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Writers: Do you feel like your life is fulfilled?


A part of me got thinking about why I write. Albeit, I was feeling sad at the time, but is there an edge of truth to what I thought? What do you think? Here we go.

(Oh, also, don't take this personally or anything, when I was thinking this I was applying the thoughts to myself).

Writers write because they have hardly anything else in their life. Going off the stereotype that writers are introverted, is the reason why we write because society isn't what it is for "everyone else"?


- How much does your social life impact your writing?

- When you interact with people do you feel like you need to write less?

- Is there a positive reason why you write?

- Is there a writer who can be happy? I don't mean all the time because that's impossible, I just mean on average. We write about doom and gloom, if you're in the world you've created can you truly be... happy?

- Do you know any other writers? Are any of your friends writers?

Yeah, this is a negative question. I just wanted to get these thoughts that sometimes flit across my mind out. Usually I'm not this negative (I promise!)

BQ - What has been the happiest moment in your protagonist's life, whether it's mentioned in the story or not?

BQ2 - If your antagonist had the chance to ruin this moment, how would they do it? Actually, *would* they do it, and then how?

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Thoughtful question, my friend :D Hmmm...

    First off, I'd like to point out that not all writers are introverted and not all introverts are exactly shy. Introverts like thinking. They don't mind not always having others to entertain them. Introverts can entertain themselves. I think more writers are introverted rather than extroverted because introverts are more able to enjoy writing. It's a solitary process. It involves thought. Therefore, introverts think it's appealing. I think what you're saying is a tangent off the idea that writers enjoy solitary and thoughtful activities. You can start to love those kind of activities when you start to hate society XD

    How much does your social life impact your writing?

    --I don't have much of a social life. I'm still working on that. But it impacts my writing via how the characters act - through the observations I make of people.

    When you interact with people do you feel like you need to write less?

    --Actually, just the opposite. I need to re-energize and do something introverted.

    Is there a positive reason why you write?

    --I love what I create. But you want me to go deeper, don't you? ;) - Do I really just love creating or is creating just better than being extroverted/dealing with society? Well, my very first story was not just fun to write - but it was also fun to share. And while criticism is great and helpful, compliments remind me of why I started writing too. I loved reading books or watching shows and that gave me that "wow" feeling. I'd like to do that too! So, even if I am introverted, I'd still like to give others that same "wow" feeling and inspire them. In a way, that's feeding & feeding off of the positivity of society.

    However, yes, I rarely share my work anyway and I write predominantly for myself. But I also draw for myself. I watch shows for myself. Extroverts do things for themselves too.

    Is there a writer who can be happy? I don't mean all the time because that's impossible, I just mean on average. We write about doom and gloom, if you're in the world you've created can you truly be... happy?

    --I'm sure there is. Writers do write for different reasons. Also, even if you're introverted, it doesn't mean you're not happy. You're asking someone who's had a history of depression, so I don't think I can truly answer this myself XD However, when I was little, I didn't write bubbly happy stories. I wrote sad stuff then. I still managed to be a bubbly happy person.

    Do you know any other writers? Are any of your friends writers?

    --In real, life - I know a few here and there. Because I am introverted, I'm not that close to any of them anyway, so I can't speak about why they write. Truly write, I mean. On the outside, they're all outgoing though.

    BQ - What has been the happiest moment in your protagonist's life, whether it's mentioned in the story or not?

    --Hmm, probably when he's been under the influence of a magic element, but that was not "real" happiness XD My MC is generally mellow guy. His "real" happy moments have to do with how the people he's closest to are doing.

    BQ2 - If your antagonist had the chance to ruin this moment, how would they do it? Actually, *would* they do it, and then how?

    --Not intentionally. He doesn't have anything to do with the MC's happiness, as far as he's concerned. Either way, he has impacted the MC's happiness by taking advantage of the people he's closest to.

