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What do you do when the love of your life is not right for you?

My husband and I have been married almost 5 years.

He is the love of my life.

Unfortunately, I am not the love of HIS life.

He was married to his ex-wife, the mother of his children, for nearly 20 years.

SHE is the love of his life.

She divorced him for money - she married him for status (he was a lawyer), and divorced him when he was making a considerable amount of money (she wanted to move across the country and he didn't).

Long story short, he married me for convenience : to help pay bills (since he has a large amount of child support to pay), free sex, and companionship (at HIS convenience). He puts me last, always.

I love this man more than life, but I am sick and tired of living my life being treated like second best.

He claims to love me, and he has been a very good friend to me when I needed him, but he has failed to honor our marriage and respect me as his wife.

I can't deal with this anymore.

When I try to talk to him about it, he gets angry and changes the subject. Then he goes to his parents house to stay for a few days. His parents, still have pictures of the two of them all over their house, including their wedding picture. We've been married almost 5 years, and it's like I don't even exist.

He knows how upset this makes me, but doesn't seem to care. I realize it's their house, but they know how upset this makes me and how disrespectful it is to me, but no one really cares how I feel.

He is a really good person, don't get me wrong. Any time I have needed him, he's been there for me.

I'm at my wits end.

Should I divorce him, or just settle for being disrespected and dishonored by my own husband for the rest of my life?

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I got so upset reading this story as I've been in such a similar situation. Fortunately, I realised 3 weeks before the Wedding just what was what and ended things and the 'live of my life' and I are still good friends 12 years later.

    In my opinion you should leave him. You have put your life, heart and soul into this man, this marriage and this love and have received little more than a best friend in return. Whilst that is nothing to be sniffed at, it isn't anywhere near what you deserve or what you want or promised to one another in your vows.

    There is no reason why love has to turn to hate when you divorce, it simply evolves into something different. You could, if you could handle it, and if you want it, maintain a friendship with this man but move on with your love life to either single life or someone who will love you as you should be loved - wholeheartedly.

    I don't see why you should have to accept second best status to a harsh and unfeeling first Wife who was inferior to you anyway, why should you compete with the ghost of a woman who treated him badly and be haunted by photographs everywhere? It IS disrespectful of his family, I agree. If your Husband had any backbone whatsoever, he would disallow this and defend you.

    As for a Victorian marriage, c'mon now. Time, has moved on, thankfully. You will be dead for a very long time Love, you need to enjoy what time you are alive properly, not living some half life, competing against inferior ex Wives who aren't half the Woman you are....

    Get out and get what you so richly deserve, some real fun, to be loved until you burn, a family that embraces you, to laugh every day and to be someone's everything rather than a mere convenience and consolation prize. I think you sound like an absolute Sweetheart. I wish you all the best, good luck, good health, wealth, wisdom, happiness and most of all - true love, it's about time. XxX

    Source(s): Experience.
  • 8 years ago

    This has been going on for 5 years, do you want to be in this same situation in 10, 15 or even 25 or thirty years from now? Do what you can to save your marriage but if he wont talk honestly with you I don't believe it will work. As a last resort try a separation if he doesn't try and win you back you'll know it's over. Good luck. Do not settle.

  • 8 years ago

    If he is the love of your life , which I really dont understand, then you should stay with him for the rest of your life. once you realize that it will be easier for you and easier than trying to change him. Then you can be rather Victorian about it, and have a boyfriend on the side.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    My dear friend, if you want to maintain self respect and dignity as woman, yes you can divorce him. If you want to ruin your life forever you carry on with your unhappy marriage. He will not forget his ex till he dies.

    Source(s): I am a counsellor.
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