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Where is Obama??????

Does anyone know why he isnt coming out & saying anything on the zimmerman verdict & what all its causing? Lives are at stake here! Their making it a race thing when its not! Plus george is mexican! What about all the black on white crimes? Why arent white people coming together & making a big deal everytime something like this happens to them?

7 Answers

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Vacation? I don't know.

    He did however make a comment and implored people to "be calm". Yeah, after he injected himself into the case when it first happened, he has learned now that he has to keep his mouth shut and if any charges are now brought, it will be him and the DOJ doing it (so...Barry and Eric)

  • 8 years ago

    Obama is keeping his mouth shut because he knows that if he says anything, it will be a lose-lose situation for him. If he supports the Blacks and their demonstrations, he'll get the Whites mad at him. And if he say that the jury has spoken, and there's nothing more that can be legally done about it, he'll have the Blacks turning against him. So, the smart thing for him to do is to keep his mouth SHUT.

    As far as the White folks are concerned, they really couldn't care less what the Blacks do. If they want to riot and destroy the personal property of others, let them. Just so long as the personal property being destroyed belongs to other Black people. The second the Blacks start destroying the personal property of White folks, the police will begin shooting the Black rioters dead and arresting those who aren't shot. Let the Blacks destroy their own communities. Who cares! But once they begin to cross over and start destroying White communities, all hell will break out. That's the way it's always been, and it's not about to change now.

  • 8 years ago

    I understand where you are coming from. There is so much hatred and issues being made. There is no unity evident. While rioting can be controlled can it really be stopped? Also, can any human government really bring an end even to racism (among any racial group in all countries)? I highly doubt it. However, I was so happy to learn that these things will stop and I'd like to share it with you. I learned what the Bible really teaches. In Jeremiah 10:23 it shows that 'it does not belong to man to direct his step', so if we were not meant to direct ourselves without the guidance of our Creator, God, then wouldn't it make sense that we cannot successfully solve the issues that's so common today? The Bible also highlights that God's kingdom will solve all of the problems in society On a global scale. Psalm 37:9-11 shows that God will rid the earth of all wickedness (which includes hatred). The earth will be filled with meek ones who serve him and there will be an abundance of peace. Isaiah 2:4 shows that people will learn war no more and they will beat all weapons into useful tools, such as for farming. There will even be an end to the daily war among individuals and groups. Micah 4:4 says that 'there will be no one making us tremble'. This means there will be no one causing us to be afraid. Imagine leaving your home alone at night just for a stroll without the threat of being attacked. Wouldn't that be something? Revelation 21;4 shows that there will be no more mourning, outcry, tears, pain or even death in the very near future! This is something that God promises and even goes further to say that what he says is "faithful and true" (Revelation 21:5). Just as you have a strong desire for someone to step in and stop what is going on today, God feels similarly, but more strongly about it (Isaiah 55:9). He cares for us and he can and will step in and bring us relief and real solutions to our problems. If you would like to learn more(at no cost) about what God will do for us by means of his kingdom and why he hasn't taken these actions yet feel free to write to Jehovah’s Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights BROOKLYN NY 11201-2483 UNITED STATES. +1 718-560-5000

    Source(s): w07 12/1 pp. 4-7 People Worldwide Are Being United—How? w07 5/15 pp. 21-25 Why All Suffering Is Soon to End g03 7/8 pp. 5-9 Why So Many Violent Crimes Now? g03 7/8 pp. 10-11 A Realistic Solution—Is It Possible? bh chap. 8 pp. 76-85 What Is God’s Kingdom? New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
  • 8 years ago

    It is not his place to comment on the case. Separation of powers excludes a president from interfering with the courts.

    There was an open trial where everybody had their chance to testify. The verdict is final.

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  • 8 years ago

    Obama is down in FL taking golf lessons from Tiger Wood's instructor

  • 8 years ago

    Obama does not want to dirty his hands on such matters.

    Obama = Pontius Pilate = Eric Holder

  • 8 years ago

    Because all the blacks get convicted.

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