  • 8 years ago

    lol, strangely enough, before even reading your details, I was going to answer your posted question "Do you feel like your life is fulfilled?" with, No, that's why I write :) So yes, I guess I write because basically I feel like a loser. I hate my job, I'm highly underpaid and can't afford to do anything fun when I'm not working and though I have a couple people I consider friends, I rarely see them and honestly I suppose I should just accept the fact that they're not the kind of friends I would like to have based on that alone. I've hit middle age and I have no significant other and no prospects on the horizon, and my one last possible saving grace, having a kid of my own is fast becoming a smoke dream both because of circumstance and physical obstacles. So I'm basically seeing a lot of the most basic dreams (let alone the bigger ones) I ever had growing up fading away unfulfilled. Sometimes I think the only reason I haven't just done away with it all is keeping my imagination and creativity going through my writing. Because there, while the characters may go through my same problems and have my feelings of insecurity and disillusionment, there is always fulfillment, be it a job or that one special friend or partner to make it all seem OK, even when it isn't necessarily. On paper, I can escape into a fancy dinner at a five star French restaurant. Or lose myself in a throng of activity in Times Square. Or feel the giddy butterflies that accompany the touch of a romantic interest. Or look into the eyes of the baby that looks like me and revel in the amazing emotions he/she inspires. On paper no one feels inadequate. No one has to wonder if anyone out there thinks they're attractive, and they say the right things without stumbling over the words. And when things are looking as bad as they could possibly be, there's always a sympathetic shoulder and/or a warm bed to forget about all that if only for a short time.

    As for your specific inquiries, I'll write even when I interact with people, because my interactions are never that significant anyway, not the way I'd like them to be. I don't have any writer friends/acquaintances. And while I may be well aware of my unfulfilled feelings, I also try to live life one day at a time and I'm always doing other (free) things, even though I'm doing them by myself. I write not just as escape, but because it can be genuinely fun. I like to create. Brainstorming is the best part of the project (which a lot of "writers" on here don't realize, lol)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm a non-fiction writer so I rely on things going on in my life for me to have something to write about. Without it, there's not a damn thing for me to say.

    - How much does your social life impact your writing?

    Big time. No social life = no writing.

    - When you interact with people do you feel like you need to write less?

    I feel like I need to write more. People and experiences ARE my stories.

    - Is there a positive reason why you write?

    Absolutely. I write because it keeps me sane and I love talking to people.

    - Is there a writer who can be happy? I don't mean all the time because that's impossible, I just mean on average. We write about doom and gloom, if you're in the world you've created can you truly be... happy?

    If you want to feed into the bullshit stereotypes that all writers are miserable, cynical creatures then no, writers are never truly happy. If you're (speaking generally, not specifically here) open-minded and have experienced life you'd realize there are plenty of writers who are genuinely happy.

    - Do you know any other writers? Are any of your friends writers?

    I know many writers and I have several friends who are also writers, some who are working professionals.

    The BQs don't apply to me since I don't write fiction.

  • Vanity
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There are all types of writers. Sports writers. Ads. Self helps. Cartoonists. Article or short story writing. Children's stories. Newspapers, novels, scripts or screenplays, and don't forget non-fiction. Some times writing isn't all there is and one can be deliriously happy.

    To get a good dramatic story or a chiller it could get dark. Stephen King says that he has to check himself sometimes because of what he writes. He says that people often think he is weird for those long hours at the desk INVENTING the unthinkable and looking somewhat "mad" himself while doing so. So that doesn't mean that your life consists of it. It only means that your imagination is out there.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    -What social life?

    -When I interact with people I feel like I need to write MORE.

    -No, I'm a ******* slave and don't enjoy it at all. Why would I write if there wasn't a positive reason to?

    -Doom and gloom? Why would I write about doom and gloom? I write about the protagonist. It's a story, not some emo poem.

    -Almost all of them write some, although I wouldn't say most are very good. No offence, friends.

  • 8 years ago

    1) Not much.

    2) Nope.

    3) It's fun sometimes.

    4) Yes, I am!

    5) Yes.

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