The Jews were not involved with the war's outbreak. The war started over a very complicated set of political and military alliances in Europe. Many German Jews fought for Germany and Austria when the war broke out. Many of those same Jews were deported and killed when the Nazis took over, and they were shocked at the betrayal.

    The Nazis blamed the Jews for Germany's loss in WW1, and Germany said they were winning the war but that a Jewish conspiracy caused them to sign a peace treaty before they were beaten. This is false, the truth is that they really were about to get crushed by the allies.

  • Talyn
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Germany was bombing the crap out of any and all naval ships, whether they be civilian vessels or war ships. When they sank the Lusitania, an American ship, Wilson said "You stop this bullshit RIGHT. Now." Germany was all "Fine -__- (grumble grumble)" and they stopped, but only for a little while. I believe they resumed because America was technically "neutral", but that didn't mean that they couldn't sell arms and supplies abroad. Since Germany was more inland than Great Britain, the latter could "intercept" and gobble up all the supplies they wanted which made Germany frustrated and accusatory of the so-called "neutral" Americans.

    Germany tried to bribe Mexico into fighting alongside them with the promise of if they did, then Germany would help them take back their former territories that were by then the Southwest United States. This little back-door dealing was intercepted and was dubbed the "Zimmerman Telegram". After a few more submarine bombings on American vessels, Woodrow Wilson was like "The gloves come off! We're going to war!!"

  • 8 years ago

    Torgo is correct, except the part about the Jews.

    First the sinking of the passenger liner Lusitania with many Americans aboard by a German U-Boat, then later, the infamous "Zimmerman Telegram" which was a coded communication between Germany and it's embassy in Mexico. It informed the Germany ambassador to urge Mexico to attack the USA, and promised to help them reacquire California and Texas.

    The telegram was intercepted, decoded and then presented to President Wilson by the British Government. That was the last straw and persuaded Wilson to seek war.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    We really had no business in that war it was really just the Berlin Conference gone bad that is were the brits and euros all met in Berlin to decide who would rape, pillage and enslave what part of Africa but the Brits wanted more then ''from South Africa to Cairo''

    But the Brits told us they ''intercepted'' a telegram from Germany to Mexico telling them to invaded America and Germany would help them Don't believe that telegram was from Germany also interesting Japan attacked America in WW 2 and guess who was an ally in the Pacific in WW1 and guess who aided Japan in their war with Russia refusing to allow Russian ship to pass thru the Suez Canal ..the British

    You up there the Lusitania was a british ship ads were taken out by the Germans waring Americans the ship was also carrying war supplies for the brits and would be attacked there were less then 200 Americans of the ship the British encouraged Americans to get on that ship

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  • Ranger
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    US companies were making a fortune selling war materials to the Allies fighting Germany.

    The Germans wanted to cut off the supply of materials to the Allies so the German Submarines began unrestricted warfare and sank American Ships which were legally and officially neutral. Germany also was urging Mexico to declare war on the USA so the USA would use for defense the materials it was selling the Allies.

    Based on those two acts of aggression against the USA, the USA entered the war on the side of the Allies.

    Source(s): rc
  • Char
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The US joined later after they realised that Germany was also a threat to their people. It is thought that the sinking if the Lusitania, a ship that had many American civilians on board, was the turning point for this.

    Whether the US were looking for a legal way to join the war as they had other motives is also a possibility, as they may have used the Lusitania as an excuse.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The war was nearly over once the US joined but of course it was crucial. The bombing of a US citizens based submarine which enraged America's. the treaty of Versailles was appointed afterwards to contain Germany for about 20 years or so then you know what came after Hitler. He blamed the Jews for the loss and what he's country endured during their punishment.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    German Submarines sunk a passenger boat (the Lusitana) full of American citizens which outraged America. We joined the Britain because they were against Germany. Nazisism had nothing to do with it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Ww1 Conspiracy Theories

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Since you mentioned Nazis and Jews, I'm assuming that you meant WWII, not WWI.

    The US declared war on Japan after they attacked Pearl Harbor, and that resulted in Hitler declaring war on the US.

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