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? asked in Science & MathematicsGeography · 8 years ago

Why are the cities with the most crime densely populated with negroids?

Here are the 15 most dangerous cities (with populations over 200,000):

Rank City, . . . . . . . .Percentage Black

313 Dayton, OH . . . . . .43.9%

314 Richmond, VA . . . . .58.0%

315 Kansas City, MO . .. 32.0%

316 Washington, DC . . . .61.5%

317 New Orleans, LA . . . 68.1%

318 Memphis, TN . . . . . 62.1%

319 Compton, CA . . . . . 41.8%

320 West Palm Beach, FL .33.3%

321 Tampa, FL . . . . . . 26.9%

322 Camden, NJ . . . . . .55.5%

323 Gary, IN .. . . . . . 85.5%

324 Baltimore, MD . . . . 65.3%

325 St. Louis, MO . . . . 52.2%

326 Atlanta, GA . . . . . 62.2%

327 Detroit, MI . . . . . 83.5%


Percentage below poverty:

Dayton, OH . . . . . .23.0%

Richmond, VA . . . . .21.4%

Kansas City, MO . .. 20.4%

Washington, DC . . . .21.6%

New Orleans, LA . . . 31.5%

Memphis, TN . . . . . 33.3%

Compton, CA . . . . . 31.8%

West Palm Beach, FL . 24.1%

Tampa, FL . . . . . . 24.8%

Camden, NJ . . . . . .45.0%

Gary, IN .. . . . . . 40.0%

Baltimore, MD . . . . 27.1%

St. Louis, MO . . . . 32.4%

Atlanta, GA . . . . . 27.7%

Detroit, MI . . . . . 44.0%

Update 2:

"police are instructed to catch people below the poverty line" - This could be a reason.

Update 3:

Negroes and Negroids is basically their race. So I called them Negroids.. I'd rather not call them black people or Negroes.

Update 4:

And they're not all from Africa.

Update 5:

Consider: Do non-whites in America lack family funds and benefits passed down from previous generations? Only 60 years ago, thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of towns were "sundown" towns. Non-whites that were not out of town by sundown were killed or imprisoned; death was the usual punishment. I live in a town that was once the capital of my state, and was a sundown town 60 years ago.

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look at these pathetic fools trying to justify it.

    They are in poverty because they lack the ability to maintain First World level infrastructure.

    They would not even have electricity, or even paved roads, if not for the Peace Corps, the Red Cross, UNICEF, the Army Corps of Engineers, the United Way, and various charity organizations.

    You people who believe in diversity believe in a lie.

    Have you ever noticed that it's the same thing ALL OVER EARTH?


    South Africa





    Even in other white countries that try to make diversity work:







    Some people will be Stone Age without being artificially held up.

  • 8 years ago

    You have, in part, answered your own question. That people in desperate situations , fo example poverty, are more like ly to commit crimes.

    Now tell me why you use the word *******? That other 'n' word is no longer acceptable, but my experience is that blacks have no problem with being referred to as such, if you must discriminate, and of course for the purpose of this question you have to. If I refer to someone to a 3rd party I normally mention his country of origin and let the person I'm talking to figure the skin colour out for himself.

    If you are right that police are instructed to catch people below the poverty line, then in the unlikely event of my ever visiting the USA again, I have made a mental note that I should wear designer clothes at all times.

  • 8 years ago

    1: ur information is skewed by using only cities with a population of 200,000 or more

    2: because police target blacks. its a fact. not a stance or opinion, a set in stone fact. even black cops target black people because they believe they are more likely to be breaking the law.

    3: the cities with the highest crime rates are also most densely populated with americans, are they not? if u can use skewed info, u cant disallow me to use real information.

    also, like wizard of id said, check the poverty levels. police are instructed to catch people below the poverty line as the do not have the cash to fight much in court and are then forced to pay the fines and plead guilty. most likely the schools in those areas are also overcrowded

  • 8 years ago

    Crime is not a racial thing, it's an economic thing. What is the percentage of people living below the poverty line in those cities?

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bypass manhattan!!!!!! (i stay there :) ) interior the very initiating it replaced into b/c it replaced into via the sea, so commerce between England replaced into undemanding. It replaced into additionally between the unique colonies, all of those colonies are massive cities (Boston, Philadelphia etc.) simply by fact it had a bigger inhabitants, extra human beings strikes there b/c it replaced into already colonized. simply by fact it replaced into close to to the sea a great sort of immigrants went by there (Ellis Island), and stayed. and because there have been lots of people there, there have been factories in desire of human hard work so as that they got here to manhattan to seek for those ppls. It purely sorta grew and grew cuz there have been purely lots of ppls. thats purely how incredible nyc is.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Gary, INDIANA

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Don't think too hard...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago


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